
Daily training

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You're at the gym daily performing moderate strength training  with rehab and abs work ( AVG 2.5hr sessions)

Give me your top tips for recovery and any (vegan please) supplementation you may take to support the body.



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How do you workout for 2.5 hours? Unless i'm in yoga class I find i half ass my workouts a lot and I have difficulty pushing myself hard enough where I feel deeply satisfied after the workout.

Sorry to hijack lol but i'm just curious if others have the same problem when starting out in working out/training.

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@Raptorsin7 how? Quite easily for me (not always, some days I cba)

Depends on your motivation? Where do you feel you sway mostly on this scale (honestly) with regards to training? (Check out the self determination theory)



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-Cycle high intensity/low to moderate intensity workouts. 

-Switch up exercises to target body movement in all planes of motion

-Build strength with function, targeting end ranges of motion with stability so your shoulders/hips/spine will be healthy

-Make sure sleep/nutrition are on point

-Properly warm up before high intensity (takes longer to warm up than most people think for optimal performance)

-Use cold thermogenesis (cold showers/contrast showers) for muscle recovery with deep nasal breathing

All this advice won't help much unless you get an experiential understanding of these concepts. Seek out a quality trainer to monitor your movement quality if you can.  

"Started from the bottom and I just realized I'm still there since the money and the fame is an illusion" -Drake doing self-inquiry

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2.5 hour session will deplete a lot of nutrients, create a cocktail of free radicals and probably a lot of microdamage to the muscle so a nutrient-rich post-workout meal is a must. 

Mix up a lot of antioxidant-rich fruits, some greens for chlorophyll and B-vitamins, seeds, nuts and probably some vegan protein powder to aid recovery. 

Foam rolling before and after can be helpful as well. 

And I know you didn't ask but 2.5 hours might be a little bit too long for workout, your cortisol will be very elevated for quite some time due to all the gluconeogenesis happening after you burn through your sugar stores. Just 2c :)

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9 hours ago, Shiva said:

Otherwise stay away from supplements, especially protein powder

The most OP will probably get out of it is bad smelling farts and a thinner wallet. Good advice. 

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I’d do more intermittent fasts, consume less or quickly digestible food like smoothies post workouts because the energy will be directed toward recovery rather than digestion.  The same goes for preworkout fuel, I’d avoid anything within an hour so there’s no acid build up during the training. Lastly I simply wouldn’t place so much importance on training past comfort or through pain because it’s a silly mental game creating more stress and problems to deal with.

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If you're interested in a decent protein powder, this is the best I've found. The company has a sale on also. British and Vegan.

Pricey but you get what ye pay for.

I've also been using this MultiVitamin -

Best I've found online. Anyone have a better brand? Better price? 

Am I just wasting money on shit marketed as gold? 

Edited by SoothedByRain

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