
The US just killed Iran General

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@Nivsch We pulled out of the INF treaty even though Iran did absolutely nothing.

We're allowed to have nuclear arms to "defend" ourselves but Iran isn't?

Sanctions hurt innocent people.


Edited by Bno

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Every US general and secretary of defense is a war criminal by the US's own logic.

Of course top military leaders mastermine the deaths of thousands of people. That is their job.

By the US's own logic, all top US officials are justified to be assassinated for their military planning. That's how absurdly self-biased the position is.

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Now that the US is waging war on Iran (Russia's ally), I wonder if the Democrats will continue the notion that Trump is Putin's henchman.

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This is a move to provoke Iran into action, which in turn, will justify a more devastating military crusade by the US. Its a devilish and sneaky plan. I hope Iranians will not give in to what warmongers really want.

"Beyond fear, destiny awaits" - Dune


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although i think, if they once started to seek out the super villains from all countries - there will be many more, maybe that would be better than bombing red cross voluntaries - the direction might not be that bad.

that`s the point where i fear trump a little bit - he would probably push a red button without blinking an eye. he is really great in unpredictability. or maybe that`s the one factor which is predictable in him.

Edited by remember

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20 hours ago, Annoynymous said:

killing another country's top military leader is an act of aggression and it was an assassination which goes against humanity and International Law.

Btw, sometime you can try to think outside of your Blue Israeli point of and consider other points of view as well.

The thought that only a VISIBLE war makes this kind of elimiination legitimate is a mistake, becasue Iran does every day more steps into its goal to encircle Israel and spread across middle east, and this is itself is enough treathment that justifies preventive actions.

At least for Israel there is a big significance of this elimination. why? because Iran leaderships have declared very clearly it wants to destroy Israel. You can google about what middle east experts think about the hegemonic aspirations of Iran to spread across the middle east and encircle Israel, and this isn't because of love and desire to hug Israel. I understand what you say about look outside my perspective, ok, but try also to take my perspective into account.

Edited by Nivsch

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19 hours ago, Annoynymous said:

goes against the spirit of spirituality and this forum

Do you recgonize this BLUE rigid assumption (disguised as spiritual content) you did right now?

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15 hours ago, Bno said:

We're allowed to have nuclear arms to "defend" ourselves but Iran isn't?

Nuclear weapon in the hands of RED regime who declares usually it wants to diminish Israel is too dangerous. Please remember that Israel is a small dot in the map compared to US and one missle with nuclear weapon might really destroy Israel. Take into account Israel's perspective too.

Edited by Nivsch

🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation.


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@Nivsch again, you are judging from zionist point of view.

America killed the general, now you feel as Israeli to defend that, for America?! Isn't it insane?

Yeah,  Iran is a threat to Israel. Israel is also threat to Iran- this is what you are missing in the context.

A threat is given before going for aggression. It is not war and it is used by both of the parties.But America is so paranoid with fear that right now it even started to act based upon a threat. 


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27 minutes ago, Nivsch said:

Do you recgonize this BLUE rigid assumption (disguised as spiritual content) you did right now?

There is no such thing to recognise. Perhaps you should reflect on yourself then you can see what you are projecting on me.

Edited by Annoynymous

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The most important thing is, if Israel agreed to two state solution which is rightful, then perhaps it need not to face threat of annihilation and hatred across the middle eastern region.


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8 minutes ago, Annoynymous said:


Israel is also threat to Iran- this is what you are missing in the context.


4 minutes ago, Annoynymous said:

The most important thing is, if Israel agreed to two state solution which is rightful, then perhaps it need not to face threat of annihilation and hatred across the middle eastern region.


Its quite naive to think that Iran wants to diminish Israel only because there is still not a solution with the palestines (and I want that solution).

It much deeper than this.

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13 minutes ago, Annoynymous said:

There is no such thing to recognise. Perhaps you should reflect on yourself then you can see what you are projecting on me.

This self bias here is fully symetric. Don't say to me you are responding to me from a yellow perspective.

I'll try to look at the picture also from US perspective, but you also have to think of Israel perspective if you want to be fair.

Edited by Nivsch

🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation.


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2 minutes ago, Nivsch said:


Its quite naive to think that Iran wants to diminish Israel only because there is still not a solution with the palestines (and I want that solution).

It much deeper than this.

If the would have agreed, it would definitely lead to peace with the arab world including Iran.

I did not say it would entirely eliminate the threat. But surely  it would not be in todays position.

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18 minutes ago, Annoynymous said:

A threat is given before going for aggression. It is not war

Again - The thought that only a VISIBLE war makes this kind of elimiination legitimate is a mistake, becasue Iran does every day more steps into its goal to encircle Israel and spread across middle east, and this is itself is enough threathment that justifies preventive actions.

Edited by Nivsch

🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation.


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5 minutes ago, Nivsch said:


Lol. You can conduct a survey through the middle eastern region and ask,  how do you view Israel?

Undoubtedly it would appear as the most hated and despised country in the region. Almost every neighbour of Israel hate her.

Go figure out why? Then you can have your answer.  

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The reason why i am not at symmetrical position as you that i do not view Israel as illegitimate as most muslims.

I have grown up in a muslim family although i don't identify myself as muslim. From early age i have been indoctrinated by the society that how evil Israel is, how illegitimately it claimed land in the middle east, how they are torturing muslims etc

If i go on to parroting mode by saying those, you will find yourself in a very very defensive position. 

But i did not do that. I won't do that Becasuse i have recognised those indoctrination mostly not true. I grew out of that.

I have sympathy to jews about what happened to them during holocaust. I think it was a terrible thing. I also do not think of them as illegitimate in the middle east.

But i do however, criticise them for their rigid position and fear based response, their unwillingness to reconciling with Palestinians and arabs. Its not good. They are committing evil. 


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14 minutes ago, Nivsch said:

Again - The thought that only a VISIBLE war makes this kind of elimiination legitimate is a mistake, becasue Iran does every day more steps into its goal to encircle Israel and spread across middle east, and this is itself is enough threathment that justifies preventive actions.

These are just based on your assumption, it has got no international legal ground. As Israel is also part of the UN, it has obligation to abide by international laws and regulation.

If you act on threat, prepare yourself to defend because your enemy is also gonna use that logic against you.

That is why rule of law is necessary. 

Edited by Annoynymous

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36 minutes ago, Annoynymous said:

Lol. You can conduct a survey through the middle eastern region and ask,  how do you view Israel?

Undoubtedly it would appear as the most hated and despised country in the region. Almost every neighbour of Israel hate her.

Go figure out why? Then you can have your answer.  

Because of their self biases as arabs who feel threatened by Israel the only and super tiny state in the hugh arab middle east.

Today people in the arab region start to understand that Israel have not any intention to do any bad to them. Just wants to live in its tiny piece of land that we have an hystorical connection to and to be able to defend ourselves in order that events like the holocaust won't able to relapse.

Edited by Nivsch

🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation.


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