
The Secret Power of Kriya Yoga - Techniques

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I have recently bought the book  ,,The Secret Power Of Kriya Yoga'' to start doing the practices. The author recommends two combinations of techniques:

1 - Kriya Bow (for beginners) or Kriya Supreme Fire (for more advanced people) ->Mahamudra -> Kriya Pranayama -> Yoni mudra

2 - Kriya Bow or Kriya Supreme Fire -> Kriya Pranayama -> Yoni Mudra -> Mahamudra

And the Parvastha State should be done at the end of these practices

Yoni mudra, Kriya Pranayama, Kriya Bow and Supreme Fire are described how to do them properly, but I can't see the explanation for Mahamudra and Parvastha State in the book

If someone here is following the practices from this book I would be glad to clarify those and share what does your daily routine look like ;)

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Mahamudra is quite complicated, but Parvastha State just means to continue sitting in a position you would do pranayama in and focus inside the head, or between the eyebrows or 40 cm in front of your forehead. There are many versions. And sit like that for anywhere between 20 min to 1 hour. 

It's basically the most important part of the routine. You do all the exercises to prepare yourself and enjoy true meditation sitting in that state.

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Parvastha is not a practice, it's what you enter when the Kriya practice has made you calm and relaxed enough to abide in non-dual awareness, when that stillness becomes accessible you enter it and drop everything else.

So basically for a beginner it means to just rest as I AM (to the best of your abilities) after your pranayama.

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Parvastha is a state you enter after doing practice. I enter that state after every practice u mentioned here. I stay in that state for some minutes and continue with rest of practice. after completing all practice i again sit in that state for few min.

I will be waiting here, For your silence to break, For your soul to shake,              For your love to wake! Rumi

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Mahamudra is described in his prior book "Kriya Yoga Exposed". I think he left it out as a a subtle incentive to go buy that one too ;)

I had the same problem and asked someone on the forum for the exact routine in the Kriya Yoga mega thread and got a pretty detailed description.

You will find it when you search for my username in that thread. Good luck with Kriya Yoga.

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@Erixoon50 "J.C. Stevens Kriya Secrets revieled" work from this one, later merge Santatas work with J.C.


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@Girzo I thought Parvastha State you don't focus anywhere. You just witness all sensations 

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@herghly yeah, obviously a state is not a technique, but I have told the guy to concetrate because he is asking what to do in his routine and training concentration is skillful until he will be able to simply sit in that state.

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just be mindful after the practice and abide in that parvasthats state. Do nothing. Just observe

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