
The US just killed Iran General

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The United States killed a prominent Iranian General by airstrike in Iraq. Take a look at this -

I think America is quite hypocrite. On one hand they talk about liberty, freedom and justice and on the other hand they do whatever to ensure their survival. This is not an isolated case. This has happened many times if one look at the history. How can a nation claim to be the leader of the world community and engage in such low conscious activity? 

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it`s def an interesting topic. but the topic is much bigger than that single occurrence - only pointing towards the us is also very onesided. in a time where warfare is so much manipulated through ideologies you could also point towards iranian warfare methods and say the same.

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@remember I think that both sides are responsible for committing atrocities against each other.

Either they are unconscious of their evil doing or they are just using lofty words like peace, liberty as a disguise to hide their actual intention, which is definitely not good.  

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Wouldn't it that be like a foreing country striking against the secretary of defense of the US? Wouldn't that be seen as an act of war? Wouldn't the people in the US react by going even more radical? So how do you think Iranians will react now, going more moderate or more radical?

They are justifying this attack saying this man is responsible of hundreds of deaths of american soldiers. I don't know exactly how, but when you go to war, isn't that to be expected? How many Iranian deaths have happened because attacks like this, soldiers and civilians? They also justified this attack as preventive. It's very convenient, when you are preventing something, you will never have to prove that indeed was going to happen, who the Hell knows, the man is dead. In the past America used to retaliate after being attacked, like in Pearl Harbor, now just they say they are preventing attacks. This is crazy.

I think Trump wants another war, the millitary industry has to make a living once again. I'm sorry for the loses of Iranians and american soldiers that will be if they get what they want.

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@Hatfort the notion of pre emptive war was developed in the Bush era, at that time they had used this concept to justify their war on Afghanistan and Iraq. It is a terrible thing. They act out of fear and i think this is precisely the case for today's incident of killing off the Iranian General. To Iran, he is a national hero. Such a death of an hero would not be accepted by Iran so easily. Maybe they will retaliate by seeking revenge in the future. It is a disaster and threat against peace as one famous saying goes,  "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind".


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44 minutes ago, Hatfort said:

Wouldn't it that be like a foreing country striking against the secretary of defense of the US? Wouldn't that be seen as an act of war? Wouldn't the people in the US react by going even more radical? So how do you think Iranians will react now, going more moderate or more radical? 

Look from a different context, in Iran not everyone happy with current government, such causalities decreases the popularity . People are more likely to revolt aganist weak goverment. Can Iran do something aganist America's move?  Hell no. America played well on this one. 

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4 minutes ago, Sucuk Ekmek said:

Look from a different context, in Iran not everyone happy with current government, such causalities decreases the popularity . People are more likely to revolt aganist weak goverment. Can Iran do something aganist America's move?  Hell no. America played well on this one. 

I don't think so. Americans would get defensive if their leaders were attaced, so will Iranians, this won't moderate them, it will make them hate America more, maybe with reasons. Of course Iran won't ever attack American soil and will be very cautious on attacking their forcers internationally too. That was true before and after this attack, what changed? How much are American militars going to tense the situation? What if the next general is more radical? That would be ideal for the military industry, business goes first. In the meantime, we can turn our heads from other issues like healthcare, inequality, environment, etc. A win for them. But what about the lifes lost? Very irresponsible and very selfish.

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@Annoynymous It's all manufactured so that we can spread US neoliberalism around the world. Multinationals who fund US politicians push for war to install their business in countries that have many of their resources nationalized. All the US has to do to manufacture consent is say "so-and-so is an evil person! We must act now with military force."

In recent history, so-and-so = Sadam Hussein of Iraq, Ghadafi of Lybia, Asaad of Syria, Chavez and Maduro of Venezuela, etc.

We are the ones starting these wars. If the US truly cared about ending "evil dictatorships," we wouldn't still have Saudi Arabia as our clients.

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@Bno neo liberal economic model is the mother of all evil which does no good to people who are in need and poor. It is there to serve only the rich people, making them even more richer and influential. This model initially assumes that people are greedy.

America will soon discover this model do no good to them anymore. They may think they will continue to be the ruler of an unilateral world but it is just their self serving fantasy as  the world is becoming more global with new powerful nations are on the rise.

We may see a new version of world culture which our ancestors might not have seen. 

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@Annoynymous We are seeing people in some Latin American countries fighting back against imperialism. I wonder how the end up this new decade will look like.

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12 minutes ago, Bno said:

It's all manufactured so that we can spread US neoliberalism around the world.

How about looking at it as a multiple choice, fill in the blanks: 

It's all manufactured so that X can spread Y around the world.

X = USA, Iran, Saudi Arabia, UK, USSR, Vatican, Apple.

Y = Neoliberalism, Shiite Islam, Wahhabism, British Empire, Communism, Catholicism, iphones. 

Powerful institutions looking after their self-interest. When we get to the root causes, it's not about the particular ideology but something more deep rooted in human ego. 

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Maybe it's time for a change of view in the world, war is not the solution. I wish I could say more about this but I still don't know much.

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This was the greatest concern about Trump now come to fruition.

The correct wording here is: the US assassinated Iranian top leader. But notice how US media doesn't phrase it that way due to self-bias.

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The US was angry with General Solaimani for a long time. They hold themselves up from doing any harm to him because he was one of the key figures in fighting against ISIL in the middle east. When the defeat of IS declared last year, the US find no excuse for not executing the General.

That is how much of an strategic selfish evil the US is.

Edited by Annoynymous

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Trump is officially the dumbest idiot alive. What a fucking mess he's made. I'm sure this will have repercussions for many many years to come. 


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We've been doing shit like this all over the globe for decades. It's completely wrong, but it's certainly nothing new. Don't be fooled into thinking this is a Trump thing like many will suggest. 

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17 minutes ago, DivineSoda said:

We've been doing shit like this all over the globe for decades. It's completely wrong, but it's certainly nothing new. Don't be fooled into thinking this is a Trump thing like many will suggest. 

Unfortunately, it seems like @Leo Gura is doing this. Or suggesting that Trump is the worst. Obama started 5 wars (Lybia, Syria, Sudan, Yemen, and Somalia) in addition to Bush's 2 (Iraq and Afghanistan). If anything, I'd say Obama is more dangerous than Trump because of how asleep the left gets when there's a Democrat in office.

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@Space Try to look at this systemically. Is this only Trump or is it him plus the military industrial complex, the political establishment and multinationals who want to spread their businesses by force?

Didn't we see this happen in recent history too? When Obama bombed 7 different countries killing millions of innocent civilians including school buses and weddings? When Bush started the torture facilities and bombing the middle east to expand his and his administrations' corporate interests which continued under Obama and now Trump?

This far from partisan. Currently under Trump, we have "resistance" Democrats like Nancy Pelosi and Elizabeth Warren voting for Trump's increases in the military budget and expanding the surveillance state.

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Quite rude to kill a bunch of people in order to assassinate one.

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"We invaded sovereign soil, going after oil
Taking countries is a hobby paid for by the oil lobby
Same as in Iraq, and Afghanistan
And Ahmadinejad say they coming for Iran"

Edited by Bno

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