
?Vivid and Lucid Dream Journal ?

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The following entries in this journal are my personal adventures in dreamland. I still operate under the paradigm that I am the dreamer, and everything within is my own creation (by law of relativity?‍♂️) I'm willing to admit that this could be wrong, so let's talk about it ? 

Please feel free to comment on this thread and share any dream reports of your own ?

@trancedreamer @SoonHei @mandyjw

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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This morning, I had the longest, most interesting lucid dreams I have ever had.  It really blew me away and what a great dream to start off my official dream journal. 

(( some listening music)) 



Last night I got lucid, and to make a long story short, after a somewhat frightening encounter with Freddy Krueger in my bed where my husband should have been,  I am dragged out of my body and into the living room, in what felt like a traction beam. This is nothing new to me and I've become quite used to the sensation...

I feel myself being carried up through the ceiling, like I sometimes do when I'm dragged out of my body and can't gain control. But I am able to break out of the traction beam and land back onto  the living room floor. One of my dogs is out there sleeping and he gets up and starts whining at me as if he can tell I'm there. I interact with him for a bit, and then decide to go outside. I back slowly  into the sliding glass doors in the rear of the house and melt my way through.

Outside, it is not really my backyard but almost like a neighborhood with apartment buildings. One of my typical dream goals when I get lucid is to try and fly up to the stars. I try to do this, but as usual cannot get up very high. I am able to reach the bottom branches of a nearby tree, but I can't seem to go any higher. I begin to notice that the stars in the sky that I am seeing, however, are in layers, and not all of them are in outer space. In fact, many of them are little twinkles within the tree branches themselves. I am able to fly up high enough through some of the branches to investigate this for myself. Eventually I start pulling myself up using the branches, and make my way into the crest of the tree.

There, I find a camera. I look around to see what it would be taking pictures of, and find that there's a window to an apartment directly behind me, with an african american couple in their kitchen being tender with each other.  I turn on the camera in attempt to look at the pictures, but they were too muddy to see. I jump out of the tree, and begin walking or flying down the path of the neighborhood which eventually morphs into a middle eastern looking corridor, like an underground bazaar. I passed by several people dressed like Aladdin before getting the idea of conversing with dream characters, or DC's. I walk up some stairs to a door, and decide that I will talk to the nearest character I see on the other side. The door opens up into a busy street, with a big red double decker bus stopping to pick up passengers. I walk up to the bus and up to a lady and her teenage daughter.

'Hi', I say. 'Is it alright if I ask you a few questions?'

'Sure', the lady responds, 'but you were already here last night and I answered all your questions'

I'm flooded with a (probably false memory) memory of being there recently, of asking this lady and her daughter questions, at this little outdoor cafe beside a large gray stone building. But I can't remember what I asked, and so I try to come up with a good question to ask her now. I look up and around at the large stone buildings around me, with intricate carvings around the edges.

'Are we in Italy?' I ask, bewitched.

I can't recall the lady's reply but I intuit that it was yes. Suddenly the dream dissolves and I find myself back in bed.



I feel the tractor beam pull me out of bed again, and once again find myself in the living room. I play with both my dogs this time and decide to go out  the front door, with the intention of talking to the first DC I find. Immediately, a somewhat attractive looking man walks into my front yard and is investigating something in my tree. 

'Hey there,' I say, after approaching. 'can I ask you a few questions?'

'No,' the man says. He turns to me and I can see that he looks like a young doc brown from back to the future, lab coat and all.  'I'm busy', he adds.

I back off, and climb onto a bus that has just stopped at the end of my driveway. I spend a few minutes conversing with some characters on the bus, but I don't remember the conversations. What I do remember is that the dream was beginning to fade and I remembered the technique of rubbing my hands together, and soon the dream snapped back to crystal clear and full color. Soon after I go towards the front of the bus and stop to talk to the driver.

'May I ask you a few questions?'

'Sure, fine... go ahead.'

 I don't remember everything I asked him, but the main existential questions I had throughout the dream where: 'what are you?' 'what am I?' 'how are you there, and how am I here? ", Etc.... At one point I landed upon another question I have been wanting to ask.

'When were you born?'

The  bus driver laughs. 'Well, I guess right after Matthew turned you down earlier. '

I intuit that Matthew was the man who turned me down at the tree, and that this bus driver was called into existence as the next experience for the dream. 

'Do you resent your existence? ' I ask, a little worried at what he might say. 

I don't recall the specific reply, but it was an agreement to the question.

' You really regret that I created you?' I ask, becoming emotional. 'I'm so sorry... It's my fault... I don't know how to stop!' 

I will say that the bus driver remained very nice and friendly to me, even after revealing this dark secret to his creator. Soon the dream became some kind of high thrills speed chase, and my husband pops in from nowhere to join. He points out that we are no longer in a bus racing through the streets, but in a boat speeding through rolling waves. Im losing lucidity, but am able to stay a bit centered as I look inquisitively at my husband. I was glad he was having fun. I begin to wonder, if on some level, if he really had joined my dream. I ask the bus driver :

'Is he really here?' 

' I dunno ', he responds, with a shrug of ignorance (or defiance, I couldn't tell). 



Soon I find myself back in bed. I get up and melt into the back sliding doors again.  This time is more like a backyard, but definitely not what mine should look like. I try to go and invade my neighbors house, but can't melt through the fence. I fly up and away, and land on a road somewhere outside of the neighborhood. 

In a shack on the side of the road I see two teenage girls, who might have been sisters, emerging from the shack. They agree to answer questions and walk me across the road to their house. We walk up to the porch and lead me to a small wooden swinging bench. 

The girls told me to sit. I sit in a well worn spot, and the girls warn me that I shouldn't sit there because that was Ollie's spot. I move over obligingly, but become a bit upset because I can't understand why some DC, who isn't even there and probably doesn't exist, is dictating where I, the God of the dream, can sit. I was imagining that this Ollie fellow was their oppressive father, who had that head of household mentality and no one can sit in his spot. 

'I don't understand why I, your creator, can't sit like a king on a throne,' I say, pouting.  'How can you really tell me where to sit?'

The girls laugh, and begin to inform me that Ollie was their dog, and that was his  usual spot, and that he had been having explosive diarrhea lately. Sure enough, the dog climbs into his spot and then proceeds to have diarrhea everywhere. The older girl takes a clump of it and starts throwing it at me, laughing playfully as if teaching me a lesson.  I manage to run away but did get a bit in my hair. 

Eww sorry to leave you on such a disgusting note, but even though the dream continued, this is about all I can recall. 

I can intuit that the rest of the dream was sweet, and relaxing. This was one of my most awesome experiences ever.  Thank you for reading!! 


Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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Lol well quite a wonky one.

Gotta love the listening music

The dreams on my end land more on the vivid end than that of lucid. Vivid is all sort of wonky n fun... But lucid is something else...

Hope i get some lucids to add here.

Love Is The Answer

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@SoonHei vivid dreams are always awesome! So now you have a place to jot them down if you feel compelled to share ???

Oh and I'm glad you like the music! I wanted to share this beautiful soundtrack and it took a while to find tracks that fit the post

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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(really needed my sleep last night, so no vivid dreams. Here's one from earlier this year :))

(some listening music:)


I stop at a Mexican restaurant. I was very excited to eat there because they experimented with dishes and flavors. I could feel the love of food there. The hostess said I can sit in the back, but then I realize I didn't have a wallet. I wait in the waiting room for some reason, with several long wooden benches.  There was a hot shirtless guy in front of me and apparently his shirt was behind me and he reached to get it. I told him it really wasn't necessary to put the shirt on and he was doing us all a favor. xD9_9

Later, I notice someone's RV is on fire, outside of the restaurant. I ask an employee and she gets the owner and he rushes out to check on the RV. We run out together, and by now they RV had morphed into a large van, but still on fire. I find out that the owner of the restaurant had been living in the van and now is crying because he will be homeless. 

Later I am leaving and following a couple guys and a girl down the road. The guys start quietly making fun of me for walking with them, so I just say I was wondering if anyone wanted a ride. The girl agrees and we head back to my car. I say something like 'later assholes' and then the whole way walking back to the car I'm worried they are coming to beat me up, and they are. One almost gets me when my alarm goes off... 

Before that dream, I ended up at a witch's castle. At the entrance, there's a large pit with spikes at the bottom which I would have to fly over to get into the main part of the castle. The witch kept throwing her dogs at me from around the corner and I was supposed to shoot some kind of energy bubble at her without hitting the dogs to get past her. I keep missing and she eventually gives up and goes away. Then I sneak in.

I end up going out the back of the castle and onto a very intricate brick patio thing and on the far left side was a long mural but not a painting, they were carvings in the side of a stone cliff. At first I thought it was telling the story of Zelda BOTW- the down fall of hyrule ending with guardians piling up, so I got out my camera because I wanted to share this online with the zelda forums. As I'm filming it, I see dopey and other dwarves and realize it's actually a carved mural of snow white. Oh well.

This is when the witch comes out to find me. She hurls fireballs at me. I try to avoid her a bit but then give in. Back inside, I am taken to a room, full of neat things to look at. All kinds of bits and baubles. I figured she couldn't have been too bad of a witch, and she actually turned out to be pretty nice. ?‍♂️


Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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some listening music) 


This lucid dream is from Feb. 2019:


Last night I get lucid, and decide to melt through the wall of whatever building I am in, and explore outside.

The streets outside are dark, and quiet, and somewhat apocalyptic. Abandoned cars, very few people... I walked up to some DC's to ask what they represent, but they wouldn't give me straight answers and act very depressed . I was getting fed up with this... So I yelled out "fix yourselves!" while holding this expanding sensation in my head.

All around me, the streets brightened up into day, shops began to open up, people return to work, and the environment became lively again.

Pleased with myself , I continued to experiment with asking DC's what they represent, but still am not getting  straight answers.  Although most of them agreed that I created them, that this is a dream, etc.

I'm beginning to think that not all DC's represent something, and can just be extras in the 'dream - movie' . This question (what do you represent?) must only apply to DC's that have an active role in the story. But the problem is, if there is a story going on, I'm usually not lucid... 


Also from Feb. 2019:

Was at this house, where this grandmother type figure was cooking dinner. Outside, but with no transition from outside and inside, there was a lake and a tall jump off point.

My dad and brother kept trying to get me to jump in the lake, because they said it was for salvation or something. Apparently the lake was enchanted and whoever jumped in turned into a pig.  I refused to jump in, partly because it was really rocky at the bottom of the jump, and then because I found out it turns you into a pig. I argue with several people about not jumping in, but they do anyway and swim back into shore as a pig. I help some of them into the bank. 

I go back into the house and the old lady and some people are tending to dinner. I start to complain about what was going on outside, and then everyone turns on me and tries to pin me down. The old lady pulls a gun out of the refrigerator... I intuit that this is her place and she is a witch who enchanted the lake out back.

I run outside and run away

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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some listening music:

I had dreams and good dream awareness last night, but nothing really to report. So here's one from April 2019:

Became lucid last night. I was on an indoor balcony and a lady below was talking up to someone beside me. I noticed that I couldn't make out what she was saying, and asked her to repeat herself. She did, and used a specific word that was in a movie I went to see last night and I asked her why she used that word. She said something along the lines of she doesn't know why she does the things she does, and I told her that's because I'm the dreamer and she's not really responsible for anything. She gets scared and runs away. I chase her through the house and suddenly no one wants to talk to me and runs away from me. I lose lucidity shortly after. It's so amazing that I can be 'in control' and yet my DC'S (who are me) act so unpredictably.

and this one from April 2019:

This happened this morning during a small dream in between snoozes:

A woman takes me to an empty field, which is walled off and can be entered through a wooden gate. She is a character from a tv show I have been watching, and is known to be evil and to kill people, but sometimes has a human side. She steps into the empty field and closes the gate in front of me. I act upset that she has closed me out, and ask her to open the gate. She does, and then I am afraid that she is angry with me.
I say something like "please don't..."
"what, kill you?" she answers.
She motions me over to her and tells me to sit down, by the post in the entrance of the gate. She sits beside me, and we begin talking, although I don't remember about what.

Suddenly I look past her and see a blue house at the back of the field. "Where did that house come from?" I ask, realizing that it was not there before. She doesn't seem surprised, or interested in this at all. I look again, and the house is now white. "OK, that house was blue," I say, now staring at the house, with wood panel siding that has been painted white. There is a four panel window near the edge of the house, and one of the top panels is the same blue color that the house had previously been. I look again, and the house is now blue again. "See? Now its blue again!"

Then my alarm goes off ?I didn't get lucid, but I'm proud of my questioning things. I probably was seconds away from becoming lucid, I think. Oh well....

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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Love the content! This inspires me to make my own and start lucid dreaming / astral projecting :)

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58 minutes ago, DreamScape said:

Love the content! This inspires me to make my own and start lucid dreaming / astral projecting :)

Yes!! Please do. I would love to hear adventures in astral travel because that fascinates me. 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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Had a strange vivid dream last night :


Last night I dreamed that I was in an airport. I was young, maybe first or second grade, and am a part of this trio of friends, which looked very similar to Harry Potter, Hermione, and Ron, with me being the Harry looking character. The Ron looking character, who was called Scott, was actually the leader of our group, and somehow talked us into hacking the computers and wreaking havoc on the airport.  As we are leaving the airport, there is a room with computers that are left virtually unmanned. We distract the one employee that we see, while Scott goes and hacks into one of the computers further down. He installs a virus that will shut everthing in the airport down, including electricity, and also erase all records. The virus is set with a ten minute timer, and soon we are rushing out to get away from there before any one realizes it is us who is responsible.

We get to our car and drive away, relieved that we didn''t get caught, but also a bit paranoid.  Then, for some really dumb reason, I realize I have to go back and get something.  I successfully get back into the airport, after, it seems, that the airport was thrown into chaos and had already recovered. I seem to be sneaking back out just fine, but right at the exit is a line of cops. They are technically looking for Scott, but recognize that I was with him earlier. They detain me and then find Scott and the other friend waiting for me out in the parking lot. They round us all up for interrogation.

Before going into the interrogation room, I pass by the girl friend and we agree to throw Scott under the bus and say we had nothing to do with it.  I was dreading being asked questions, because I'm horrible at lying and keeping a straight face. But as it turns out, Scott nobly turns himself in and claims all responsibility. Me and the girl are let go. 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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I had long dream awareness (vividness) last night, but this happened right before awakening:

I am at someone's home. This dream kind of just popped in from no where and had nothing to do with the previous one. I am standing in the open front door, and the lady of the house is there with me. She tells me she's going to inject me with something, and holds up a large, fat, syringe full of some purple liquid. Through false memories, I trust her because I feel like she has taken me in and has been letting me live with her family. I let her inject me, thinking its some kind of health tonic or vitamin thing. She sticks it into my neck and releases the contents. 

"What is it?" I ask, curious. 

"Oh just something to help you sleep," she replies, looking kind of sad. 

Instantly I knew something was wrong, and was able to spit out a little bit. (xD dream logic) I stumble away, fighting off any coming grogginess. The stuff she injected me with must have been slow acting, and I was able to get to the car. Her daughter was nearby and I yell for her to get in. There was definitely something wrong and I was going to save the girl. We jump in the car and I lock the door before the lady is able to open it.  Now of course, its not a good idea to drive after being injected by a sleeping serum, but dream logic, right?  The lady pulls up her truck in the driveway to block me, and I drive over the grass. Her son is out there now, and at first I thought he was going to help his mom, but instead he is helping me. I drive over the grass and onto the road, and away. 


This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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(some listening music:) 



Had some dreams last night, but kind of  personal and probably not that interesting to others ? so here's a cool lucid dream I had last year : 


Last night, I got lucid after this person was showing me their pet tiger. It was huge, and not very nice, but didn't attack anyone. I flew away, and realized it was a dream. So I did what I've been wanting to do for a long time : find a dream guide.

I tried the method of spawning a dream guide by looking behind me expecting one to be there. I was still up in the air from flying, but when I looked behind, I only saw a woman walking to her car on the ground. I flew over and asked if she's my dream guide. She agreed, and I got into the car with her. It was a convertable, and we drove for a while with the wind in our hair. I asked a few questions, and was determined I would remember what they are... (darn it), but I just got the sense she was giving me generic answers and wasn't too interested.  I woke up. (and didn't write down the dream so far dang it!)

I went back in, determined to find another guide.  This time i decided that the dream guide would come and tap me on the shoulder, because the method of looking behind me wasn't working, and I was in a crowded city street. Two men tapped me on my left shoulder, a few seconds apart, wanting to be my guide. I awarded the job to the first one.  Another man comes up and wants to know if I recognize him from another dream, but I don't. I then realize that he is really familiar looking, but can't recall which dream it would be from. He seemed surprised that I couldn't remember and said it had a hilarious storyline. He walks away and I ask my new dream guide for the details of that dream, but can't remember now about it, but involved a handgun. 

I guess I woke up again, or lost my guide, or something. But then I was out in the street wanting another guide to tap my shoulder.  This time it was an older man who was doing paintings on the side of the street. I go over to his little area. He seems to have picked up 'dream guide' as a side job, and didn't know too much about what to do.  I asked him to take me somewhere. (this is one of my preselected requests, that the dream guide take me somewhere of their choosing).  I think he did take me somewhere(can't remember) because I remember coming back to his art stand a couple times afterwards. 

So all in all it was a good experience. I like the new technique of letting the appropriate person tap me on the shoulder,  although not 100% sure I actually got any 'sentient' dream guides as opposed to random DC's.   Too bad I didn't wake up and write anything down in between, but that will probably come as I get more confident of returning to a lucid dream to achieve my goals. At this point I'm so scared I only get one shot that I try to let it go on for a long as possible.

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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(another night of semi dream awareness, and nothing really interesting, so here's one from March 2019)

Me and Michael (my husband) were at some touristy thing in the countryside, but it was real rinky dink and not sure why we were there. There were these cabins at the end of a circle drive, and one was a restaurant. We went into the restaurant and there was this picture on the wall with this dog, looked like one of those tall lanky chiuauas and I wondered if there was actually a breed name for it. We got up from our table and were looking at the painting and some others around it. There was a guy over in the corner, an Anthony Sykes (childhood 'friend') figure, who in the dream apparently was kind of old but didn't look it, and we joked about if he might have known one of the painters. We touched some of the smaller paintings and they got real crooked and it was hard to get them straight so I had to take them off the wall and hand them to an employee ?.

Earlier, my husband and I were supposed to be going to sleep and my dad  was making us sleep in the same room but I got up and went to my room which was really messy. I couldn't sleep and wasn't really wanting to. Micheal followed me in there so I pretended I was looking for something, and was looking for a ring. I thought maybe if I had a ring I could fiddle with it and not be bored I guess. I found this toy plastic ring that lights up and left with that but instead we went outside into this fenced in area and there were trees that apparently we had bundled up with balloons and I had the feeling that people didn''t like that so I started letting them go and we popped the balloons. At one point someone stirred up an anthill and I watched as these big burly  ants come out to see what happened and there was a rival anthill close by and they mistook that for the troublemakers and they got in a big fight and the bigger ants lost. I wished I had my camera ready because that could have been a viral video on YouTube for sure ??

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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(some listening music) 


I'm not sure what prompted this. I stayed up watching TV until 11. Went to bed really sleepy and went to sleep.

Next thing I know, Micheal is crawling into bed and waking me up. At first I thought it was real but soon became suspicious and kind of just knew I was was having a false awakening.

Micheal is being his normal annoying self when crawling into bed and no respect for my sleep. I decide to ignore him and see if I can body exit. Nothing happens, so I resort to another tactic that usually works : I ask him to pull me out of my body. He does not oblige, and leaves the room, leaving me alone in bed. I feel like I've woken up a bit, and laid there hoping I can still body exit. Next thing I know, my feet start rising above my head. I knew I was definitely ready, and just roll over and get out of bed. At this point, the act of getting out of bed felt so real, I couldn't tell if I was dreaming or if I woke myself up and just got out of bed. I walk over to the bedroom door, and can hear micheal out in the kitchen. I'm closer to the wall than the door, and to really test if I'm awake, I press up against the wall to see if I can melt through. The wall is solid, and I can't pass through. I give up, open the door, and walk out into the kitchen, still unsure if I'm dreaming or not.

Micheal is getting something out of the fridge, so I go over to him. Suddenly I see a pomeranian running across the floor and I say aloud, ''ok I'm dreaming.''

I turn to micheal who is still standing at the open fridge. I repeat that I know I'm dreaming, and he just looks at me like he has no idea what I mean by that.

''We don't even have that kind of dog'', I say.  

His face changes, and he smiles, as if he thinks it's funny I figured it out. I walk up to him and ask if he had anything to show me, which is a typical question you can ask dream characters. He reaches into the fridge and pulls out a peice of bread. I take it, kind of confused that this is what he wanted to show me. I take a bite and it tastes like a healthy oatmeal bread.

Suddenly I'm ejected outside the house and can see the sky. The dream begins to fade quickly and I rub my hands together to bring it back but it's too late. The dream dissolves into darkness and I find myself back in bed.

I lay still to see if I can exit again. I roll out of bed, and stand up. I don't need a dream sign, I can just know I'm dreaming. I'm about to go back into the kitchen but wanted to see if there's a body in my bed. I go back over and pull back the sheets. No body. Sometimes I have body exits and leave a body in bed, and sometimes there's no body. I command - ''show me my body''. Nothing appears. I give up and back up against the wall of the bedroom that leads into the backyard. I melt through, and into the dark backyard outside. I decide to just go ahead and explore outside.

 I fly over to the neighbor's house. I can see a metal structure sticking up over the fence, and am given the false memory that this is normal and I've always wondered what it is. I fly over the fence and land next to the metal structure. It turns out to be this huge gigantic workout machine, like a bowflex. It was awesome looking and I decide to sit and do some exercises with whatever weight the neighbor last used. I can feel my arms starting to burn, and kept going, wondering if I could wake up with sore arms.

Suddenly the ''real'' micheal actually comes in and wakes me up. I can not tell you how angry this makes me. He continues to blab and blab and I get up and go to the other bedroom to get back to sleep. However I can't shake the feeling of how real that experience felt, and how easily I was filled by false memory, no matter how lucid I thought I was. 

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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Here is one strange and interesting one from 2017. Please note that it reflects my mode of thinking at the time:

I had a dream last night where I talked to my higher self. It was not a lucid dream, but when I got to the point where I was asking the questions, some lucidity must have crept in. This is what happened:

I was having this completely ridiculous dream when all of a sudden I started flying and got as high as I could go, (which is never very high, I usually can't make it above the height of treetops). I seemed to have hit some tiled ceiling, and was able to poke my head through one of the tiles and then the ceiling stretched out of sight above that. Somehow I intuitively knew that I should ask my higher self some questions, although the rest of the dream had nothing to do with that. I can't remember all of the questions that I asked, but he was very friendly, and answered in my speaking voice, although it sounded far away and had a bit of an reverb to it.

I remember asking if I am good. He said "Yes."
I asked, am I really good? He said "Yes."

This has been something that was on my mind lately, for some reason. Since I don't know much about myself besides this very limited perspective of my current life, I had been wondering if my higher self (the cumulative past lives put together) was actually a good soul or not.

I do wish that I can remember what other questions I asked, so if I end up remembering, I will edit the post or update with a comment.

The last thing that I asked was "What is our true name."
The answer was a bit confusing. At first it sounded somewhat angelic maybe, but was spoken too fast for me to make it out. It sounded like: "Wappa Pow, something something something"

I asked if he could repeat it, and he did, slower.
"Wappa Pow, something Turner, Something

I said, "Wopa po?"

He said, in a corrective tone, "Wappa Pow, Winston Turner, AKA Rainman."
Just like that.

The only word I still couldn't really make out was the Winston, it sounded more like Winson, or Wincin, but I was not allowed to ask because the dream changed, and two people walked in that I knew from years ago, and proceeded to pour gasoline on themselves (yes very freaky ,huh) and was about to strike a match.

I begged my higher self not to let the match light, but I wasn't about to take any chances so I got down to the ground and ran out of the building (turned out I was in a barn). As I was running out, I could hear the whoosh of the fire blazing. I ran outside and into the house close by, telling everyone what just happened and that now the barn was about to burn down. One of the persons said, "But the barn isn't on fire.." and I looked out the window, and lo and behold, the barn was not on fire and I could still see the two guys trying to light the match and being very disappointed that it wouldn't spark.
I don't know if this part of the dream has to do with anything, but I think my higher self was just pretty much saying it was time to stop asking questions for now. Also, it was very good tactic to help concrete our conversation in my memory, as I do have trouble remembering dreams.

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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From Feb 2019

Kind of all over the place. Remember being in some church type setting and there was this competition going on about shooting these small creatures in robes as they come toward you. I joked about how it was good practice for when the zombies come. My dad was some judge of the contest and all these people moved on to the cooking round but I wasn't allowed, even though I aced the first test. I felt a sense of being unwanted, and even the other contestants laughed at me. At one point my dad walked me to a mirror and said look at it and I said I saw Morgan freeman. He then made it clear that I was unwelcome and I said that I won't be there for church service and he agreed and told me to be home for dinner.

I planned on flying home, and stopping at (my friend) Patsy's on the way. I get a message from her that she''s started my new dream video, and I respond wondering if she likes it or if it needed tweaking.  Somehow between me and outside where I can fly home is a restaurant area and I have to squeeze through a window above where a couple of people are eating. There is stuff in the window like glasses and hat and biker type stuff that I have to hand down to the man who is eating there. He's nice and takes it while I try to get through the window, and his girlfriend agrees with me that they can probably just take the stuff because it's been there for "as long as we've all been going to that restaurant."

Alarm goes off

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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Last night I got lucid during a dream and had a false awakening shortly after. I laid in bed while this little imp creature tickled and pinched me. Annoyed, I banished it in the name of Jesus. (I'm not religious but thought it might work ?) It disappeared and I got out of bed.

  I was in very low energy and consciousness, and moved about very sluggish. I managed to melt through the back wall and into the dark backyard. Still feeling very sluggish, I clapped my hands together and yelled "brighten up!" Immediately the sky began to brighten up like a beautiful sunrise. My body became lighter and free. I flew up a little bit and realized I was in a huge middle eastern city, full of colorful aladdin style buildings. 

(some listening music for the rest of the post) 



 I  flew closer to the city center and landed. Music was playing all around me, the same song as the listening music. Hundreds of people were gathered together in some kind of worship or prayer. I walked down the street and an elderly couple said something to me. I'm not sure what they said but it was some kind of playful banter.  I remembered to look down at what I'm wearing. It was a long white tunic and colorful pants. I keep walking and come upon a side street. Down that way was this big colorful flashy cinema. I'm torn if I should go and check that out, or continue exploring. I decide to check out the cinema.

 In front of it is a glass or plexiglass wall that I can't get through. A line has formed so we stand and wait to be let in. Finally we are able to go into the cinema and inside is like an AT&T store. I roll my eyes that I waited around for for this and walk through. We are led to a room in the back where some kiosks are set up and some employees behind desks. They start trying to interview me and want me to watch ads. I'm like screw this and leave. 

Once outside again, I see that there are a few other cinemas on the same street. I enter another one and it's more like a museum. A female tour guide begins leading me down some stairs and to my right there is a little cubby hole with a statute of a pine cone. I ask what this represents, although I already knew, and the tour guide confirms that it's the pineal gland. I ask her if she can open my pineal gland. 

She says, "sure, what are you planning on using it for?"

 I said "I just want to be able to visualize better." 

"Oh ok" , she says and puts her hand up to my head. I feel heavy vibrations in my forehead that lasted for at least a minute. They were borderline uncomfortable but I didn't mind. After that we continued our tour of the museum. Later, I realized that my tour guide was now a handsome male, and I say, "weren't you a girl?"

 The guide's face begins shifting back and forth between male and female, before my eyes, and he/she holds their hands up to try and cover the face in shame. 

"You're binary!" I exclaim, and immediately wake up. 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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@seeking_brilliance  I appreciate the amount of detail you brought back. At one point in reading it, I thought " yeah, this is about right for someone who's worked at Disney world. ?

Pretty deep stuff though,,, like with the pineal gland,,,

I tried a dream mask a few years ago that detected r.e.m. states. It was bulky and uncomfortable and so I really didn't give it a fair chance despite paying out some decent cash for it.


I haven't looked but I bet there are a lot better models nowadays.

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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Oh cool I bought one that you can program to flash at certain times but it's a guessing game for when you will be in REM.  Your mask is much more advanced but of course comfort is important. 

And yeah I agree, being enveloped in the multi-faceted world of working for Disney has absolutely changed my psychology and way of looking at things. 

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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Last night, I had an inkling that I was dreaming, and decided to jump around and see if I could fly. This is a less common reality check for me, but whatever.  I didn't exactly fly but while kicking my legs in the air I didn't immediately fall back to the ground.  

OK... Now I was pretty suspicious, so I went ahead with counting my fingers. Sure enough I had 6 fingers. I was dreaming! But it all felt so real. I truly thought I was awake. I counted again. 7 fingers now! 

But the strange thing was I couldn't remember life outside the dream. This has happened once or twice before. So I knew I was dreaming, yet was not lucid. I thought my dream self was dreaming, but had no memories of this life, such as in a typical lucid dream.  I ended up just flying around and showing off my aerial acrobatics. 

But wow... That feeling of realizing it's a dream.... 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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