
Delusional? Becoming God - Jim Carey +THC

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You are God. You created all things. 


I’m having a mystical experience. 


God is real and I am it. 




Once you come home to enlightenment it’s more than brain chemicals


As god I designed all the chemicals, inventions, Universe, fiction of a self, misery, joy, EVERYTHING you could ever imagine. It’s all one. It’s all direct. No one can ever show you this experience of utter enlightenment but through the grace of God, Love, and The True Self. You are it. You are love. You are the dream. We will never die, ever. It’s eternal. You are it. I am it. We all must work together in this life to be an embodiment of compassion and truth. To really do this well, one must have direct experiences of God through whatever means are available to them that seem sufficient for their unique universal character that stands as a personal ego. The ego isn’t real. You should feel your self being the room and universe when a mystical experience occurs. That is Universal Consciousness. I am Love. That is the coolest thing about this experience, Love is real, tangible, and awesome and it is this phone, my body, and everything one can see in their distance. Love is what made and is of the universe. 



So, I posted this on my Instagram and as I came down I felt guilty, ashamed, and like all of it was crazy and people and girls will think I’m mentally ill. I have had mania and issues with that, but other than that, this experience was calm. I’m so frustrated everyone in my life suppressing these experiences but I just want to share how good they are. Help?

Love Is The Answer: LSD Awakening


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That is beautifully written. Did you write it? Or Jim Carey?

Yet without the direct experience, it might seem like it came from a madman. 

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@EntheogenTruthSeeker haha yeah I have to be very careful what I post to social media while high on thc... Even just simple stuff that should make sense like - 'I am not all these ideas about myself, I am whatever I find here, now' just sounds like a high weirdo and a friend even told me that kind of talk is scary ?

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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@Serotoninluv I did write all of it. I was just channeling it as it was happening, thanks!! The first line was Jim Carrey’s quote which sent me into that state. 

Love Is The Answer: LSD Awakening


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@seeking_brilliance would you take it down if you were I? It worries me about work, friends, etc. Most people around me hate when I talk about enlightenment and it does little for me to talk about it, yet it seems important to share. A battle within. Not sure how Leo always posts these things - a lot easier to post it’s your full time living and doesn’t impact you negative really. Ugh. Advice?

Love Is The Answer: LSD Awakening


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To be honest, yes I would take it down if too 'out there' that it hurts your job and family life.  Join some enlightenment groups on Facebook where you can express yourself freely

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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Do more consciousness work so you never fully come down and then you can feel that confidence all the time.

Also, there is no battle. Do not move in any direction, find the thing that moves, and the thing that watches the thing that moves. Relax into your intuition fully

Edited by Aaron p

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5 hours ago, seeking_brilliance said:

To be honest, yes I would take it down if too 'out there' that it hurts your job and family life.  Join some enlightenment groups on Facebook where you can express yourself freely

I still stand by this, again especially if it impacts your job or family life, but there's always a way you can dumb things down to their 'level' if you feel you need to share your path with them.  Just leave out the bits that say you are God.  Try to share things on your personal social media that inspires your friends and family to meditate,  live in the moment, and to look within.  If it's similar to my situation, the people in my life could really use that advice.  

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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@Leo Gura lithium my mania medication, and thc pen after watching a 20 min Jim Carrey movie talking about not being the self and being the universal consciousness and I. Dude that shit scared my dad so bad. He thinks I’m mentally ill and I question it sometimes after this stuff. I really got fucked up from this enlightenment obsession, but I’m finally letting go of it and just embracing that I’ll get there for sure sometime..I can’t meditate for two months in my room again- I just have to let these experiences embody my actions now. 

What do you think about psychedelics and mania and psychosis? I really want to do them because your videos inspire me so much but I am on this medication for my religious insomnia awakenings and eventual delusions. 

Love Is The Answer: LSD Awakening


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@EntheogenTruthSeeker You need to distinguish between parroting stuff others say versus becoming directly conscious of it for yourself.

Were you directly conscious of it or not? Forget what Jim Carry or Leo say.

I cannot speak to your medication issues, I'm not a psychiatrist and I have no idea what you're taking or why.

I suspect you may be on these medications but really you are spiritually gifted and the medication is suppressing that in you. If you have a spiritually gifted mind don't expect others to understand what you're dealing with because they are in a different reality relative to you. Your job is to figure out how to harness your paranormal abilities. Regular doctors and psychiatrists will not understand and they will give you improper and even harmful advice simply because they are spiritually clueless and they only see your case from the materialist paradigm.

Sounds to me like you are a shaman in the making, but society and your parents have been leading you astray from your destiny. It takes a lot of soul-searching and inner work to harness your unique paranormal abilities. This usually involves a great inner struggle.

Watch this video:


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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oh the beautiful mania. @Leo Gura this is a very irresponsible post. 

maniac people still need to balance themselves - psychotropics are nothing for people who are already high on their own.

@EntheogenTruthSeeker of course you are super creative and you can also see it as a gift, but be aware of the dangers a mania brings with it. especially the being special part and not seeing it as a condition but a personal trait alone. it’s so easy to fall into the trap of thinking you could control this force with psychotropics, you are on the other end of what most people are at. hence you need to balance into the other direction.  i met some people who let go of control and ended up in bad situations. so being the pilot of your flight means not falling too much into the being special trap. i think you can find good psychiatrists. you have not been on your medication during that post you have been on yourself. your medication is helping you to channel your energy. if you would not take it it would probably come out too forceful. channeling is what you need to learn - please no spontaneous changes in medication!

really beautiful writing though, glad you shared it with us!

Edited by remember

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On 13/01/2020 at 1:06 PM, seeking_brilliance said:

To be honest, yes I would take it down if too 'out there' that it hurts your job and family life.  Join some enlightenment groups on Facebook where you can express yourself freely

@EntheogenTruthSeeker this above ^


Play the part according to the playing field you're in.


Love Is The Answer

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The resistance to what's happening in life causes suffering.

Don't resist or fight against what is, just recognize you don't have control anyways, no one does.. having control is the dream of the individual and there isn't one. ❤

Accept yourself 100% exactly the way you are right now in every situation. Nothing needs to be done nothing needs to be found nothing needs to be attained. 

Completely accept life be grateful for it. 

Surrender to life...

Enlightenment is freeing yourself from your own mind that keeps telling you something needs to be done to feel complete. You are already complete you are already perfect. 

The egoic mind says seek but do not find.

The trick is to recognize it's an illusion and that you are already perfect and complete and nothing need be done...?


“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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9 hours ago, remember said:

oh the beautiful mania. @Leo Gura this is a very irresponsible post. 

maniac people still need to balance themselves - psychotropics are nothing for people who are already high on their own.

Do you have direct experience or are you just saying what other people says?

My girlfriend has mania phases and is spiritual gifted too. She had many mystical experiences, still deeply depressed sometimes.

I gave her AL-LAD. She was overwhelmed by it and definitively want  to try it again.  Her depression lifted two weeks later a bit (but not full). This experience cleaned a lot in her and gave her directions what she needed the most in her life: SELF LOVE. So psychotropics can definitively help.

Of course I went with her to a psychiatrist and psychologist. Funny thing is, the psychologist gave her 1 hour for talking, said she has maybe special abilities and should contact a shaman ( this is an unusual recommendation for a german psychologist). The psychiatrist on the other hand gave her 5 minutes to talk, gave her a special medicament for free (maybe as a test subject who knows). She had horrible side effects from this medicament and stopped it.

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@OBEler yes i have family members who had episodes, let’s say we all have our instable moments. people think a mania can’t be as bad as a depression, but if people do things or say things to others they feel bad about afterwards because it was too wild even for them in a stable phase it is also not easy. in a mania people are making decisions on a whim, what can have effects on finances and health and shelter.

i leave my family in privacy, so i don’t know what medication they are on, but what i know is that it’s good to find a good psychologist and a good psychiatrist as longterm companions and build a feedback system for worst case scenario, most people who had a psychosis don’t want to have it again, so it’s important for them to install that system themselfs. unfortunately it’s not done with doing it off after the first try - a psychologist as a longterm partner so how could that fit after the first date? also to find the right medication you need someone with skill who wants to take the effort, to find the best working substance.

also the worst episodes of one person i know was triggered by psychotropics (and thc i would not use in any case of predisposition for psychosis - i also don’t react good on it probably because more sensitive than genetically not affected people) and lead to a total loss of sense for reality and heavy psychosis. the problem with bipolar is that you might get her out of depression and push her into maniac... it’s all pretty sensitive. and yes some meds have side effects like body weight gain, what is pretty hard on probably any person with mood bipolarity and would be without. 

Edited by remember

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On 1/13/2020 at 2:59 AM, EntheogenTruthSeeker said:

@Serotoninluv I did write all of it. I was just channeling it as it was happening, thanks!!  

If you are channeling that through direct experience, you are accessing some high level mystical states. I spent 20 years meditating and didn't come close to the mysticism you are describing. 

The chemical combinations you are taking may be revealing natural abilities and granting access. For me, psychedelics increase my resonance and revealed paranormal abilities. Yet then we return to our baseline conscious level and try to "make sense" of the paranormal phenomena. This can be weird and scary to people that have no clue about the paranormal and mysticism. They may portray images that this is "abnormal", and you are "abnormal" and need to get "fixed".

I'm not a psychiatrist, yet to me it seems like you have special abilities that seem odd and scary to others. Part of the mental instability may be due from others trying to alter your true nature. Imagine you had an opportunity to go on a retreat in Peru and spend a month with the highest level shaman's. You would be seen and accepted as a young man with abilities and you would have the opportunity to develop those abilities. You would be completely accepted in the community and everyone there would understand the mystical nature of your channeling. You would be a young mystic that gets to develop your natural abilities. Would something like that be appealing to you?. . . Since you keep returning to chemicals and mystical states, my hunch is that this would seem appealing to you. 

The states you seem to be accessing are higher than any verbal messages I can send to you. Realize that those states are one of the greatest teachers you can find. Be careful when giving authority to others, since you have access to higher authority. I have some mid-range paranormal abilities - here are a few things I've learned and suggestions. If they resonate with you great, if not - also great. Trust your intuition.

1. Psychedelics and weed can rocket consciousness up levels and amplify paranormal abilities. For example, psychedelics have amplified an empathic ability I have to full-on hyper-empathic master. When returning to baseline consciousness, this can be extremely unsettling. I don't know how to make sense of it, whether it is real, or whether I'm going crazy. I've had empathic communication with trees. This isn't the type of thing I can tell most people. They won't understand and will think I'm crazy. At first, I thought I was crazy. With time, I realized it's not crazy at all. I am not a psychiatrist and cannot diagnose you, yet it could be that some of what is being called "crazy" may actually be paranormal abilities. 

2. I've learned to be careful who I share what with. I have found people that understand. For example, Reiki masters often "get" what I'm saying. As well, I've met a couple strong empaths online that have helped me work with these appearances and develop them. Yet I would not tell my family about it. I can only give a few hints like "I have a strong imagination". Or I may talk about lucid dreaming. They can handle that surface stuff. Yet they cannot handle the deeper stuff. So you might want to be careful about how much you share with others. To you, this channeling may seem like awesome insights - yet you have no idea how far away most people are from accessing and understanding this. You may want to find people in your community or online that have paranormal abilities. . . Yet be careful of charlatons that are fakers and would mislead or take advantage of you. And this is an important part: you know who the mystics and paranormals are if you are one. There is a "knowing" you can access, just like you "know" if someone can speak English because you are fluent in English. . . If someone tells me they have extra-sensory empathic abilities, I can tell immediately if the empathic resonance is there because I am on that frequency. If someone tells me they can see Auras, I cannot tell because I'm not on that frequency - yet there is still a connection since we both have paranormal abilities and we can freely share together.

3. The weed and psychedelics may be elevating your consciousness and amplifying your abilities. This can be good, yet I would be careful of downsides. Psychedelics can elevate a person from a stage 1 mystic apprentice to a stage 9 mystic master. This may take years of work without psychedelics, yet can be reached in a matter of hours with psychedelics. This can create an unstable dynamic - if you rocket up to stage 9 mysticism and return to stage 1 grounding - it can be unstable. I would consider investing in integration and development without the psychedelics. For me this kinda sucked. I was like a stage 9 magician with psychedelics and trying to develop the skills at my baseline consciousness. Perhaps see if you can access some of these states without psychedelics / weed or with a very low dose. You might only get 40% there, yet I found this really important. As well, you might want to read up online about mysticism or meet some people with paranormal abilities. Be mindful of how you resonate with them. If you have abilities, you already know - you just forgot. I would also be mindful of who you share this with. I would share it with people who "get it".

4. If possible, I would consider getting some distance from family and get into a new environment temporarily. Perhaps take a weekend trip away from it all. Perhaps in nature away from the negative energy. Even a day long retreat. Perhaps there is a day long yoga/mediation retreat in your area and you could tell parents that you just want to relax your mind for a day. At a day long yoga/mediation retreat, there will likely be people/teachers that have some spiritual/paranormal abilities. They would be much more open to discussing things like energetic flows and nonduality. 

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28 minutes ago, remember said:


i leave my family in privacy, so i don’t know what medication they are on, but what i know is that it’s good to find a good psychologist and a good psychiatrist as longterm companions and build a feedback system for worst case scenario, most people who had a psychosis don’t want to have it again, so it’s important for them to install that system themselfs. unfortunately it’s not done with doing it off after the first try - a psychologist as a longterm partner so how could that fit after the first date? also to find the right medication you need someone with skill who wants to take the effort, to find the best working substance

You are trusting too much these psychiatrists. They just make try and error. Giving my girlfriend medicaments,  which are new on the market and therefore making her to a test subject is risky. Furthermore these medicaments doesnt resolve the root cause and are horrible expensive 



also the worst episodes of one person i know was triggered by psychotropics and lead to a total loss of sense for reality and heavy psychosis. the problem with bipolar is that you might get her out of depression and push her into maniac... it’s all pretty sensitive. and yes some meds have side effects like body weight gain, what is pretty hard on probably any person with mood bipolarity.


Can you elaborate a bit further? What substance did the one person take, was his set and setting right? Total loss of sense for reality during a trip is normal. Does this person still have this issue after the trip?


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