
Do I lack in my practise ?

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Why does our  mind generates thought?.. ! I am continuously experiencing thoughts even thought I am trying best to be in the present feeling my body sensations and even feeling when I grab things with my fingers but I founded out that my thoughts have now  instead started to define present moment and I make up things like what if It is not the present.... I am unable to drop the thoughts. They seems to grow over time. I am practising being aware from quite a long.

?IngitScooby ?

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Thoughts have a great momentum. Just because you have thoughts does not mean you are failing your practice. The same for negative emotions. Just because you are having negative emotions also does not mean you are failing your practice.

Awareness means to be with whatever is. It doesn't need to be pleasant, it doesn't mean you'll immediately have a silent mind. It doesn't mean any of that. It simply means that you look at whatever is occuring in the present moment, pleasant or unpleasant, comfortable or uncomfortable, wanted or unwanted, and you stay with that.

True meditation and mindfulness is not about trying to feel or be a particular way, but it is about being with whatever happens to be the case. The distance that you create by doing so, is the reward of your practice. And that reward may not (at least initially) even be experienced as happiness or peace or bliss or whatever, but just as a lack of identification with thoughts and feelings and therefore taking a step back from being in suffering.

Don't worry about having a lot of thoughts. Only if you become really advanced will you start noticing that you will barely have any thoughts anymore. But there is no reason to fear or oppose your thoughts. Just let them do their thing, but don't identify yourself with it.

The practice is done NOW. Whenever you find yourself worrying about whether you're present enough or not, is the moment you get identified and have lost the path. The moment you're worrying about being present is exactly the moment you have lost presence. However, the moment you become aware that this is happening, is the exact moment when you're back on track.

So the only power you truly have is the way you can relate with yourself, right here, right now. There is no other time to be able to do that, because future or past do not exist as an experiential reality as such.

Read "the power of now" by Eckhart Tolle if you haven't already.

Edited by Nightwise

Instead of continuously trying to make the right decision, experiment with making your decisions right instead (own up to them). Consciously making a commitment to a decision IS what makes it the right decision, regardless of the choices you had.

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@Nightwise thanks Good to hear from you. i have already read that such a great book. I will continue reading it again. I will look more into opportunities when I feel like I am off track.

?IngitScooby ?

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15 hours ago, Nightwise said:

Thoughts have a great momentum. Just because you have thoughts does not mean you are failing your practice. The same for negative emotions. Just because you are having negative emotions also does not mean you are failing your practice.

Awareness means to be with whatever is. It doesn't need to be pleasant, it doesn't mean you'll immediately have a silent mind. It doesn't mean any of that. It simply means that you look at whatever is occuring in the present moment, pleasant or unpleasant, comfortable or uncomfortable, wanted or unwanted, and you stay with that.

True meditation and mindfulness is not about trying to feel or be a particular way, but it is about being with whatever happens to be the case. The distance that you create by doing so, is the reward of your practice. And that reward may not (at least initially) even be experienced as happiness or peace or bliss or whatever, but just as a lack of identification with thoughts and feelings and therefore taking a step back from being in suffering.

Don't worry about having a lot of thoughts. Only if you become really advanced will you start noticing that you will barely have any thoughts anymore. But there is no reason to fear or oppose your thoughts. Just let them do their thing, but don't identify yourself with it.

The practice is done NOW. Whenever you find yourself worrying about whether you're present enough or not, is the moment you get identified and have lost the path. The moment you're worrying about being present is exactly the moment you have lost presence. However, the moment you become aware that this is happening, is the exact moment when you're back on track.

So the only power you truly have is the way you can relate with yourself, right here, right now. There is no other time to be able to do that, because future or past do not exist as an experiential reality as such.

Read "the power of now" by Eckhart Tolle if you haven't already.

I would hit that upvote button so hard if I could ?

41 minutes ago, Ingit said:

@Nightwise thanks Good to hear from you. i have already read that such a great book. I will continue reading it again. I will look more into opportunities when I feel like I am off track.

Don't worry about opportunities, if you just start it's basically every minute ?

Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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