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love a good challenge ?

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i love a good challenge and being challenged. i love new ideas and speaking with others, listening and responding, considering other points of views and experiences. when i got sober off heroin 8 years ago i started to look for teachers in all aspects; personal, health, business, ad infinitum. i have and continue to find new teachers all the time. i slowly started to see the theme of oneupmanship appearing more and more. im aware there are lessons all around but i do find it increasingly difficult to find some decent discussion without it being permeated by this "pissing contest" attitude. this attitude seems to dominate the internet kinda like road rage dominates the roads lol. soon as some get behind the wheel they change, psychologically. it very well could be me just being sensitive. 

i am grateful for @Leo Gura, all the work he does, and for this site i found recently. just wetting my whistle here and seeing if others here have had any adverse reactions or opinions on Oneupmanship.

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The internet is a narcissistic platform for sure.  People nowadays have this desire for attention and recognition that's probably do to the lack of attention they had as kids and to add to that people also want to be listened to in whatever way possible and so every college drop out Starbucks kid wants to be a spiritual leader and talk about stuff that they have in no way personally experienced but through false memory syndrome they are convinced they know what there talking about  . As well as nobody knows how to have a proper debate because when people come together to discuss something they're not truly trying to find new information they're just trying to win an argument for Ego sake. So I would say I agree with you.

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