
Optimizing Your Health in 2020

1 post in this topic

This is basically a follow on from my last post, but more developed. 

I thought we could basically write a personal profile detailing our usual routines in terms of health such as what we eat, exercise, what else we do and all of that fun jazz. 

Also, a section on goals for your health, anything you do that could detriment your health e.g. for me I drink alcohol at weekends and then any health issues/ problems you're having, obviously we aren't doctors but for example say someone has 'low energy' people who have experienced this or know how to help could then respond with advice for that person. 

So we can all write our personal profiles, and then help where we can, it can act as a sort of basis for where you are now, and then your health goals and where you want to be this time next year, and long term of course. 

So, for me. 

Current Routine- Eat Whole Food (predominately) Vegan (Have been vegan for 4 1/2 years), Eat 2-3 Meals a day no snacks (Recent) and have been Intermittent Fasting since early 2019, Swim 5 times a week along with a Sauna and Steam session post-swim every time, Gym 3x a week (Kinobody programs), In summer play Cricket 2-4x per week, Recently replaced Coffee with Green Tea 2-4 cups a day and aside from that only drink water on a normal day, Supplements- B12, D3 and EPA/DHA. 90% Sure I was B12 deficient pre last February, work inside and live in UK hence D3, sleep 7-8 hours a day

'Downsides'- Regularly drink alcohol at weekends when I go out with friends, although I limit it to only when I go out partying/Clubbing never in the week, probably eat wayyyy too much Peanut Butter, need to reintegrate a daily salad to maximize micronutrient intake, use my phone way too much however do use Blue Light glasses occasionally. 

Health Goals 2020 and Longterm- Learn to eat MUCH slower often eat incredibly fast and can lead to overeating if not careful, Maximize energy if anyone has any tips generally feel great but always looking to improve energy, Build Muscle but minimize fat, currently 'Cutting' and want to stay lean as I build more muscle, Hugely improve cardiovascular fitness and overall fitness, have neglected this last couple of years.

Ideally would like to reduce sleep to 6 hours but feel energized, Sadhguru talks a lot about this, ideally don't want to spend 1/3 of life asleep as much as sleep is amazing. 


So, post your health profile down below, please help me where you can and then I and everyone else will help you where we can :) 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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