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The pursuit of happyness

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There seems to be a four step process in the pursuit of happyness. (and yes, I know how to spell it ?)

1 :   Just go for it. Just do anything that makes you happy. Get that experience. Live. Love. Spoil yourself. Sow some oats. Get a little messy. The secret is, the more you do this, the more step two naturally happens. 

 2 : Begin to become aware of what happiness is, and what makes you happy. At this stage, you will naturally strip away all the  illusionary BS which you've lied to yourself your whole life, about what will make you happy. The more you are in this stage, the more you will...

 3:   ...Realize that you don't know what will 'make' you happy, and you can't seem to 'find' it. The elusive friend. You understand that happiness is a chemical reaction, and that you've only been feeding it garbage this whole time, fueling it's elusiveness. This step is largely about letting go the idea of pursuing happiness, and moving towards a position of heart centered love. The more you are in this stage, the more you will 'find'...

4. .... Is that happyness will find you.  You realize that just because happiness is an illusionary chemical reaction, it doesn't make it bad, or something to reject. By this stage you probably love your body pretty well, and therefore can also love the chemical reactions which arise within- 'happy' or not.

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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Once one is in step four, and are loving what is, instead of  clinging to false hopes of what could or should be, it is not uncommon for one to find themselves in a constant Flux between steps 1-4, at least for a while at first. This is due to all the kicking and screaming which will arise in steps 1 and 3. Like a sine wave, the kicking and screaming (resistance to what is) creates peaks and valleys, sometimes in orbital patterns. Lots of growth to be had here. Self - propelled growth, actually, in the echo chamber of Life. 


Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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