Conscious life

does content decreased quality?

30 posts in this topic

13 hours ago, Rasheed said:

That's very harsh, unprofessional, straight up rude, and untrue. 

Advice I can give you is:

  • Appreciate Yourself. Appreciate Leo, he is magnificent individual, doing exceptional work. Be grateful that exists. Practice gratitude and say, 'thank you' more often. Spread love and consciousness.

I agree. Thank you for this comment.

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I've probably been watching since 2014-2015

I find Leo to be inspiring and great energy to have around for myself even when I passively listen. The videos are motivating as well, even to this day like that get out of wage slavery video ha!


Edited by SgtPepper

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I feel super grateful to Leo and his work every day. He is incredibly smart and has a really broad understanding of reality that most have no idea could even exist. Leo has done so much to get to where he is today, and I feel inspired to work to have even a sliver of his work ethic. 

I’m more fun on Instagram :x


Disclaimer: any advice I give is based off my personal spiritual explorations. I am by no means an expert in the realms of the unseen or otherwise and anything I say should simply be taken as one friend helping another <3


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@Natasha @Rasheed you misunderstood what it is talking about. its not about gurading Leo or attacking Leo. we are focusing only on the content not Leo. 

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A few times this year I wasn't sure whether I should stop watching his videos. They are obviously "too advanced" for me. But also, he's repeting himself, especially in his rants. I've been listening from 2016 (and watched all the older videos as well), by now I've heard Leo criticising science and religion in, like, 30 videos at least - I'm fed up with it. I still watch most of the new ones though, and I can appreciate some of the insights. Sometimes a feeling comes across. I also do notice Leo developing more compassion. 

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On 06/01/2020 at 3:07 AM, Conscious life said:

I pick Leo mind, already predict what is going talk about. his growth is stunt. turquoise videos are awesome but they are only based upon mystical insight not integrated with culture, religion, and science. 

You're definitely missing the point then. His newer videos are the exact opposite of what you're saying, he's reached full circle and now combines enlightenment, nonduality and spirituality with exactly culture, religion and science. 

His latest video is literally about how to replicate yourself as an organism through culture on both an intellectual and emotional level. He mixes biology with cultural zeitgeist. 

Not to sound condescending but your opinion is entirely valid but proves you have not integrated the content. He's teaching you to see and connect various disciplines that have nothing to do with eachother. It's much more profound and advanced than anything he put out in previous years. 

All that being said, I agree with the brosky that said more girl cumming videos ?. 

I think Leo is not particularly interested in relationships and sex but it's my domain of fascination. I'd be very curious on videos on advanced relationships/sex, specifically on achieving nondual states while fucking and what a yellow level relationship based on raw sexual polarity would look like. 


Edited by LordFall

Owner of creatives community all around Canada as well as a business mastermind 

Follow me on Instagram @Kylegfall <3


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@LordFall if Leo brings up new ideas and teaching it would awesome. I mean all of his videos are very profound. I prefer he go to his videos more scientific, more religious and so on. he only cares about the structure but not the content. for example his Sprial dynamics video series are awesome.

sameness vs difference 

grasping the illusory nature of thought

etc this kind of his video are super. 

I mean it would be difficult for him to make a quality of video per week that is too much work. he needs to make deep research and present very high quality video, I can see from his voice he is lacking passion and energy from newer videos, only mystical insight. 

But any way we are learning lets keep up. 

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yea i am, leo is getting deeper and deeper, if youre applying the wisdom, otherwise its just intellectual “stuff”

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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i think it may seem like it decreases, because there were a lot of main topics and basic big concepts that also scratched some topics which could still be main topics but fell from the table because the discussions and questions two years ago in the forum were more intense touching a lot of the topics he worked through and shed a light upon during the last two years. give him a break for gods sake. it’s easy to consume all of it and then say ohh mhhh its getting less interesting. its like eating a multicourse meal from a three star cook and afterwards saying oh but it was a little weak at the 4th course while you are not even able to make scrambled eggs for yourself.

Edited by remember

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I find his new stuff to be hit or miss, but greatly appreciate his content! Some of his videos are the best chunks of info I've ever seen!

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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