
is this Candle theory correct?

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I watched this video about who we really are but i not 100% sure what he means.

Could someone explain this to me pls?? First he talks about a full void(what doe he mean by a full void? which i understand is like a "candle" He then says the sentient being is a candlewick and then there is spark of prana and then there is a "flame" which i take as consciousness. Not sure which one we really are or are we all three is what i am guessing.

What do you think he is saying and is it correct?


"Your the left eye and i am the right would it not be madness to fight, WE COME ONE." - Faithless

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Nice vid. 

He used some language that might confuse u so I’ll try to say it simply. 

He is saying you are the thinker not the imagination. 


If rn u imagine a vivid experience of a person dying from the 1st person view do you die once that  thought fades? If you experience death in a dream do you die? 

God/Self is like a master of imagination. When he imagines the human experience he gets the real deal/full experience. Humans have not practiced imagination much so they don’t get the full experience but You/Self does. 


What humans call reality is just Self/You playing with its imagination. All around this human is YOUR imagination.

All form is imaginary. Form is imagined by you for you. :)


He says the void is full. What he means is that because imagination of Self is unlimited, life/experience is unlimited. 

You are not the imagination/human but you do get the full human/imaginary experience. You are that which remains, is always here, and always will be. 

You have the best of both worlds. You get to experience the full vivid form while being formless/silent/untouched/at peace.;)


If all is imaginary what is there left to do but enjoy or not enjoy the human imagination, the imagination of Self, and also just being still? 


Edited by Astra

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@Joker_Theory Write "full void" on a piece of paper and burn it. Then, write every theory you've heard and burn them all. Burn all theories.

Stop confusing yourself. Remove all the theories. You don't need any of that. You have been deluded.

The path can be explained in 5 minutes. It's way simpler.

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His basically saying that your origin is  Nothingness-Nothingness is something so wast that even word infinite would be poor explanation, well anyway you can call it source that has potential for anything, this source on it self does nothing more then being source of infinite potential, wick is your physical body and  flame is confusing as it makes you question allot of things as they do not add up. 

He is just saying when your experience ends, you die , but infinite potential is still there and he thinks he is it, so it is fine, I am not sure but I am starting to think that he is one of thous chaotic source preachers. 

Do I agree, no , does it matter, no! :D 

Edited by purerogue

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