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how to get intimate friendship (fast)

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This year i have decieded to fix my introvert and fix my social skills. The problem is that i hate the process of befriend someone. For me it took ca. 0.5 years before i became really good friends with someone. 

It was easy to make friends when i was 5-8 years old, but i actally never made any new friend before i was 16 years old since all of my friends started on different high school. I made 3 new firends, but i only have intimate friendship with one of them. Also i have never had any girlfriends. I need more friends and i also want to friendzone some girls. 

I want to make the process really quick so i can talk with someone random at my school and become best friend like we have been friends for years within maybe 1-2 weeks.

Is it possible to speed up the process and how?

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Chat up everyone. Guys are friends. Girls I like lol. Its ideal as you get older,  we people settle down in careers or family life. I've made several circle of friends and new groups too.  Hood luck. 

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Friendship usually needs meeting regularly over a longer period of time, with some unstructured talk and fun time on your hands. That is why making friends as an adult is harder - opportunities to hang out with someone regularly don't just happen, they have to be created. Half a year for a close friend is nothing out of the ordinary.

With some people (not everyone though) sympathy can happen much faster and if you can be open and vulnerable you just end up talking for hours. So in that sense, sometimes the process is faster. Doesn't sound like this happens much to you, though. Maybe this will start happening if you have more experience with socializing a more trust in relationships in general. 

Other ways to "speed up the process" involve going through conscious sharing intense experience together. Personal development seminars typically create a lot of feelings of (partly false) intimacy between participants. More common intense experiences like sports, hiking, camping can make people go through some intense time together and can forge friendships faster, perhaps also studying for an exam together or confiding in each other. (I suspect people also use movies and alcohol to experience emotions together and get vulnerable about them, but I don't like that.) So if you want to get to know people fast, sign up for an intense time together. However, sometimes these fast created feeling of intimacy don't carry over into the mundane life - there is just no basis for the relationship except for the experience, the two people don't have enough in common. So just be prepared for that possibility, don't be too disappointed. 

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