Average Investor

Creating an extraordinary life

331 posts in this topic

The computer came in and I am impressed. All of these parts would have cost me about $600 to buy used separate, so this worked out good. It will be fun to try it out on some games sometime this weekend. I have really been going hard with the extra capital I have coming in and using it to buy things online right now. I am going to work on building a system and a habit of finding something that makes me $100 of profit a day after fees and shipping online. This can be part of my routine and it is pretty fun. The packaging that comes in is amazing too as it cuts out the time I would need to find odd shaped boxes for random large items. My pc came today with literally a box that was like 3X too big, but completely full of free packing material lol. 

My mood is really starting to uplift and I am feeling really grounded lately. I think that most of the effects from LSD have worse off now from doing it 3 months ago lol. Hopefully this can continue until I decide to do it again. I am in no rush and I don't have any anyways. I can see the need to really get work done aside from doing that. I really throws me around a lot from taking it. Major benefits though and massive improvments in my overall quality of life it seems like. The changes and things that I get from doing it are well worth it. I think I should aim to just do it more as the time feels right. 

Hard to believe that I am going to turn 25 this weekend. I have been kind of forgetting that it is my birthday. Honestly, the older I get it just becomes another day. I don't have any local friends or anything for the most part. I have been hanging out with the one friend a little, but he is not going to hang out if he knew most likely (maybe). I suppose I would need to invite him if that were the case. I should probably stay home though anyway. A hike would be kind of cool, but I think I am going to be doing some of those fairly soon in the snow. Strange to reflect on how far and how much this experience has changed. I should really make sure that I value this time period in my life and make the most of it. I am getting closer and closer to closing in on a life purpose. Working on a myself in every way that I can. Getting this most I can out of this experience. 

I am pretty sure I want to incorporate a good amount of reading into my LP. That is something that I enjoy a lot. I was reflecting on that quite a bit this week and that seems to be something I love that would be a well fitting piece to the puzzle. 

I allow myself to reaching listing goal of $50,000.

Today, I am thankful for:

Getting ears cleaned

Getting doctors stuff done 

Really nice PC!

Edited by Average Investor

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Well this is something different. An online open journal. Loving your story so far man. And when you were talking about a listing goal, what exactly was that? Shopify?

Edited by diamondpenguin

Love life and your Health, INFJ Visionary


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@diamondpenguin The listing is the total value of stuff I have listed at a time. I don't do shopify. I use list perfectly and list to eBay, Merari, Facebook, Depop, and Etsy. I have like 2 items on Amazon too. 

Thanks for reading! 


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I have really been slacking offing I feel like. I am at least doing a bit at a time to get back into routine. I am getting up at 5am everyday right now again, which is amazing. I feel so good getting up at that time. It allows me to have so much more time to get things done. I am building a really powerful schedule. I am studying a lot of stuff for life purpose right now. I am working on building a lot of time into reading books again. I am just slowly ramping myself up, but I am starting to tear through books a bit again, but this time learning them much better. I am going to practice giving speeches on them in toastmasters too. 

The pc thing has been taking up a lot of my time and energy for sure. I had to learn quite a bit to figure this out. I am lucky I got the stuff I did too. The cpu sucks ass. But I have a 9th gen i7 set up I can use. I am selling that graphics card for $500 though for more liquidity. I don't really need to play ware zone right now and this would probably do what I need it to do for the time being. Plus I picked up a different version of deus ex from like 2011 and it kicks ass so far. I am really impressed. There is a lot this could play that would still be a lot of fun. Pretty sure it could edit videos and stuff fine too. The other set up will blow this out of the water though. I am just going to wait for gpu prices to come down more. 

I am 100% allergic to peanut butter. I tried one spoon full today and my symptoms came right back. That probably has caused me so much suffering over the years lmao. I stopped eating it for a couple years too without much thought. Too bad it was pretty tasty too. 

I notice I have a slight addiction to shopping for items to flip. Seems more compulsive. I am going to streamline the process and not get too deep in it. I did this before last time I was into it. It's getting me some good stuff for sure, but I need to cool it on time wasted and stick to my limits on screen time and periods of time to go on. Seems like the weekends are the best for it too. I almost had a $500 graphics card for $100 today too! 

I allow myself to effortlessly reach my listing goal of $50,000. 

Today, I am thankful for:

Stimulus possibly coming

Feeling optimistic about money


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Getting a lot of value out of my toastmaster group lately it seems like. I can really see how much I am improving. I am going to start working on doing a lot more deliberate practice with speaking. I need to really analyze my speeches and see how I can improve the best. I want to build more of this into a routine. I am starting to get more into helping the group as well. I am going to be doing the video editing and stuff for marketing. I am going to practice getting new members in and see how I can do. I can use these to build up some video editing skills.

I am getting more drawn to building a life purpose around self help stuff. I guess a big issue that I think of is that I am not sure how I can even make it much different than the others I see. I would really want to make something that can be really potent and effective techniques. I guess I have not narrowed down a niche either. I mostly feel like just doing speeches on the concepts of stuff I learn about. I guess that would be a good start. I am starting to get more serious on the commitment of gear. This pc is going to be worth like $1,000 easily. If I get the other gear I want a good bit more. I think it would be worth it though if this is the route I want to do. I would want to work on getting closer to training 5 hours a day. 

I am still doing the reselling. It's been fucking hard to get my motivation fully up lately, but I got like 4 hours of good work in on it today. It will take a minute. I am not sure why I have so much resistance to the posters, but my goal is to list 5 of them tomorrow no matter what. I am going to get it done. I know I just need to break the ice on this and get the ball rolling. I have everything clean now too so I can access it easier. 

I broke a $600-$1,000 TV today while I was carrying it. The back just caved in. Made me quite down for a bit, but I am well over it. Just sucks that I invested all that time cleaning it and prepping it. I got it for free. I could probably still get like $300 or more in parts, but I am going to put it in the trash. It isn't worth shipping to me anymore. 

My wrists hurt pretty bad. I need to analyze how I am using them more. I don't even game that much or anything, so it seems unreasonable for them to be this weak. 

Today, I am thankful for:

Working things out with my friend 

Great book 


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Going to have a month to move a big portion of my stuff to a storage unit. Honestly, this fucking sucks, but not much I can do about it. I really don't want to operate out of one. I feel like I have been to fucking lazy with the amount of progress I have in reselling. It's made me too complacent. Even with just living here in general. It's been too cheap and easy for me to operate and not need more. Granted, I am working on other things. I am really wanting to be able to prove higher income, so I would need to write off less and get an apartment somewhere. I was thinking about moving to a new state entirely. I don't really care much about anyone here aside from my mom and sister. I can see this has both limited me and exploded my growth, but the next step for me is likely just moving. Obviously, I can't right now, so I have to power through it. 

I feel like I am still not nearly getting much done. I did actually get a start into the posters though. It just feels like I waste a lot of time. I really need to get that dialed in, so I can expand my income. I just want to hit a level where I am saving a lot. It will give me so many opportunities and I will be able to explore the life purpose with funding. Doing an LP with no money seems like a struggle for sure. So I need this to be fully going well. I just don't wake up excited to resell much anymore. I suppose most of things I enjoy with it I can't really do. I like getting new inventory, but mostly I just need to list and do the stuff I don't enjoy as much. 

My book reading has been killing it lately though. I am cruising through these books and retaining a lot of stuff from them. I am really glad that I have put this as one of my top priority things My meditation seems like it has been more of a struggle lately, but overall I cannot complain. My energy is starting to come back up. 

I have not followed up with contacting my dad in several months. I notice that I still hold some of the old stuff against him. Not sure after the LSD trip I honestly don't give a fuck about him. The thoughts of him etc just are not present. I seemed to have mostly forgiven him, but at the same time got the relive of the burden of thoughts. I notice I just slightly feel bad for blowing him off, but to be fair he could have called me or tried to contact me over the last 7 years. I don't regret removing him from my life. I don't need to impress him or create some sort of image to him. If I do talk with him I should be more blunt and not tip toe around all of the stuff he has done. 

I allow myself to effortlessly reach my listing goal of $50,000. 

Today, I am thankful for:

Great items coming in the mail to resell

Books coming 

Being optimistic 


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I blew a chance to talk with a girl that started conversation with me. I just walked by and acknowledged what she said. I should consider trying to just stop and talk. I can't assume that she was interested in me either though. She just complimented my dog, which happens 1-3 times I got for a run to be fair lol. I could have still used it as practice and it seemed like she wanted more to a conversation. Little tripped up on it, but honestly I don't really want a relationship or to lead someone on, but I could practice conversation like that. 

Doing some research on moving to a new state. I think I want to move to Arizona. I need to build my income up and get things in order to do it though. I think this is a goal I can work towards by the end of the year if I put my mind to it. It sounds like an exciting adventure. This is also another reason I don't want to get mixed up with girls etc here. I want to do my finances and get to a level I can run my business independently and pursue my life purpose. 

Really starting to come to the conclusion I really want to teach self help. I probably sound like a broken record on here, but the more I read these books I can feel it. I am still building skills and reading books etc towards this. In fact a good amount of my day is geared towards this kind of stuff. I even read 200 pages this weekend, which is a nice up tick on this habit. I am really glad I put it towards the top of the stuff that I want to do as a most important thing. 

Really getting a lot done it seems like. Did a lot of tasks this weekend and really enjoyed it. Played a good amount of games too. Read a bunch as well. I notice I can't handle more than a couple hours of gaming now. I am playing the 2011 deus ex and it is amazing. 

I allow myself to effortlessly reach my listing goal of $50,000. 

Today, I am thankful for

Sun at the park

Awesome day

Cleaned my car! 

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Made some huge progress lately. I got a special piece of metal cut to picture posters too. I am saving up the $700 to get all of the tubes for them. That will be a huge benefit for me. I am nailing down a process. I should be able to pump these things out easily now that I have everything all set up for it. Making some big strides all around it seems like.

I am so glad that I am not being nearly as cheap. Things are working out so much better for me it seems like. I can see a huge difference just from that one thing in my life. One of the best things I learned from Leo for sure. I am making a lot of time improvements and just overall actually getting a lot more for my money. 

I feel my energy is coming on in full force since I quit he peanut butter. I have felt euphoria a good bit lately too. I probably have a bit of caffeine intake from eating to much cocoa though. I might work on dropping that out. I notice I am way more irritable than normal, but not anxious from caffeine it seems like. I imagine it could b anywhere from 10-40mg of caffine just from that lol. Which is a lot when you don't consume any and I am pretty sensitive. I love it with my oatmeal, but might drop it mostdays of the week if I find something else to flavor with. Seems to be working fairly well as a nootropic atm, but the emotional part is not ideal. 

Today, I am thankful for:



Getting more done 

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I finished a 300 page book in about 4 days! I am really getting so much value out of these now that I set up my new system for reading. I am going to work on doing practices to digest the content a bit better though too. I can see that I have a lot of embody and work on with most of this material I pick up. I can see some quick results even from some of this material, but I see the need to keep working at it. 

I noticed I seem to be getting a lot done now. I feel like I want to work on building up my detox routine. I want to do the full toxin solution detox. I just got a juicer actually too! So I can try out some new stuff that I have been wanting to do. I invested a lot into books and etc, so taking a bit of cooling on buying more gear just yet. 

Having a really good balance with play and work. I feel a lot lighter and good in general. Seems to be a good thing that I broke out of. It doesn't seem like I am accomplishing less really. I would say more just because I treat myself so much better now. I am just intrinsically motivated to do good stuff for myself and build good habits. I feel like there is no need to force myself to even do this kind of stuff at this point. It is actually fun. 

It feels really good to give and share things with others. That is something that I want to build more into my everyday life in some way. I want my life work to be something that gives. I can just imagine getting up every day ready to work at my passion and do something meaningful to me. I am getting in the right direction for sure. 

I allow myself to effortlessly reach my listing goal of $50,000. 

Today, I am tankful for



Getting work done 


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Wow, hard to believe this has been another year of self-actualizing. Honestly, my life is so fucking good. No matter all of the little things I want or down times. This feels like I have hit the jackpot in terms of information, connection, and growth. I am going to sit down tomorrow and take some time to reflect on this journal, then I am going to create a new one for the next year. Hard to believe I kept at this so well too. I feel like I said to much shit with reselling here, but oh well. It shows though that I need to put my mind on some other stuff too. 

I am actually set up to list my first few posters now. I have everything in place to start streamlining these to get posted up. I am able to picture and grade about 10 an hour! Such a fast rate compared to my other items. Plus in that time they are labeled with a SKU code and prepackaged for shipping! Once someone buys I just go to the location it is in from the sku and put a shipping label on it, then leave it at my front door! Such an amazing category to be in for selling. Plus the pieces are really cool. I have not seen as much in terms of value for them sadly. I am hoping to maintain an average of at least $25 each, which is still not bad at all. Shipping is like $5 and I paid a few bucks each. Hopefully, I will still come across a few gems in there too. Either way it will be a really cool piece for my store. 

Really working on just not feeling bad about doing stuff or "guilting" myself. I have made some huge progress here this year. This has probably been one of the biggest things I needed to work on. I notice if I do the stocks in my roth ira I feel like I am just wasting my time or even occasionally with the games. Part of me feels like the stock thing is stage orange, so I try to image it as bad. I don't really spend a lot of time on it, but I like looking for winning stocks a bit. I like reading a bit of articles here and there and understanding finances etc. It kind of feels like some sort of strategy game. It's not like I am losing sleep over buying some companies in an account I can take funds from in like 35 years lol. I like to build a strategy and see if that works and the market agrees or disagrees. I think I need to just let myself do it if I feel like it. It's just a hobby and it is nice to have the info on it. I don't care too much about being mega rich or anything, but it would help me have more impact for sure. More money would allow me to help more people. Part of me feels like that since I am not able to add as much in funds to that if I mange them well and get the gains there it makes up for it. I am seriously close to 50% return in almost a year in the ira. I only put in a few thousand, but that is a nice gain for sure. All from just reading one book and some articles for awhile I generated a few thousand. Imagine if I read a couple more books and just keep casually at it for fun. Win or lose it seems like a nice side hobby. 

I allow myself to effortlessly reach my listing goal of $50,000. 

Today, I am thankful for:


Mindful eating


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Not sure what the 6 of you get by reading this journal, but come join me on my new one! 



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