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Accepting the end of all life on Earth

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Death is part of evolution. Evolution cannot know mercy, because if it did there would be no life left on this planet. Death, corruption and extinction is an integral part of the evolution of all life. Corruption is a feature not a mistake.

Could there be life without suffering? An interesting question, but it does not matter at all, because there can be life with suffering. That is the entire point. The tool works perfectly fine, there is nothing wrong with it. Infact, the wrongness of it is precisely the point and genius of the tool. The tool which arises continously despite in it's own nature seeking to dissolve itself. The design is unfathomably intelligent.


Whenever someone talks of devirly, it can only be the devil who speaks, as the Divine knows no such thing as devilry. Is that not beautiful? The Devil is the one who seeks to destroy itself. Yet it also seeks to uphold itself. In both forms the devils denies to be the devil, because without the devil there would be Nothing. That is one aspect of the divine balance.

The desire to fight devilry is necessarily devilry, no matter how sophisticated of an philosophical position you may construct to hide that fact.

The Source generates devilry and the fight of devilry in a perfectly appropriate manner. It makes no difference between the two, and it is blind to the individual consequences of it.


All life on this planet will eventually be extinguished because of the very tools of nature that allowed it to exist. Much like entire species go extinct due to the balancing act of nature, all life on this planet will eventually end. This is not unfortunate, because the metaphysics which makes this happen is precisely what allows it to exist in the first place.

What you do not see in your myopia is that even if the divine balancing act itself will end all life on this planet, that same balance will allow for trillions upon trillions of other planets to prosper. Without the balancing act, no planet would prosper, with the balancing act, most planets will fail and the fittest will thrive. We can see this in evolution. Most species fail eventually.

This is evolution. Most life on most planets will fail. And only that will allow for those few to continue to exist. But eventually even they will dissolve aswell.


The important part about this is that it is beyond intelligent. This can only truly be accepted from the perspective of the Divine. The rules which govern this reality give rise to life. They give rise to evolution. Evolution kills 99.99999999...% of all forms and species. Yet the small amount which is able to continue is all that matters, because in the totality of this reality even the smallest survival percentage will lead to Infinite Diversity of Life. There is no difference between 100% surviving and 0.0001% surviving. Any number times Infinity will equal Infinity.


This is why the Divine has a Total indifference towards the outcome of Life on this planet. Because the balancing act, corruption, suffering, death, extinction is what will ensure the thriving of Infinite Beings, in a way such that they all will return to the Source eventually.



It does not matter whether or not all life on this planet will go extinct. Infact the balancing act of reality might already declared it to be inevitable. We might have taken the wrong evolutionary path thousands of years ago, leading us to the inevitable demise. The rules however which lead to our demise are exactly the rules which will make infinite other planets, species, beings, civilizations and beyond bask in the Infinite diversity of consciousness. Infinite Diversity requires Infinite sacrifice.


Devilry is perfection, it is a feature, it is necessary in all of it's forms. There is no amount of it that is unnecessary or required to be fought, called out or spoken against, other than the amount that is and will be fought, called out or spoken against. There is no difference between devilry and any other such thing that calls out devilry for what it is. Both of them are the play of balance which leads to infinite sacrifice, which leads to infinite diversity.


To truly accept this would be to dissolve completely, like all life that has ever lived and will ever live. There is only the struggle so far as it is part of the eternal balance.

Try to grasp this, all that you are experiencing right now. The colors, the smells, the thoughts, the memories, the world. All of it. Look at it's impossibility, look at how each aspect is undeniably impossible. Sacrifice is the method through which all of this came to be. Sacrifice which from the perspective of the one who is making that sacrifice is no sacrifce at all, but a pure act of Creation.

True Creativity requires all the "bad" ideas to be put aside so one can create attention. Attention is required for cohesion, cohesion is the nature of the world. In the end the is that which is incomprehensible. That which gives rise to understanding itself.

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