By randomguy123
in Mental Health, Serious Emotional Issues,
(Thanks in advance to anyone wanting to help. I know this is pretty long, but hopefully at least it will be a good read.)
Ok, so here goes I guess.
Before anything else, I have made a previous thread on this problem, but it wasn’t very accurate or useful, so I won’t be referring to it here.
Basically I am struggling with some serious energy blockages in my body, causing brain fog, obstructing breathing patterns, causing serious tension in my stomach and at its worst also blocking my hips. These latter two have largely subsided with the work I have done and currently I’m struggling with blockages in the brain area (mainly in the back of my head and in the third eye area) and down my spine and upper chest area.
The best way to describe them is a dense layer of fog that is draped over these areas of my body, directly impacting awareness and clarity, with certain pressure points existing, that feel mildly painful and emotional uncomfortable when I focus on them (e.g. bottom of sternum, around C1, C2, T3 and T9 in the spine). When things get bad, I can very accurately pin point where things are messed up and where they are not. In general it is most of the time in my awareness, around friends I lose awareness of the problem to the point that things are almost normal, but the blockage never goes away, I’m just not actively noticing it.
Things have been this way for the better part of three and a half years (active blockages), but really my whole life I have been building up this problem (first serious symptoms experienced 6 years ago). I have been struggling all my life with fear of failure and tried to do something about it by fighting these thoughts and coming up with mental frameworks to combat them. I would have (and still have) frequent thoughts that chime in and question if I can really write this paragraph or read this text or drive this car right now, I know that these sound like ridiculous propositions but I would take questions like this serious. I would come up with rationalizations as to why I knew that I was going to succeed and ways of thinking to protect myself, which obviously did not work. Nowadays I try not to take my thoughts so serious and I’m trying to be more mature about this.
Unfortunately I banged up my body in the process, its carrying the scars of all those rationalizations and ways of thinking, resulting in some major blockages in my body. Despite all this, I’ve managed to keep the ship running and graduated with a M. Sc. in September, writing my thesis whilst barely being able to see my screen because of brain fog. I managed to bargain myself a free year to figure out what I want to do and figure out a life purpose, but more importantly move on from this problem. In general things are pretty stable, the fog comes and goes and my body is more banged up under stress, but I’m not causing myself more harm as we speak. I understand so much more about how this stuff works, then when I got myself in to it. I’m just looking to turn the corner now and start living my life.
So, the meat: The brain fog and blocking of my body comes and goes, but I feels more like the problem is regenerating itself, rather than that I am causing it if that makes sense. The root cause of the problem however is never addressed or touched, yet it feels like it is always within reach, like I could pop it out like a pimple. Like a trip to the haunted house, could set it free.
Of course I have tried many things, unfortunately not a whole lot in rigorous fashion (things are difficult when you are in the weeds). The way I currently work on it, is by sitting down and focusing my attention on pressure points, which results in my back or neck cracking and releasing some of the pressure. I also do the opposite, which is sitting down and doing nothing which also winds up releasing some of the pressure, almost always through cracking my back. When things were bad in the past I would also crack my hip joints and lower back as this would release some pressure in those areas (they’re mostly ok now I guess). Unfortunately, I can never get everything away like this, some fog/blockage always remains (mostly in my head and chest area).
I’ve tried doing meditation (the previous methods are basically meditation) and I’m also looking into the Kriya yoga thing, but it has been difficult to do these things properly, as It gets pretty uncomfortable. I’m thinking of doing some meditation retreat, but I get very uncomfortable in group meditations as I’m cracking my back constantly and burping a lot and I have to hold myself in to not be that obnoxious person (when I sit down and turn inward, all of this stuff naturally happens).
Obviously there is also the whole mental game to this, I don’t try to take this problem to serious. I’m very well aware of the fact that I could just be keeping this alive for no reason, but I don’t think I am. I can accurately monitor the effect of positive thinking/visualizations, it results in the same back cracking/ release of pressure, but it never get me out of it entirely ( I can imagine myself free of this problem right now, and instantly my body will set to work to achieve the imagined state. This does some work, but it never solves it completely). When I try to let go of my thinking on the problem this has a similar effect, where it releases some pressure, but not all of it.
I’ve tried the Sedona method and also read Letting Go by David R. Hawkins, but they are not getting me out of this. The Sedona method is too cumbersome with all those questions and just leads to me banging myself up harder, whereas the Hawkins approach hasn’t work either, as of now. The main problem you could say is that I need to release more stuff and to release deeper, because even though a solution seems close, it is still too far to actively release and let go off.
I’ve also tried stuff like binaural beats, watched almost all Leo’s vids on this problem, and bought the Sedona audio course (which I refunded). Lastly I have tried shamanic breathing, but the main problem with this is that things are not connecting. My breathing seems to be too superficial, so I wind up tiring myself out after say 20 minutes and end up with classic lobster claws, without even coming close to touching the problem. It feels like I’m working on the wrong level, like it is not connecting.
So what I’m trying to do right now, is to adapt more of a mastery approach then I have in the past, really spending serious hours going over what I am feeling and experiencing. In the past I used to try and ignore this stuff and tried every new gimmicky approach I could get my hands on, now I try to bring intelligence to what I’m doing and trying to notice all the subtle things going on. I’m positively not ready for psychedelics, but I’m looking to try small dosages of modafinil to see if that could put me over the hump. I could also get more serious about yoga practices, but it is often discouraging as a lot of this stuff seems to take me into a completely different direction, and doesn’t address the problem at all.
Even though this sucks and I’m just scraping by in life, I feel like I’ve already learned a lot from this stuff and it has corrected a lot of the bullshit stuff I did and believed. I’ve learned that even in the shit, there are always plenty of things to be grateful for. So I try to keep that in mind (this also has a similar effect as positive visualization I’ve noticed).
Lastly, any feedback is welcome. This stuff is wrecking my life pretty hard, I try to get by, but I’m not sure I could work a full time job like this. Please share if you have any experience with this sort of stuff, most of it seems pretty odd, but to me it feels like something anybody could go through.
TLDR: Brain fog/ general blockages in my body, that are persistent and largely preventing me from living a normal life (although I try).