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I have to sneeze when I feel love (no joke)

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This is probably the most obscure phenomena I've encountered so far on my path.

It's been a couple of months now since it started. Often, while sitting in meditation, I spontaniously start doing metta (love, gratitute, kindness meditation) and as soon as feelings of love arise, my nose starts having tingeling sensation. The more intense the feeling of gratitude, love, beauty or whatever the more instense the tingeling in my nose. Often after just a few seconds of metta I have to sneeze. Interestlingly enough it feels like I sneeze out these said feelings. They are usualy gone or way less intense after the sneeze,

I also observed this happens especialy if the positive feelings are accompanied with a touch of sadness of letting go something my ego was attached to.


Just felt like sharing this interesting/funny little aspect of my current state

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