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I don't understand one of the biggest traps of this work

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For further reference, see 
(scroll down to find the biggest traps)

It's about this one: Conflating knowledge acquisition with growth/development

It might be me. English isn't my best language and so I don't really understand half of the sentence. I tried to translate it, saw the translation, and then wondered how THAT could be a trap.

What I think it means: Thinking that acquiring knowledge on its own is equal to growth/development. I am not sure though.

If this is the case, could someone explain me how that is not equal to growth? I thought educating oneself is done, so that the person may learn and improve.

Thanks in advance.

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More knowledge is a different thing than going meta and see the bigger picture from a zoomed out perspective.


🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation.


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9 hours ago, Ampresus said:

What I think it means: Thinking that acquiring knowledge on its own is equal to growth/development.

That's exactly right.

Ask yourself why academics are not the most developed people on Earth if they have so much knowledge?

You can know every scientific detail of how golf works, but that doesn't make you a good golfer.

In fact, there is an inverse correlation at some point.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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There's a difference between knowledge and wisdom. I can read every book but if I don't live it, its a waste.

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I personally struggle with this a lot, I'm knowledge junkie of the worst kind, just randomly collecting knowledge about things. What you know is not that important, other aspects such as your psychological development (spiral dynamics), awareness, your circle of concern, etc. is what makes all the difference (and is equated with real growth). You can't think your way up the spiral, it works for a little bit and you can achieve some insight through thinking, but its nothing compared to having a profound mystical experience.

Personally, I was raised to be a proud member of the morality club (stage blue), my parents are absolutely obsessed with telling me what is right and wrong. As I grew older I acquired more knowledge, but all of this knowledge was used to discern what is right and what I should be doing. I mean I would literally learn the life purpose course and use it to figure out what I should be doing, I would make an ideology out of it. Now I hold it more as valuable information, but I am entirely free to play around with what I want to do, which is a more yellow approach you could say. But can you see how more thinking does not actually solve this problem, it's the system of thinking that you bought in to that is the problem. It's like Ben Shapiro going 120mph on his logic, but failing to understand that there is no such thing as morality, which completely diminishes anything he has to say.

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