
Is Enlightenment The Ultimate Life Purpose?

13 posts in this topic

I'm currently taking the LP course and I'm a little confused here.

By reading some books, it seems to me that the biggest and highest life purpose for everybody is awakening, understanding and mastering life in all aspects. And then being able to help others on their journey to awakening by whatever means you do it.

I mean, whatever your life purpose is right now, it might feel incomplete or inferior if you compare it to actually awakening, understanding all of reality and helping others raise their consciousness as well.

I'm still very early on the course so don't mind me if I'm making a newbie mistake here. 

Edited by Sleyker
Completing a sentence

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5 hours ago, Sleyker said:

awakening, understanding and mastering life in all aspects. And then being able to help others on their journey to awakening by whatever means you do it

If you’ve got something you want more, do it. 

Pursuing what you actually want, is the path. 

A great ‘wild card’ for inquiry.... 

“Wait...first - is the answer, both? Are these one and the same, while I’m holding a perspective of duality?”

Perhaps I am always exactly where I should be.



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Yeah but then what you gonna do with your life post awakening? 

Not everyone wants to become a monk or teach, find what YOU want to do with your life. 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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@Sleyker I mean you can make money off of awakening if you position it correctly. I would like to focus in on something through a business or some sort of teaching I think. Once I go through with more personal development and pursue my life purpose, then I think I will be ready for awakening. I feel like it is too much stuff at once and really I think I have a lot of stuff to work on right now. You might be in a different position than me though, so really decide what will work best for you. I feel the venture of finding life purpose itself can take 10 years and so can enlightenment.  

I think Leo said it or I heard it somewhere here. But basically you chop wood and carry water before awakening and you chop wood and carry water after. 

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I say this in no judgement of the creator of the course, nor anyone that has taken the course.  Though, it appears to me that 90% of the people that take the course (and post it on here) have some sort of life purpose focused around enlightenment.  There may be some bias or influence in the life purpose course.  

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On 31/12/2019 at 9:23 PM, exhale said:

I say this in no judgement of the creator of the course, nor anyone that has taken the course.  Though, it appears to me that 90% of the people that take the course (and post it on here) have some sort of life purpose focused around enlightenment.  There may be some bias or influence in the life purpose course.  

The bias is there because is heavily turned towards enlightenment. When you first start hearing about it, it seems like it's the only thing that is important to do in life, and in a sense it is, but that obviously doesn't mean everyone that awakens should be a teacher.

First reason is, because for most people it's a messiah complex, and an ego trip, not much different than wanting to be President or a Star just to be powerful or famous (with the excuse of helping others).

Second reason is, if everyone genuinely wanted to teach, then there wouldn't be awakened people in other, important professions, which would limit the impact possible to the rising of our consciousness.


If there is one purpose to life, it is whatever you love to do the most op.

By doing what you're passionated about, and turning it into your lifes work, you will, whatever it is, brings infinite love to the whole. It doesn't need a mystical explanation, you will just be ecstatic most of the time, and the people you are in connection with will feel it and share it to other people as well, by an infinite chain of cause of effect.

So if you want the maximum effect and influence you can bring to the world, do what you love, don't limit yourself to be a copino pastorino version of something that already exist, that seems important.

You're here to live your life, not anyone elses ?



God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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What makes your life purpose feel complete is different for anyone. But Id say its when there is a vision and drive behind it. when you are in love with what you are doing and expressing yourself how you want to. That could be with enlightenment work, but could be any other thing. See how life purpose doesnt exclude people not being enlightened?

If you have a life purpose you will feel fulfilled and driven, you will feel like life is on easy mode

If you are enlightened you will be dead

LP: Playing the game, Enlightenment: Stepping back, closing the game for a moment, realizing its a game.

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4 hours ago, flume said:

We’re all on a path towards awakening. And look at all the things that have helped you on your way. It wasn’t just Leo. It was all the above and much more. It’s just a matter of finding something that’s congenial with your passion. Having fun along the way, so to say :-)


I think you're right, ultimately, life purpose is all about contributing to others in the best way I can.

I'm curious, did you take the course? Are you living your life purpose right now?

3 hours ago, Shin said:

By doing what you're passionated about, and turning it into your lifes work, you will, whatever it is, brings infinite love to the whole. It doesn't need a mystical explanation, you will just be ecstatic most of the time, and the people you are in connection with will feel it and share it to other people as well, by an infinite chain of cause of effect.



That's beautiful, thank you @Shin, you just motivated me :D

1 hour ago, universe said:

LP: Playing the game, Enlightenment: Stepping back, closing the game for a moment, realizing its a game.

Man that's an important distinction, I hadn't thought about it that way. Thank you!

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11 minutes ago, flume said:

I'm curious as to where it leads me, I have about 20 different scenarios painted out in my mind about what I wanna be doing with my life

That's great man, you seem like you're on the right track. I also have a couple of hobbies that I could easily turn into careers/life purpose like dancing and teaching English, but I'm not sure as to that is what I want the most, which is why I posted this.

Thank you for your feedback!

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@Sleyker Well.. in the great perspective you are already awoke and you just put yourself to sleep because you want to experience this, so why would you just awake? You created this "asleepness" so you can experience it and part of awakening is doing what you came here to do which you discover by following the life purpose you chose. In the end life purpose is propably just a way of awakening thats different for everybody. 

At least thats what I think.

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It's a big trap to think that your life purpose is "automatically" enlightenment. Is that what you truly want? Or did someone just tell you that you should want it and base your life around it? Does it align with your top unique ability? Does it have the impact that YOU authentically want to see in the world? 

You have to ask what you AUTHENTICALLY want. Remember the power of social conditioning? You sure you haven't been conditioned into thinking that enlightenment is the only thing you should do? Have you explored many different domains?

Asking "Is enlightenment the ultimate life purpose" is like asking "Is making beer the ultimate life purpose?" It completely depends on who you are authentically and what impact you want to see.  

Do not think that you've "hacked" your life purpose by saying "oh I should just get enlightened because a guy on the internet told me I should" and trying to escape from the mental work of figuring out YOUR top unique ability and what YOU authentically want to see.

Of course, if your strengths and desired impact in the world totally align with enlightenment, go for it.

But by just saying "my life purpose has to be enlightenment because Leo told me that's the deepest layer!" is a huge trap. Is it true for you right now? 

Right now, I enjoy music more than pursuing enlightenment. By being honest with myself, you remove all conditioning of values that aren't authentic to yourself. Of course, we all have an interest in spirituality here. But don't weasel out of doing the hard brainstorming of the life purpose course by just presuming enlightenment is it.

Even if it was to become enlightened, how are you having an impact on the world? How is that doing anyone any good?

You must do the course authentically.

Of course, this is just my personal opinion.

Hope this made sense.





Edited by -Rowan

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@-Rowan I think you're absolutely right man, thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts. You made me rethink that question, almost to the point of wanting to delete the post, lol. I will find out what my authentic desires are. Thanks again.

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