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A Tribute to Leo Gura

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As the year 2019 is going to end very shortly, i want to say something about

I think it was in june,2016 when i was surfing through youtube, looking for some basic self help videos. I accidentally bumped into one of leo's video and started watching it. I felt very resonated with it but did not really realize what valuable thing i have found.

For the next 5-6 months  i watched a handful number of this channel's video. The more i listen, the i became intrigued. It was amazing. I learned about enlightenment for the first time, how 'I' am a fantasy and so on.

6-7 months after subscribing to thiss channel, i got my first mystical experience. Man, it was so fucking amazing. It was a giant whale. It motivated me to dive into self acutalizing.

I started to watch leo's video like hell as i felt like an addict to that. I started to read books, start practicing and contemplating more on spirituality.

It's been 3.5 years and still i am deep into this journey. I have joined this forum and become an active member since last year. I have met amazing and like minded people here, learning from them and sharing about my journey as well.

I will not say that i have achieved a lot in these times. I have got a lot to do but i had some real success to motivate me to carry on. One thing i can say that i have commited to self actualization  for life and much credit goes to and Leo Gura.

So Leo, thank you for sharing these amazing content and motivating me. I am grateful to you. I hope you will continue to share amazing insights in upcoming years and help me and other like-minded people over the world.

Lastly, i would say your reproductive capability is amazing :)  

Edited by Annoynymous

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