Aaron p

Queens University, Belfast - Leo's Material Requested

2 posts in this topic

My friend is a philosophy major in Queens University, Belfast. This year his primary modules include;

- mental states
- consciousness
- intentionality. 

He's heard me talking about Leo before and has asked he can use Leo (and his material) as philosophy material for one of his reputable sources. 

I'm trying to think which video would be the best to present to a university. Something they will take seriously and will interest them.

@Leo Gura have you, by any chance, published any books or official documents as of yet? He has asked for some hard material if possible.

Edited by Aaron p

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The things I talk about are not based on any authority other than personal contemplation and direct experience.

My work should not be cited as a source of authority because that fundamentally misunderstands the nature of this work.

The way you know if what I say is true is by discovering its truth for yourself, personally. Like doing a math proof. My personal authority is irrelevant in this work.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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