
On a Cult

20 posts in this topic

LOL one of the things it says is does he dictate getting married or having kids or how to raise children LOL that one's funny

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Listen to it openly. He’s criticizing Leo’s fundamental Question.

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At 11:57 mins the guy in the video says himself in the conclusion that he doesn't believe Actualized is a cult and that the things he listed in the video could randomly apply to any group.

Here's Leo vids on cults...would be good to for a seeker to watch for a more balanced POV on the subject


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5 hours ago, Natasha said:

At 11:57 mins the guy in the video says himself in the conclusion that he doesn't believe Actualized is a cult and that the things he listed in the video could randomly apply to any group.

Here's Leo vids on cults...would be good to for a seeker to watch for a more balanced POV on the subject


Never ask a snake if it's poisonous .

never pet a dog to see if it bites .

and never refer to content made by the person in question because all three are bad ideas

Edited by MAYA EL
Either I don't ever use a computer or I need a new one

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Eh, I’ve already seen the videos in that. He’s just making a Bureaucrat Argument  

 You have been gifted the Golden Kappa~! 


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As long as I don't see a video with Leo accepting people kissing his feet, I'm good.

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Guys, also consider we are free to listen to other teachers. There are many other good teachers out there. Cults isolate and discourage their members from getting knowledge from other sources. I don't see it happen with Actualized.

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The author makes some common points about "truth". In particular that some teachers claim they know truth and think they know it all. This gets into nuances with relative and absolute truths. Depending on context, sometimes it is helpful to highlight the relativity of what is being taught - other times, it is best to teach it *as if* it were actually true. For example, when I teach genetics I often say at the start of the course that the science of genetics is one relative perspective that creates physical maps. These physical maps can be integrated with other maps, including metaphyscial maps - and that the maps are not the territory. . . Then I teach the course as if the material was based on objective reality. If I kept entering relative or nondual dimensions it would create a groundless mess. "OK, here is the structure of DNA - yet it is only a map of something that doesn't really exist. Well, it exists from one perspective, yet not from another. We create existence and are just portraying everything we experience. Everything about chromosomal structure is both true and false. In a way, I don't know anything and everything I teach you is a lie.". This might be ok in a course on the existentialism of science, yet it would be terrible in a scientific course on genetics. It's best to teach it like "This is how it is.". Teaching with confidence, clarity and groundedness is really important at times. . . Other times, I throw in some relativism, nonduality and metaphysics - yet I do so sparingly. 

There is an energetic difference between a teacher that teaches as if it is true, vs. a teacher that believes it is true and is attached / identified to a story of truth. A teacher that holds ideas loosely without attachment/identification has much more expansion potential. I could teach a class on genetics as if it is fact to give a sense of grounding for the students to stand on. If a student came to me asking metaphysical questions about evolution, I could drop the physical story of genetics and go into a nonphysical realm and talk about energetics, Reiki, karma, past lives etc. Or we could integrate science and metaphysics. 

On a metaphysical level, there is also a "knowing" that comes prior to physical evidence. For example, through direct experience, you "know" now is now. You don't need any evidence to confirm to you that now is not yesterday or tomorrow. This can come across as being arrogant and closed-minded to others that have not had the direct experience and realization. 

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Ding Dong, it's online! I think you should perhaps join Scientology for a few weeks if you are unclear as to what a cult is. I'm unclear as to what your purpose is. How much do you earn by the way? You have a lot of opinions. Do you get paid or are you trying or hoping to get paid for putting yourself online? I'm glad you warn people not to take what you say as the ultimate truth. Are you by any chance trying to emulate Leo? You need to do a lot more work on your research, a lot more organizing and preparation of your material and of your filming and on-camera presence. I hope Leo is making money! Selling one course for $2,000 is not exactly what I call "squeezing" his customer base. But then with 80,000,000 plus views maybe he could actually move out of that apartment of his. You will feel better about yourself and your business 9regardless of how good you may already feel) if you approach us all out here in Leoland with a song in your heart and in search of things to praise. Here's an idea! Buy his booklist, observe the time and effort put into his reviews of his resources, question the goodness of the authors, read all the books (or 3 or 4 of them) and report back to us! God Bless you, Praise Allah and May The Force Be With You! Shalom!

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I meant to say that the mind secretly makes Duel’s (al-it-es) and says you cannot go beyond this fundamental.

It is not that that is a fundamental, but instead a shortcut of sorts the mind takes in order to conserve information intake/ energy.  

IMO, a cult at the end of a day does this. They grow prematurely and look like something big, when in fact (they) it’s bloated.

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And a second mark. I meant an Ideological Cult within higher bounds. 

 You have been gifted the Golden Kappa~! 


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On 1/12/2020 at 9:24 PM, Nahm said:

@Serotoninluv  “You can put your hands down kids, you don’t exist.”


“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.”

– Swami Chinmayananda

Namaste ? ?

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I've decided to delete this post. I am unconfident that the information I put fourth was helpful.

Edited by Apparition of Jack

“All you need is Love” - John Lennon

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I guess Leo could show more of himself so that people idealize him less. At the moment we are limited to seeing him under very controlled conditions where he can basically put forth his ideas from the perspective of a teacher and less so how he is in his personal life.

This leads to people constructing ideas about him that idealize him, because they tend to assume Leo is a perfect follower of his own teachings.


To mitigate this he could be more authentic to who he is as a human being prior to who he is as a teacher. This would obviously compromise his authority to a certain degree which comes with it's own problems as far as the overall message goes. For example he would be letting go of the control of this community which might lead to it taking on it's own cult dynamics which he would not be able to control anymore. It also might lead to people being less attracted to his teachings and so forth.

Basically what Leo is balancing is his trust in the Divine vs trust in his own strategic planning (which in essence is the same). Submitting himself fully to love would require to fearlessly embrace his own authentic self, with the risk of his creation falling prey to the Devil.

To attempt to create the uncorruptable requires fear of being corrupted. There is still a subtle attachment to the form his creation is supposed to take. The chimp still wants to control for it believes to know better than Reality itself.



Look at the radical love of Reality itself. It is so selfless it does not care about being corrupted whatsoever. It is fully willing to be ultimately corrupted. That is the true sacrifice, the true love. It might be too radical for even the enlightened chimp mind to accept.



At some point one has to let go. At some point one can only watch ones own creation attempt to figure it out itself. This is precisely what we are doing here. There is noone to tell the birds about God. The bird is just here, on it's own, needing to figure things out by itself. Noone will teach it Divinity.

Edited by Scholar

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