
All of you are full of sh*t

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I think Leo even did a video on this topic. Seriously. He was saying everything is full of shit. He said he is full of shit and basically we are all full of shit. Which is true I guess. Just be the best version of shit you can be. Do it to the best of your ability. 

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1 hour ago, mandyjw said:

But you're not actually moving at all, you bunch of idiots! HA! It sure feels like it though, doesn't it? 


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@Kushu2000 you are clearly bitter, maybe awakening has not and will not occur, but let's drop that for a second. Through Leos videos and a TON of self work:

-my anxiety is gone
-i connect and sleep with tons of women
-i never feel depressed
-i have tons of energy (surf, gym, yoga, work all in one day)
-i live in Bali and completely escaped the rat race
-i live in a state of flow and ease
-my emotions are calm
-i am calm and cool
-my diet is on point
-no more bad habits
-the ability to sit in meditation for hours
-i have reached exactly who i have always wanted to be

yesterday i cried in the ocean at the beauty of it all while sending my love to every being in the water. You tell me that is meaningless and that this work is a scam. Yeah okay, have fun bitching on the internet, maybe try to have an open mind and change your shitty attitude :)

Lions Heart is my YouTube Channel- Syncing Masculinity and Consciousness

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2 hours ago, BlessedLion said:

@Kushu2000 you are clearly bitter, maybe awakening has not and will not occur, but let's drop that for a second. Through Leos videos and a TON of self work:

-my anxiety is gone
-i connect and sleep with tons of women
-i never feel depressed
-i have tons of energy (surf, gym, yoga, work all in one day)
-i live in Bali and completely escaped the rat race
-i live in a state of flow and ease
-my emotions are calm
-i am calm and cool
-my diet is on point
-no more bad habits
-the ability to sit in meditation for hours
-i have reached exactly who i have always wanted to be

yesterday i cried in the ocean at the beauty of it all while sending my love to every being in the water. You tell me that is meaningless and that this work is a scam. Yeah okay, have fun bitching on the internet, maybe try to have an open mind and change your shitty attitude :)


It's all just fluffy emotions in your brain, not real !!!

Yeah but ... I feel amazing ...

But it's just an illusion, just atoms in your head !!!

Yeah but ... I feel like in love all the time ...

But it's just a stupid human emotion, it's all just a high !!!





God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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To the ego, the concept of enlightenment is a goal to achieve. But to those who are enlightened, enlightenment is not a goal, or an experience, or something you can attain. It is what you are, it is beingness, it is all of it, it is existence. Everyone is on the path to realizing this, no matter what path you are on, and every body's path is there to increase the amount of love in the entire existence. You are shitting on this form because you want love, and others who constantly seek enlightenment in this form also just want to love. Without the experience of suffering and hopelessness, you can't have true hope and love, because they are one of the same. Psychedelic can give you experiences, but it is you that have to change the fundamental state of your being in order to be "enlightened". 

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@Kushu2000 It sounds to me that you are getting frustrated that your not getting there fast enough. Look for the root cause of why you are doing this saying everyone is full of shit. My guess is suffering is your root cause and the reason i say so is i had the same feeling. you want to get rid of suffering and it feels impossible. Patients is the key here not blaming. i get your angry and frustrated but work on that. Some of this work is normal people issues and not just spiritual.

Really look at your reactions to anything anyone says it always something about the people here. You are doing the blaming game for your suffering but look inside yourself and just work on your ego and it's problems and then everything will fall into place.

Been there done that and got over myself you need to do the same, good luck.

Edited by Joker_Theory

"Your the left eye and i am the right would it not be madness to fight, WE COME ONE." - Faithless

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3 hours ago, Kushu2000 said:

All EVERYBODY on this forum is doing is asking "how,how,how do i become enlightened?" I dont know if i'm making myself clear.. i'm not attacking anyone personally. I'm just saying the situation is completely hopeless. There is no path to enlightenment. This forum is basically "blind leading the blind". 

@Kushu2000 "All of you are full of Shit" - "Im not attacking anyone personally" - Yeah, just attacking a whole Community... ?

Your Reality is not EVERYBODYS Reality. Your Definition of Enlightenment is not EVERYBODYS Defenition.

This Forum is Food. You eat what you like, process it, use it to heal and grow, and the rest goes in the toilette. 

Is all that we see or seem

But a dream within a dream?

- Edgar Allen Poe 

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Just now, Chakra Lion said:

@Kushu2000 "All of you are full of Shit" - "Im not attacking anyone personally" - Yeah, just attacking a whole Community... ?

Your Reality is not EVERYBODYS Reality. Your Definition of Enlightenment is not EVERYBODYS Defenition.

This Forum is Food. You eat what you like, process it, use it to heal and grow, and the rest goes in the toilette. 

At least someone gets it,but  there are problems that come with it too, people strafe of path by nonsense, not best place if Enlightenment is your goal and you have no clue what to do. 

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@Kushu2000 From your perspective, you are correct. You are perceiving through a particular lens and images will be portrayed through that lens - the exact images you are perceiving. If we were to make an actualized.org documentary, you would be the best person to play the role of “Kushu2000”. Not even the best actor in the world could come remotely close to portraying you than you. You perception through your lens is absolute perfection. No one else can come close to that perfection.

What you are not seeing is the attachment and identification to that lens. You are holding the portrayed images very tightly. The ego will do this because the survival of the egoic identity is dependent on holding and defending these ideas. Again, I am not saying the ideas are “wrong”, they are perfectly correct for the lens you are wearing. 

If one wants to expand, they will need to transcend the lens they hold so dearly. Yet this can be extremely difficult. In a way, it is death. It is the death of the character that is identified to a story. This transcendence can be extremely difficult and uncomfortable. Yet it is also freedom.

This story about how others are “full of shit” is not “wrong”. Yet it is a distraction. It is a distraction that will allow the mind to remain contracted within that narrative. 

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4 hours ago, Kushu2000 said:

@Max_V Im just pointing out the folly of all of this. Even i am full of shit. I have no illussions. Nevertheless, you are going to keep living in hope. That's all you have. Hope. And then you die. 

Quoted like a person who believes the illusion that its all meaningless.

You say this like you know something, yet you say you don't.  Find some love man before you believe it doesn't exist.

Edited by Mu_

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Adyashanti breaks down Enlightenment myths. Pretty useful for killing off your many ideas about what it is. 

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2 ways to have the biggest building in town:

1) Tear all the other buildings down

2) Build the biggest building

"Started from the bottom and I just realized I'm still there since the money and the fame is an illusion" -Drake doing self-inquiry

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If you do not feel the need to know the Truth somewhere deep down, you can still push yourself and throw material paradigm's s... at will, and this is only possible thanks to infinite love.

..and all of this sh.. for ya @Kushu2000 from infinite love.




Edited by tedens

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19 hours ago, Kushu2000 said:

Leo, how many 5 meo DMT trips is it going to take you to become enlightened? Do you really think you can do it? You are fooling yourself. You are fooling yourself and everybody around you. All you are doing is chasing these mystical experiences. All EVERYBODY on this forum is doing is asking "how,how,how do i become enlightened?" I dont know if i'm making myself clear.. i'm not attacking anyone personally. I'm just saying the situation is completely hopeless. There is no path to enlightenment. This forum is basically "blind leading the blind". 

There's no need to sugar coat it. 

Just go ahead and tell us how you really feel. ?

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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