
Regular Meditation Feeling Like A 6 Hour Sit

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Currently I have been having the most gruesome time sitting down for even 20 minutes straight and sometimes cut my sit short. Everyday is feeling more like a struggle to clear my regular meditation time. I have been recognizing that whatever thoughts or feelings that come up will soon be gone as is their nature and that they are not me or my thoughts. Almost as if to mentally say these words and then let the experience of whatever is happening happen. But there has been a huge feeling of discontent that is breaking concentration and making 5 minutes feel like a lot more time has gone by. There is definitely a feeling of losing progress here that could be chalked up to my now busy schedule. I am just wondering if anyone has any experience with this and some advice as to how I can get myself to sit through this distraction

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@Friend Leos recommendation of strong determination has helped me a lot

My body let's all that frustration out because I don't allow it to move.. all the anxiety and weird shit is magically vented

I highly recommend you watch Leo's video about strong determination sitting and maybe couple it with do nothing.


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@Friend also watch the lifestyle minimalism one because you mentioned your busyness, I find when I'm busy meditation is much harder, but at times when I slow my life down its easier, so try to work on slowing the pace of your life down 

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@Saarah I can honestly say that slowing down will be a huge change and may make my my brain feel like it will blow up from trying to go fast but being denied. Thinking about it almost makes it seem in the same area of issues as meditation with the constant intense feeling of needing to do something else. Maybe I just have to breakthrough the feeling and let it keep going as it has been. Thank you. 

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It's been often said that “Practice makes the Master.” No matter how difficult or how time consuming meditation seems, it's best to stick with it—every single day with no exceptions. Morning is the best time to meditate. I now look forward to getting out of bed, just to meditate. Any difficulties with the process such as feeling fidgety, suffering from discomfort or experiencing unwanted or painful thoughts indicate that important issues are escaping from the subconscious. Let em' flow. Become the witness. You will receive great benefits. Also realize that with enough practice you will be able to sit quietly and completely enjoy the process. What's humorous is that I never forego my meditation time. Does that mean I'm attached to it? Doesn't meditation mean you give up attachments?

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@PraxisBob It's somewhat common knowledge that monks can eventually go for hours at a time sitting without moving. I've never thought that they were simply comfortable for their version of my ego. Kind of shades a new light on "contentment". I have been associating that dedicated/blissful type of sitting as to a will of disassociation from the ego rather than a full embrace of it. I suppose that's the feeling of counterintuity of it all.

As I sit there and try to let the thoughts be what they are and the feelings that correspond, I can see that I have been trying to accept them through this ever so small recognition of them. I have no idea how to surrender or let anything be without commenting. Maybe this is a start. Thank you. 

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