
Thinking you are above others leads to mental instability

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Its so obvious idea but still its not obvious and not a part of me. I always like to think that Im equal to everyone, but that Im above others because Im actualizing, Im building awareness etc. But if I am the flesh and I am the rock at the same time, why would I be more equal than the rock is?

I think this could be the root problem why I have such a poor interest in strangers. I think of myself being higher than they are, so I dont feel like they are important. Of course my closest friends and co-workers are important to me, but not strangers. Because I imagine that Im above strangers, while I know that Im equal to my family and friends. This is definitely food for thought, thanks!

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every pro state has a cons state

believing you're the best or the worst, both deliver different results

which is the good or the bad state for right now, is up to you.


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I thought Anthony Hopkins gave a wonderful interview in line with this theme of humility.


Edited by Dan502

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On 1/7/2020 at 10:54 PM, Serotoninluv said:

Here, there is a hierarchy of below and above that is practical for safe air travel: passenger < flight attendant < pilot = air traffic controller. 

@Serotoninluv your definition of hierarchy, is my definition of 2d. 

Imagine a vision like this : 

A 2d drawing on a paper of a hierarchy pyramid. Lift it up, and then put it back down. It is on the same level regardless of where it stands. 2d. All roles that you've mentioned is 2d to me. Neither is above the other or lower. Each has to play it's role correctly. 

As a passenger I wouldn't want a rude flight attendants. As a flight attendant I wouldn't want the passengers to mess around in the cabin's kitchen. As a pilot do not disturb my focus. Only when it's crucial. 

The way I will rank each roles is how good and quick they are at doing their job.

It's kinda like this,


*Oh it is the continuation of the previous post of mine. The upper one.* 

Your hierarchy is like this to me. Your above and below. 


Two, in the real sense, I should respect you because you are older than me. You are above me in age. In experience. In everything. But not in religion. @Serotoninluv


(Religion includes everything. So it may or may not..)

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On 1/3/2020 at 7:32 AM, Nivsch said:

Always. And you will have more and stronger ego backlashes until you (and me) learn the lesson the inner child wants to teach us, and that is you are a vulnerable child always and in any age. You are also equal to your friends and family and never above your environment.

This night i had 20-30 minutes of crying which during them I felt re-integrated again to my inner child. Now i understands that i felt many months that i am a little "above" my family. Its not that i really thought this in a rational way absolutely not. But i had a subtle FEELING all the time the I like felt that i am above them or knows more and etc.

After this reintegration I feel now more pure, more child, and more equal to my parents and family and this is a great feeling. Feels far more healthy. And my anxiety reduced.

I hope its ok just to share and show here my insights and feelings. I post it not only because it is very significant to me, but also because i think it can be valuable also to other people here.

No disrespect but you are bullshitting yourself and others. What you really need is self-love. Even if Self-love is real, you don't need it (at least for now). Focus on acquiring self-love first.

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@Angelite To me, that is semantics with the terms “above” and “below”. You are assigning different meaning to the terms. I’m not disagreeing with you, yet I’m also not interested in playing with semantics. 

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On 1/7/2020 at 10:54 PM, Serotoninluv said:

Here, there is a hierarchy of below and above that is practical for safe air travel: passenger < flight attendant < pilot = air traffic controller. 

It's not a below and above. But a movement of direction. 

Passenger --> flight attendant --> pilot = air traffic controller. 

If the passenger didn't inform the flight attendant (re:everyone), everything will be ruined. 


If I burn that 2d hierarchy *drawing* everything will be ruined. 

In the nondual sense, one will affect all. 

The end.

Edited by Angelite

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On 7.1.2020 at 1:48 AM, Angelite said:

This is my actual Clear comment to @Nivsch


In the relative sense, those who are better than you will think you're average. Those who are below you will think you're good. Regardless of where or what "you" are. 

Do you mean "better in x", "above in y"?

Just "I am above you" does not exist.

"I am above you in x and in y" - 2 out of hundreds and thousands of parameters - does.

Edited by Nivsch

🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation.


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@Nivsch in the Absolute sense, there are ranks and levels. But it's parameters is not dependant on the the relative parameters/differences. Absolute Judgement can only be done by the Highest God. The Knower of all things. Everything below it will be lacking a degree. 

In the relative sense, where me & you exist, there are I am above you in x & y within the creation's perspective. (It does not necessarily tally with the Absolute Judgement as the Parameters are different)

"I am above you" exist in the creation's perspective. Without "in x or y" . Simply above you. 

(Everything x creations) < Allah

Which means above you in everything. You may be equal to everything. But God is Greater. Above all those who knows, is One who Knows better. 


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@Nivsch Do you identify yourself as "I am above you" ? When I look at that sentence, I think of God. I am not above you. 

You in my Clear comment is referring to creations. There are many yous. Who are better and worser in x & y relative to the yous perspectives.


"I am above/better than you in x and in y" - 2 out of hundreds and thousands of parameters - does.

Does exist in the creations perspective. I am here is referring to creations. 

Just "I am above you" does not exist.

Probably because you dont believe in God? "I am" here is God. (from my pov)


[18:45] And present to them the example of the life of this world, [its being] like water which We send down from the sky, and the vegetation of the earth mingles with it and [then] it becomes dry remnants, scattered by the winds. And Allah is ever, over all things, Perfect in Ability.

Edited by Angelite

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