
A mini enlightening experience

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Today i spent the whole day doing self inquiry and i tried to be conscious as much as i could, and i end up realize how I'm b just a watcher and didn't want do anything at all and was aware of how the ego mind wanted to eat, drink, work, and basically every god damn things, the whole time i was just in service of the illusionary self. How the ego-mind desinged to fool you and play so many tricks on you in your entire time of experiencing this human thing as long as you are in deep sleep. Right now that I'm posting this, i feel extremely happy and blissful, and I'm surprised and admit how indeed Self-Inquiry  is one of the most effective and powerfull spritual tool if not the best one to practice and get enlightened.

And IMO enlightenment basically is just changing and rewiring the brain in a way that those areas responsible to keep and maintain the sense of self and the fake identity, will get weaker and weaker and finally lead to complete deactivation , it's just how you practised and learned a skill in the past and you stoped practicing for a long time and so those neuron connections gets weak and so you found that you are no longer as good anymore in that skill, see? The mind really don't  give a shit about anything its just adapts itself based on the things you do, habbits you make or things you learn consciosly, so get really bad at  this  mechanically running skill you developed in your whole life and the shit will finally happen :)

Edited by m0hsen

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Now you are just making mental constructs of what you think is going on. Gz on getting to observer state though . 

You still have long way to go and you are just making mental constructs on what you think needs to be done, 

Self-Inquiry is good, but it is awareness  that got you to see. 

Edited by purerogue

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My advice would be, don’t get too attached to this state, it will go at some stage, but you will still be able to observe your states, just not with as much inner peace and equanimity. Try and observe this new observer state if possible.

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Yeah man exactly, those areas in the brain will eventually deactivate over time, once it happens there's no way to go back, 

Self-Inquiry in my experience brings continuity of awarness, and since i have developed a very calm mind in years by practicing visual art, it works amazingly effective on me. 

Edited by m0hsen

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There's not a single thought shows up for a while when i just ask myself "who or what i am" or "for whom thought arises?" I don't recall even a single thought arises, no answer just no answer which means basicly YOU ARE NOTHING

It's so powerfull really, so i continue until i reach a state of no mind (which i think I'm really close), complete disable of thought process.


ps: btw when the feeling of needing something to do or wanting something comes up,  i also ask "for whom or what this needing or wanting something arises?"

Like a feeling of wanting to drink tea comes up i ask "for whom or what this needing of drinking tea right now shows up?"

See? I make big big separtion this way between me ( the self) and the ego-mind (of course there's no duality at all, I'll experience true absolute non-duality when enlightening occurs).

Continue Putting the awerness on the Self on every moment if possible and the magic will happen.

Edited by m0hsen

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25 minutes ago, WelcometoReality said:

@m0hsen  The mind likes to make conclusions, no need to believe them. All you need to do is observe them.

There would be just one thing to believe:


Love Love Love 

Edited by m0hsen

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My voice is silence, if I become aware of anything other than what i say (nothing), in the mind, i simply ask who is witnessing?

This is something the ego-mind cannot hold on to and will eventually melt away in this pure nothingness space ❤️

Edited by m0hsen

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