
How To Be More Enthusiastic?

8 posts in this topic


i suggest enthusiasm as a topic.

so my questions are:

what is enthusiasm?

How to find it?

How can Awareness help us to be more enthusiastic? 

when i think about it, all i see is spending hours doing something worthy, loosing my self in a task and being so damn productive !! 

thank you!

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My personality is highly focused on expressing exuberance to create joy in my life and to show joy to other people. To create exuberance, I absorbed myself in moments and environments that create exuberance like reading books from childhood, sitting in the park on a beautiful Spring or Summer day, swinging on the swing without a care in the world, being mindful of all your happy moments in life by writing them down, and to go to theater, movies, and to live jazz and to completely absorb yourself in the moment. I discover hobbies that potentially trigger passion in me! Enthusiasm can be found internally and it's an emotion that you can create. Enthusiasm is one of the greatest emotions ever and I love bursting into laughter and I don't even need pills or drugs or alcohol. 

Edited by Zane

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@Zane , thank you for your reply. what you said is so deep.

i think that i understood the message ^^ 

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i meant by deep, you can't understand those words by just reading them once.

when i ask a question in this forum i usually get wonderful responses and insights like yours.

so i read them several time, and contemplate them, so i can apply them in  my life


Edited by Mariem

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you're welcome ^^

Edited by Mariem

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I'm not trying to quote wise or successful people about enthusiasm and piggyback on their quotes. These are my own real experiences with re-discovering enthusiasm! I recommend discovering and creating enthusiasm in both small and big ways. A small way to create enthusiasm is to immerse yourself in nature and enjoy the moment. I realized that I'm at my most enthusiastic when I'm the beach feeling free. Going back to a childlike state is another way to re-discover enthusiasm like reading childhood books, listening to childhood music, and watching childhood movies. I also highly recommend exposing yourself to new adventures to create enthusiasm. Keep this in mind! When you are in an enthusiastic flow state, people will look at you funny but don't care too much what other people think. My passion has got attention from actors when i'm at the play and from storytellers and the great news is that my enthusiasm is their motivation and they love me for it. I realized that the highest and deepest level of enthusiasm is being a creative state where you are completely immersed in the process and it gives you a eudaemonic happiness. I'm re-discovering happiness and the great thing about happiness is that it's so broad  

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