
What was Jesus doing?

4 posts in this topic

Jesus was supposedly enlightened...

He knew truth. “He knew the void and called it father.”

If he knew truth, then what was he doing?

There were talks of him saving people. Perhaps accepting people for their misdeeds and their faults. Perhaps this acceptance allowed them to forget the person they were and saved them from their mental prison.

With that in mind, do we do a disservice to people by punishing them for crimes? Does treating someone as a criminal create a criminal?

Should we rather treat everyone with love, acceptance and acceptance death if it comes?

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@pregnantplatypuss hi!

you ask some great questions.


I would say that the paradigm of reward and punishment is by now undoubtedly either a failed parenting strategy, or the results of religious doctrines that have worked for thousands of years to motivated individuals through fear and guilt, rather than authenticity.


So yes, punishment doesn’t lead anywhere. That being said, brutal masochistic serial killers might need prison-like solitary confinement to turn inward and stop inflicting pain onto others as a way of avoiding themselves.

Every crime and illegal and harmful action should be met by the justice systems not as a way of punishing anyone, but as a way of ending abusive cycles and preventing further harm. It can be done compassionately, gently and mindfully, but not in a way where anyone is in danger or being further victimised by predatorial behaviours.



Edited by Martin123

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From my experience, it is true that people cannot control how they are (automatically)...given enough consciousness work I'd assume this would help a bit.

It takes a lot of wisdom to see this, especially if your emotions are involved or if it's with someone who has wronged you...but for example, if there was an abusive man who always hurt his girlfriends. That abuse probably stems back to his childhood where he was neglected. Things don't just randomly pop into existence, everything has a source. And so I'd ask myself then "what has happened in this young boys past to source a vibration of abuse and misconduct.

People are thought of as evil for doing evil things, but those evil manifestations are problems that the person themselves are trying to deal with. Hurt people hurt people.

Instead of me vs my evil enemy, it should be me & my friend vs evil that has overtaken him. Then after he will be good again.

I'm pretty sure this is the reason for the concept of demons. That it's not you or him but that it's both of you against the demon

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14 hours ago, pregnantplatypuss said:

Jesus was supposedly enlightened...

He knew truth. “He knew the void and called it father.”

If he knew truth, then what was he doing?

There were talks of him saving people. Perhaps accepting people for their misdeeds and their faults. Perhaps this acceptance allowed them to forget the person they were and saved them from their mental prison.

With that in mind, do we do a disservice to people by punishing them for crimes? Does treating someone as a criminal create a criminal?

Should we rather treat everyone with love, acceptance and acceptance death if it comes?

I would say that the stories of jesus point to the journey into awakening and enlightenment. He met with people from all ranks of society, healed the sick and helped people let go of sin.

This points to the nature of an enlightened being. They have no judgments toward anyone no matter what life they're living and what acts they do.


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