
How to get a Girlfriend on Snapchat?

7 posts in this topic

I have this girl on snapchat who is pretty hot. I have send some few snaps to her, but how do i get her to be more interested in me? I dont know about you guys, but most of my friend i have is on snapchat. I know i need her phone number, but now in 2020 everyone i know only use snapchat these days. Phone number is a bit outdated these days. I cant find any good scorces on how to chat with a girl on snapchat.

I know there are good scorces on how to text a girl, but do i use snapchat the same as i would text her or is it different.

Anyone have some tips on how to chat with a girl on snapchat?

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Asked her out via Snapchat. Work just as well as via text.

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Its not exactly pc but, either she's dtf or next! 

It sounds savage. Ruthless even but, what's the alternative? Be a beta male provider? Be her orbiter? Follow the beaten path as cucked hubby after she pisses away her youth as Chad and Tyrones booty call? 

Tell her what you are doing. Where and when. Tell her to COME WITH. 

She either comes or doesn't but you proceed based on her compliance or lack thereof. There's no ambivalence. If she cannot make it, its still on her to get at you. 


Being "hot" doesn't make her special. Do you know how many girls were hot but aren't due to shitty lifestyle, drugs, booze, smoking, fast food, high body count etc. The rules don't change. There's always hotter and younger (legal obviously). 

Play your hand. 

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The other two are not wrong. Just don't become her BFF buddy. When it comes down to it, you wanna stick your dick in her right? So make it happen.


If you're close with her, invite her over to watch a movie. If a bit less close, ask her out for a drink. 


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Assuming you know her in person? Build a rapport with her in person and maybe send her a couple of funny snaps or compliment her in a non sexual way if she posts something interesting. Then ask her out in person, if not possible then on snapchat. If she is less than thrilled to say yes and gives you a maybe or no, be polite and confident about it, and then move on to the next. Use snapchat as a secondary thing after connecting in person, try to only use when don't have another option. 

"Started from the bottom and I just realized I'm still there since the money and the fame is an illusion" -Drake doing self-inquiry

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This video is relevant for snapchat too.




At the end of the day, nothing can substitute for demonstrating masculine qualities in person (confidence, direction, humour, willingness to lead, non-neediness)


Also, just general dating advice, read models by mark manson and the way of the superior man by david deida...also, how to be a 3% man by coach corey wayne is great.


Good luck

I make YouTube videos about Self-Actualization: >> Check it out here <<

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She will be interested in you if you openly and directly communicate that you like her and are willing to leave if she says no.

The biggest turn off is sub communicating neediness. 

On 08/01/2020 at 4:37 AM, Peo said:

I have this girl on snapchat who is pretty hot.

This communicates what you value in her. In turn, when you communicate with her she will see that in you. This is not bad per se, but women want a man who is confident in their agency in the world. Sex is the cherry on top. If sex is your first priority it shows up as neediness. It shows that you don't get a lot of sex, which sub communicates beta-hood and that you need it from her badly.

Its not about denying that you want sex, its about being confident to communicate that she is sexy and you'd like to hang out BUT being completely unattached to outcome. 

I have send some few snaps to her, but how do i get her to be more interested in me?

You get her to be more interested in you by sub communicating that your life is great whether she is interested in you or not. 

Snaps are a weak intro. If she is not responding to your snaps I suggest you ask her out in person. If she is not interested over snaps, do not send more - it communicates neediness. If she doesn't want to go out when you ask her in person, you have to be confident enough to walk away with no sign of hurt or disappointment.  How do you do that honestly? By doing 1000s of approaches to where you honestly don't care about her response.

I know i need her phone number.

No you don't. You have her snapchat and I assume you know her in person. Those are all you need. If you can't make that work then you need more practice.


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