How I almost died / 162 mg DPT.

Porphyry Fedotov
By Porphyry Fedotov in Psychedelics,
Ram Ram, guys. I’m still in awe of what I’ve just experienced. It was about 2:00 AM when I plugged DPT. I also put my earplugs on to block all unwanted sounds. So, I was lying in my bed, staring at the opposite wall with a string of blue lights when the DPT kicked in. I saw fractals on the ceiling and they looked like shapeless beings, bubbling out of the surface while being part of it. Then I lost any feeling of my arms and it was as if the nerves from my hands were encompassing the entire room. A very interesting feeling. Then everything quickly intensified and I was surrounded by clown-themed visions for some weird reason. I even saw the face of Pennywise from that new movie “IT” everywhere. (DPT counterparts of DMT machine elves but more hardcore and angrier?) It was so fucking overwhelming I felt like I couldn’t take it anymore. I also had some very vivid audial effects. I was super overwhelmed on all possible levels. Then I started feeling like I was dying. It was hard to breathe and I thought that I was dying for real (I have bronchitis so my concerns weren’t completely groundless lol) I think at some point I surrendered (although I think I could go even deeper) and I felt like I was ‘death’ and ‘birth’ at the same time. I felt like a process. Like if I try to speak in terms of my limbs – something was dying, say near my toes and something was giving birth to something near my armpits and at some point, I didn’t feel my body at all. Also, throughout the trip, I felt some sexual vibe and was having very intense orgasmic energies in my body. When the intensity subsided, I had a very clear and acute realization that I and my room were no more and no less than a dream that I conjured up within my consciousness. I also had another more personal realization (I guess because sometimes I get caught up in arguments about politics) about how all opinions are true at some level. I knew it intellectually already but at this time it was shown to me in a very palpable form. It wasn’t my first DPT trip at this point, I experimented with lower dosages with so-so success (in one trip I felt like was going to sneeze and cum (metaphysically) myself into existence), but this one was more serious in terms of experience and insights. Also is it me or it’s a common theme to become aware of this self-creation stuff on DPT? I certainly didn’t experience anything like this with high dosages of shrooms.
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