
The US just killed Iran General

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Trump has now threatened to destroy Iranian cultural heritage.

There is a consensus among different countries and civilizations of the world that some monuments, for their historical or cultural value, belong to humanity as a whole and are worth to preserve even in times of war, for future generations to inherit them. The most radical groups like ISIS don't respect that and make such monuments their target, isn't it funny that Trump behaves just like them? Well, funny is not the word, but it is an interesting coincidence that I wanted to point out.

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yep something funny can become pretty fast pretty damned uncomfortable. usually then it`s already to late.

my grandgrandpa who was in first world war said to the boys before the second one (his son inclusive who was cannon fodder because his mouth was too big, means he was not a good dog): mey boys, you will experience something.

he sometimes got punched for being like that. but you know it wasn`t like no one would have prophesied it.

Edited by remember

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More repercussions, Iran may abandon the nuclear deal limitation agreed with the Obama administration in 2015. Trump had unilateraly withdrawn it, who the Hell knows why, there is no way Iran is going to accord any new deal with the USA now. In the end, Trump has shown they will attack them whether they continue with their nuclear program or not, they may as well build the damn nukes.

I don't like it, but I can understand it. Look at North Korea, they have nuclear weapons, so if anybody fucks them, they are going to fuck them back and everybody knows they are totally capable of doing it without hesitation. There's the explanation for the final peace making between Trump and Kim Jong Un in person. I guess Iran wants the same negotiation power, they got the excuse now.

Edited by Hatfort

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Trump tweets can be hollow, but tweeting 52 targets aligned if Iran retaliates, Including cultural sites is naked ignorance. Destruction of historical  treasure is akin to the Punic wars of the ancients, or the Taliban blowing-up the giant Buddhas in Afghanistan, by the way where is our Mideast adviser Mr. Jared when we need him or is his expertise Saudi Arabia and Israel only. If God forbid war happens, it will be an SD blue war (throw in red if we destroy cultural monuments e.g. Persepolis). Of course  blue war would appease his base which thankfully is his only support, other than his yes men. A blue war would be supported by blue and lower orange, but would upper orange green yellow and above approve? The answer is how many are we and VOTE. Remove from office, one way or the other.

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@johncakecream Well, I think Trump is basically still a traumatised child and now he is playing his destructive games on a greater scale.

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Trump’s threat to bomb Iranian culture sites is heinous. It is threatening to destroy their cultural heritage and murder innocent civilians. He is a stage red psychopath.  

@Florian Yes, he is living out his own trauma and traumatizing many others in the process. Yet I think there is more going on than conditioned trauma. I think his genetics, brain and endocrine system is not functioning normally. Like psychopaths, I don’t think he can physiologically experience some emotions like empathy for others. 

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1 hour ago, Serotoninluv said:


 Yet I think there is more going on than conditioned trauma. I think his genetics, brain and endocrine system is not functioning normally. Like psychopaths, I don’t think he can physiologically experience some emotions like empathy for others. 

I don't know about that, I think it makes enough sense if he just has a big fucking sick ego, but who knows?

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2 hours ago, Bno said:

@Serotoninluv He is not stage red, he is very much stage orange like most billionaires.

You are very generous and give him too much credit. He is not a billionaire and just an ounce of Orange. Mainly mafia, mob boss red. 

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what he actually really managed is to distract from the impeachment, and he is using iran to stay in power. because of different reasons - distraction, distraction, distraction.

the really funny thing that became unfunny is that now he deserves it so much more to be impeached. but the focus will be somewhere else.

and iranians and iraqi people will help him with that.

Edited by remember

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@Serotoninluv He's too dumb to be a mafia mob boss, he'd already have been caught. He isn't ruthless enough to be stage red and he doesn't have any mystical beliefs, but he does know how to use religion to try to manipulate the Republican voters. The man also had climate change policies in his hotel, and has shared comments in the past about running as a Republican if he ever were to run because the voters are dumb and easy to manipulate. These are very stage Orange rational tactics to fend for oneself.


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7 hours ago, Serotoninluv said:

He is a stage red psychopath.  

Not a psychopath, just Stage Red ;)

Impeachment cornered him like a rat. So this is the ego backlash to that.

Trump is too unconscious to accept loss without lashing out. That is what makes him so dangerous. He will try to take the ship down with him if he goes down.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Impeachment cornered him like a rat. So this is the ego backlash to that.

He will try to take the ship down with him if he goes down.

This remind me perfectly also someone else...

🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation.


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"It's hard for Democrats to be against war because they profit off war."

This is the reason why they'll impeach Trump on a stupid phone call but won't do it on the killing of a key figure in Iran without congressional approval. 

Corporate Democrats won't even support Tulsi Gabbard's "No More Presidential Wars Act" nor the "Stop Arming Terrorists Act" nor the Censure she proposed on Donald Trump.

Let's understand the systemic problem here.

Edited by Bno

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7 hours ago, Bno said:

This is the reason why they'll impeach Trump on a stupid phone call but won't do it on the killing of a key figure in Iran without congressional approval. 

There are better reasons to impeach Trump now, indeed. But three weeks ago wasn't now.

Democrats didn't assassinate Soleimani, republicans did, under Trump's direct command and without consulting or agreeing with the congress or his European allies. Let's stick to the facts for once, this is not on democrats, it's on Trump.

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@Hatfort The facts are that they do not oppose this war, otherwise you'd see them speaking out more about not going to war, instead they just disagree with the strategy. They voted for more sanctions on Iran. They voted to increase Trump's military budget. They voted to pull out of the nuclear treaty with Iran. Why? Well, look at who pays them. Bernie, Tulsi, and Justice Democrats didn't vote for any of these. Why? Look at who doesn't pay them.

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25 minutes ago, Hatfort said:


There are better reasons to impeach Trump now, indeed. But three weeks ago wasn't now.

Trump was caging kids (torture; crimes against humanity), Trump's rape allegations, Trump was arming terrorists who are creating a genocide in Yemen, Trump violated the emoluments clause on day 1, Trump was lying to us about our presence in Afghanistan (is what the Pentagon papers published in the Washington Post revealed about his, Obama's, and Bush's administrations). There were many strong reasons to impeach him 3 weeks ago.

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The two party political system of the USA sucks, I know, and Democrats are as part of it as Republicans.

But this event is entirely on Trump and the Republican party, it was their call and action, that's the fundamental fact here that we should not get out of sight.

The Democrats put the impeachment in motion with what they had then and considered best, it's certainly better than the motives for impeaching Clinton. Maybe you could send your suggestions to the Democrat senators and candidates though, if you have an interest on advising them. But I don't think you were ever in favour of impeaching Trump in the first place, were you?

Edited by Hatfort

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