
This Morning's Contemplation on Emotion

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Below are some words I wrote earlier today after contemplating the field of emotions. I wrote this in third person to explicate it more objectively.

Its becoming more and more experientially noticeable to me the magnitude of which thought and emotion are completely self-constructed.

Contemplation Excerpt:

“If we take for example pain. When a wound is acquired and it’s presence is completely beknown to us, often it is overlooked. Those moments where you’ve significantly injured yourself, only to figure it out after perceiving it’s severity. What appears to then happen is the concept “pain” is projected onto what is perceived as “wound” reaffirming what is seen. We then have an instant surge of feeling in congruence to what has been witnessed. Often, the wound  does not hurt until we have glanced it at and conceptually integrated it.

The perception of what is painful or comfortable is itself a thought to which supports the following emotion that echoes it. Think about it, if you were unaware of the perception of pain and had no thought to substantiate it, your feeling of pain would drastically change. Without a thought of what is comfortable or painful there is every chance that we would not know the difference between them. Since at their core they are both a vibrational sensation distinctly categorised by the mind.

How does this relate to emotion? Simply, in that many of our emotions are following events to the thoughts that have come before them. We think of a thought that best suits a particular perceived experience then overlay experience with that emotion.

This becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy to which our emotions are encased in the very concepts we create about them. If we think something is great, we are reaffirmed to respond that way through our behaviour. If we think it is not, then we are again reaffirmed to respond in that way through our behaviour. In this way, it isn’t very clear if what we experience is appropriately distinguished or just merely assumed. It seem this is an area of human experience that deserves much further exploration.”

Something I aim to further contemplate, nonetheless, it appears to be a start. Open to critiques ?

Edited by Jacobsrw

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