
Be With the Breath of Opportunity Unsung - 250ug LSD Trip Report

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God almighty this trip was so beyond anything I’ve ever encountered on psychedelics… It’s like all of my prior trips have been preparing my energy systems (whatever this even means) to handle deeper and deeper experiences of what consciousness really is. This trip was beyond enlightenment and in fact had literally nothing to do with absolute truth. Instead, it felt like a hurricane of information and energy exploring various facets of what form is at an individual, collective, and existential level as well as the dynamics that are propelling evolution forward… I’m still deeply shook at how much of a mindfuck this was. During the absolute fury of the peak, a poetic line came to me “Be with the breath of opportunity unsung” which will make more sense after reading the report.

There were also more minor insights regarding divine feminine stage orange attraction and seduction that I’ll discuss… Which were interesting in that I saw their connection to the greater intelligence running through humanity even though on the surface it feels unrelated to the larger themes that emerged.


Overall this trip was dark but so fucking beautiful.

Set: To understand what it truly means to let go and how to do it (see Leo’s video on letting go)

Setting: My room, my music, and my cat


Themes that emerged:

-       Letting Go for the Collective Consciousness of Humanity

-       Healing the Collective Through Life Purpose

-       Impermanence and True Death

-       Divine Intelligence

-       The Nature of Detachment

-       No PMO and the Divine Feminine

-       Attraction, Seduction, and Evolution


Letting Go for the Collective Consciousness of Humanity:

As I was contemplating what it truly means to let go, the psychedelic effects were starting to build and build. Suddenly, rather than receiving any clear insights as to what letting go was, I started having visions and I mean VISIONS about other human lives, and the tragedy that befell them. I started seeing how much suffering was never actually processed upon their deaths, how much regret has accumulated on the death beds of millions perhaps, and how much opportunity for growth and actualization was never actually manifested. I felt the magnitude of how many souls never got to be their best self, and how much sheer sadness was felt by the individuals in these circumstances. I had 3 particularly powerful visions, one was of a middle eastern holy man who was searching for God, for Allah, but who had seen through the dogma of orthodox Islam and was instead searching for God within himself, aka enlightenment. Unfortunately, he was beaten to death by fundamentalists, his journey towards enlightenment never fully actualized. I saw a girl in Syria whose life was utterly demolished by the civil war and who will never quite heal from the tragedy. I saw a man on his death bed who died alone, crying because he never told the woman he loved how much she really meant, and thus never had the life or family he so deeply desired. Interestingly, I saw these not only as visions but as myself. I was that holy man, that girl, that hospital man. Perhaps these were past lives/alternative lifetimes I’ve lived, I’m unsure.

As I felt this infinite sea of regret, and lost opportunity, I started crying and crying and crying, as though my body and mind were letting go of the anguish through my tears. It was like by acknowledging and fully feeling the suffering, I was healing a collective wound in our collective psyche. It was as though the body and mind system were letting go on behalf of humanity. I know this sounds weird as fuck, but it what the experience authentically felt like. In this storm of emotion, the line came “Be with the breath of opportunity unsung.” It felt like God was speaking to me, and finally told me how to let go. You just have to be. Be with regret, be with sadness, be with suffering, be with whatever arises, and it shall pass.  

 Healing the Collective Through Life Purpose

After the line came to me, I saw how absolutely lucky I was to be where I am. I saw how utterly appreciative I am for finding my life purpose and having the life I have. Like fuck man… There is so much untapped potential in humanity, so many lost opportunities for beauty, actualization, truth realization. While I was mulling over this situation humanity has found itself in, I was struck with what felt like an insight, that by living my life purpose, by living my best life, I was healing this particular wound in humanity. I am humanity. Every human life that’s been lived has been mine. So by taking this time, this life, to truly live, to truly actualize, I am honoring my past regrets and mistakes as other souls, and other lives. And somehow, if I can just live this life to its fullest, that will help heal humanity. Whether this is true I don’t really know. I don’t really understand what this collective domain of consciousness I stumbled into is, but all I can say is my life purpose work no longer feels like it’s simply to help me live my best life, but it’s an way for humanity to actualize. My work feels even less like its for the greater good of human potential and opportunities unsung, so to speak.

Impermanence and True Death

Interestingly, this trip very much solidified how absurd the notion of death is. I have zero doubt anymore that I will continue living lives after this one, and that we are all on a journey of experience as God. So no there is no such thing as true death, and yet… there is. You see, there is no more Consilience after I die. Everything that constitutes my individuality will be lost to the void of nothingness. I will never, ever, EVER as God, get this lifetime back. Impermanence is final. This lifetime, all the quirks of this body, mind, and spirit will be gone upon physical death. And there was a deep existential sadness to that. As I was wrestling with this fact, I felt like my consciousness kept slipping between ego and God, and I remember reflecting from this phase of the trip that God is actually somewhat sad about its creations truly coming to an end. But somehow that it could be no other way.. I’m not really sure exactly what I was experiencing here. On one level, I could feel ego sadness, sadness that this life would end because selfishly, I love this life, I love the journey I’ve gone through so much… But it felt more than that. There felt like an existential sadness beyond the ego that acknowledged this creation’s end, and acknowledged the sadness, as though a parent hugging a child who lost their most beloved stuffed animal. Sure, it doesn’t really matter, but does matter. Death is really it man, this life will be gone.


Divine Intelligence
So throughout these previous three themes, it was as though consciousness kept slipping around between what felt like individual egoic consciousness, the collective consciousness of humanity, and existential divine consciousness. I become consciousness of how much intelligence is at play with the form of ego, humanity, and god. This felt very… shallow in that all I could tell was that there IS an intelligence doing something. Evolution is building towards something, presumably enlightenment, but even that I’m not really sure. Something is moving the collective energy of humans forward though into something beyond description or understanding. Humans are evolving towards some kind of divine actualization, but what this end game is really all about, I remain unsure of. I was left feeling the threads of this intelligence pulsing through my body and mind, and through the psyche of humanity… And that this suffering and movement we humans have gone through is part of this plan. Yet plan as we humans traditionally think of the word is not what I mean by the word plan… I’m unsure how to communicate this anymore.


The Nature of Detachment 

Detachment is like a principle at play which drives letting go forward. It became so obvious, however, that if detachment leads one towards being unemotional, dry, and neutral towards life, that this was in fact a twisted form of attachment. Shutting one’s self off from care, desire, lust, and expectation is a form of attachment; one is attached to the denial of these things. True detachment is being with whatever arises, including those aforementioned feelings. As one does more consciousness work, these types of feelings will begin to fade, but even when they arise, it’s important to simply be with them, feel them fully, and let process through the body/mind on their own.


No PMO and the Divine Feminine

A bit of a random turn on this trip. Quitting PMO has been a pretty big focus in my life right now so I guess it makes sense that it came up. Well I was thinking the habit and what it actually represents. And I noticed something interesting about the nature of women attracting men. Women love seducing men, they love being able to be sexy, and grab the attention of men. And yet paradoxically, a woman loves it when a man doesn't actually need her and can say no to the seduction. If you succumb so easily to her seduction, this will unconsciously be seen as weak… In order to attract a woman, she wants you to be able to be extremely turned on, but have the groundedness to not need it. And I realized that porn is like a collective manifestation of the divine feminine seducing men and that by succumbing to this habit, I am essentially telling the divine feminine I NEED her. Which is not honoring the masculine energy inside. I know this is kind of a twisted thought story of an explanation, but these were the dynamics I felt.

Saying no to porn is the equivalent of acknowledging the beauty of feminine but not needing her, which is the most attractive thing I can do as a man. When I feel the energy and need to cum with porn, rather than falling prey to this seductive feminine pull, saying no leverages me into masculinity, into the non-neediness that a true man possesses. The pull to jack off to porn is the creative force, the shakti, the divine feminine seducing the devil inside of me, but a true man can sit in the face of this creative energy, because he is strong to face it, to be with it without action.  Perhaps this was all just a poetic, psychedelic framing for why I should quit PMO lol. I will continue to work on eliminating this habit.

Attraction, Seduction, and Evolution

So I realized various nuances of attraction and seduction. I saw how flirtation strategies through speaking, body language, touch, eye contact, and texting literally infiltrate the mind and get the other person to think about the other. It’s not necessarily worth getting into the specific here because quite frankly, a lot of the information I gained was entirely intuitive and I would need to spend more time processing to put it all into language. Somehow, I’ve walked away from this trip with more knowledge on to be attractive and seductive to a woman, as well as how to respond to the attractive and seductive tactics of a woman towards me.

These mind games feel very SD stage orange. I saw that by participating in this game, I would be necessarily acting devilishly. And yet, this is entirely fine. As long as I am respectful and kind hearted in the end, there’s nothing really wrong with this game. Moreover, during the trip I kept seeing how these tactics of attraction were literally propelling the future of humanity forward through its evolution. It’s like I kept zooming into the nuances of attraction, and the zooming out to the long term consequences of this game through the creation of families and future children. It t’was weird.



If you’ve read all of this, kudos. I’m left feeling a stronger pull to self-actualize, not for only for myself, but for the humanity that resides inside my consciousness, inside of all of us.

The last thing I’ll leave you all with is a poem I wrote at about the 7 hour mark of the trip that I felt encapsulated the experience:


Be with the breath of opportunity unsung

I write this for those who’ve lost their lives

For those that never saw their souls shine

This serenade out to the divine feminine

Who creatively wrought out our end in sin

But through this end, and through this death

We see through her eyes consciousness yet

Yet here I am, a single witness to this all

This sea of infinity

This breath completely unsung


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Very cool. Thanks for posting. I'm going to start using psychedelics to further my growth. Any tips for a beginner? I've done LSD before but never in a self-help setting or intention.

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13 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

Very cool. Thanks for posting. I'm going to start using psychedelics to further my growth. Any tips for a beginner? I've done LSD before but never in a self-help setting or intention.

Thank you :) and for sure. Do it alone. Sitters can be cool but they will without a doubt influence your trip. Empathy is always on overdrive with psychedelics so I prefer doing them alone without the influence of another’s emotional state.

Make sure you have music planned out before the trip and recognize the tone/energy of the music deeply affects where your mind goes during the trip. 

Three, meal prep. My mind is so torn apart while tripping (Unless I do smaller trips) the idea of having to manage food seems impossible lol. 

Finally, Id stick with 150ug max for your first solo trip. Too high and your body/mind wont be able to fully process what the hell is going on, plus it lowers the risk of bad trips. You also build up your energetic tolerance the more you trip, not in terms of the physical effects, bur how well you can stay centered and conscious during the peak. So be patient with yourself and allow yourself time to adapt.  

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2 hours ago, Vipassana said:

Thank you. This was inspiring. 

Im glad :) 

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Now that's how you trip!

Great job man @Consilience


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

Now that's how you trip!

Great job man @Consilience


I appreciate that and all the guidance you’ve given us utilizing these tools. Namaste ??


18 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@Consilience Awesome report! Thanks for sharing.

Thank you Nahm! :D 

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@Consilience you seem to be desperate for knowing how to seduce woman

Please, never trip on Salvia. You may have sex with woman with the seductive power Salvia has. It fucked my life up!!!!

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18 minutes ago, Useless folk said:

@Consilience you seem to be desperate for knowing how to seduce woman

Please, never trip on Salvia. You may have sex with woman with the seductive power Salvia has. It fucked my life up!!!!

Interesting projection. Nah I don’t feel desperate. That’s the whole thing with attraction, desperation is a huge turn off. If you feel desperate and needy to seduce women, you can pretty much bank on not being able to lol. 

As far as salvia, I have no interest in exploring that one. 

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41 minutes ago, Useless folk said:

@Consilience you seem to be desperate for knowing how to seduce woman

Please, never trip on Salvia. You may have sex with woman with the seductive power Salvia has. It fucked my life up!!!!

Are you saying you've had sex on salvia or salvia is seducing you to trip on it? Not sure I've ever seen that before. 

@Consilience Great trip report, touched on the deep existential aspects as well as the more personal issues. The part about masculinity is spot on. 


"Started from the bottom and I just realized I'm still there since the money and the fame is an illusion" -Drake doing self-inquiry

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3 hours ago, Bazooka Jesus said:


I appreciate this... Thank you truly. 

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Very insightful. Thank you for sharing this. 

I am myself, heaven and hell.

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@Consilience  Fascinating report! ;)  By the way did your read Bache's "LSD and the mind of the universe"? Some aspects of your trip remind me of his LSD sessions - he entered in the collective consciousness of mankind and went for example through 'every possible' death scenario . The psychedelic path doesn't 'stop' with enlightement, it is furthermore about the (infinite) exploration of the universal mind.

"Know yourself as nothing; feel yourself as everything." -- Rupert Spira

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@Consilience  Au contraire my friend, thank you. Your original post was definitely one of the most interesting trip reports I have read so far. Keep em coming and happy new year! ;)

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20 hours ago, Consilience said:

Women love seducing men, they love being able to be sexy, and grab the attention of men. And yet paradoxically, a woman loves it when a man doesn't actually need her and can say no to the seduction. If you succumb so easily to her seduction, this will unconsciously be seen as weak… In order to attract a woman, she wants you to be able to be extremely turned on, but have the groundedness to not need it. And I realized that porn is like a collective manifestation of the divine feminine seducing men and that by succumbing to this habit, I am essentially telling the divine feminine I NEED her. Which is not honoring the masculine energy inside. I know this is kind of a twisted thought story of an explanation, but these were the dynamics I felt.

Saying no to porn is the equivalent of acknowledging the beauty of feminine but not needing her, which is the most attractive thing I can do as a man


A. I feel like this interpretation is sligthly off. For me, I love the confidence I feel from being seductive. I love the confidence it provokes in ME.I don't  necessarily love seducing men in and of itself. It isn't for the man alone. If I am trying to seduce one specific man, then for me, I love doing it for US, and what it brings US. 

Perhaps you aren't wrong in saying women love to seduce men. Just make sure you contemplate the reasons why. 

B. There are many ways to attract a woman. Don't fall into what you think makes you weak. Just be you, honestly, 100 percent. Someone being fully them in the moment and not shying away from it. That confidence. THAT, to me, is where the attraction arises. That confidence is no-need enough.

Your version seems like active manipulation trying to take control over a woman and feels like it could backfire and actually be less attractive in the long run.  

I think Just being yourself fully is no-need enough.

It has nothing to do with porn, or weakness in you, or what you do or don't do. That is giving way to much power to the other. 

Don't avoid PMO simply because you think women have power over you. You don't gain "man-like" power back if you obstain.  Just do it for you, becasue it feels good. If you do it for one has power over you. 

Overall, I think the most attractive thing anyone can do is be confident in themselves and their actions fully. That is True no-need. Knowing that whatever your actions, and whatever happens, you are enough. The actions themselves don't matter. 

Ps. Wonderful trip report. Makes me want to trip again soon. 

Be with the breath of opportunity unsung. 

Don't limit yourself. 


Edited by TheUniverseIsLove

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@Commodent Thank you :)


8 hours ago, Gneh Onebar said:

@Consilience  Fascinating report! ;)  By the way did your read Bache's "LSD and the mind of the universe"? Some aspects of your trip remind me of his LSD sessions - he entered in the collective consciousness of mankind and went for example through 'every possible' death scenario . The psychedelic path doesn't 'stop' with enlightement, it is furthermore about the (infinite) exploration of the universal mind.

I am currently reading it yes. I 100% agree that this work doesn't stop with enlightenment... This is something I honestly did not expect when I began working with psychedelics.. And yet now I'm in too deep to stop lol. At least I feel the call to continue pressing on this path. 

I think I was able to explore these domains because of how much this book has been opening my mind up to what is possible with psychedelic work... I very much felt "LSD and the Mind of the Universe" vibes during this trip. Interestingly enough, however, this trip isn't the first time I've stumbled into the collective domain. One of my first mushroom trips I remember becoming conscious of what I could only call the collective suffering of humanity and realizing how this suffering could be no other way... And another time asking "who am I" and getting this distinct experience of the collective part of humanity's consciousness asking that question, how I had asked this same question across so many lifetimes. These were before I heard of Bache's work. So when I heard him discussing the "Sea of Suffering" as he calls it, my previous mushroom experience suddenly felt so much more validated and authentic. 

Unlike the mushroom trip, this time the suffering I felt was oddly specific. Specific in that I was feeling suffering directed at the regret of humanity, not simply generalized suffering. It felt literally like I could feel the weight humanity's lost opportunity's coursing through my body and mind. 

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1 hour ago, TheUniverseIsLove said:

A. I feel like this interpretation is sligthly off. For me, I love the confidence I feel from being seductive. I love the confidence it provokes in ME.I don't  necessarily love seducing men in and of itself. It isn't for the man alone. If I am trying to seduce one specific man, then for me, I love doing it for US, and what it brings US. 

Perhaps you aren't wrong in saying women love to seduce men. Just make sure you contemplate the reasons why.

What I was meaning is that women enjoy being attractive when it comes to the interaction of a relationship between man and woman. But a man who responds to the attractive and seductive tactics a woman uses with neediness, this is going to be seen as unattractive. There are a myriad of men you can read about across the internet who have failed with being with a woman, whether for sex or a relationship, because they were too needy. 


1 hour ago, TheUniverseIsLove said:

B. There are many ways to attract a woman. Don't fall into what you think makes you weak. Just be you, honestly, 100 percent. Someone being fully them in the moment and not shying away from it. That confidence. THAT, to me, is where the attraction arises. That confidence is no-need enough.

Your version seems like active manipulation trying to take control over a woman and feels like it could backfire and actually be less attractive in the long run.  

I think Just being yourself fully is no-need enough.

It has nothing to do with porn, or weakness in you, or what you do or don't do. That is giving way to much power to the other. 

Don't avoid PMO simply because you think women have power over you. You don't gain "man-like" power back if you obstain.  Just do it for you, becasue it feels good. If you do it for one has power over you. 

There are many ways to attract a woman yes. I don't disagree. "Being you" as you say, involves having the groundedness to not need a woman. Being 100% me means I could walk away from a woman's attention and be 100% good. This is preciesly confidence. Confidence is not caring what another thinks and is being grounded enough in their self to not need another. That's true confidence. 

All versions of attraction and seduction are a form of manipulation. That's the whole mechanism of the game. And that's what I was becoming conscious of. It's one big mind game whether the intent is malicious or not. Even being yourself while trying to attract someone is trying to manipulate the other to be with you. 

The porn thing is complicated. All I can express is that porn  is a collective phenomena that men are collectively addicted to. Porn itself is a form of strong, feminine energy addicting men. There are masculine components to the porn industry no doubt, and patriarchal components as well in terms of how some women are treated by the men in the industry. However, the way that the collective man uses porn is as a hedonistic release for the feminine. And that's why I saw porn as a collective manifestation of the divine feminine, because it is a collective group of women who are creating an engine for collective PMO.  

I would disagree with "You don't gain 'man-like' power back if you abstain." As a man, I always can tell a difference in my energy levels, motivation, and even acute testosterone levels if I abstain for an extended period of time. Many other men have reported similar and other benefits that one could easily define as masculine. 

1 hour ago, TheUniverseIsLove said:

Overall, I think the most attractive thing anyone can do is be confident in themselves and their actions fully. That is True no-need. Knowing that whatever your actions, and whatever happens, you are enough. The actions themselves don't matter. 

Yep that's basically what I said in the trip report. Confidence. Self security. Non-neediness. Being 100% grounded in ones' self for their own happiness. Not needing another to fulfill that. This is the most attractive thing a man can do. But it would be foolish to think all actions don't matter. Because not all actions are grounded in true authenticity and confidence, so if you're trying to attract a potential partner, the actions very much do matter. 


1 hour ago, TheUniverseIsLove said:

Ps. Wonderful trip report. Makes me want to trip again soon. 

Be with the breath of opportunity unsung. 

Don't limit yourself. 

Thank you. I don't feel limited at all, I actually feel quite the opposite after this experience :)

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