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harsh realizations on bad trip (LSD trip report)

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my girlfriend and i, and a friend each took two tabs of potent lab tested LSD in a hotel room. my intuition was going WILD after we took it telling me something bad was about to happen, i just figured i was overthinking. the trip went very well for all of us for about 2 hours, we had intense visuals while watching the Simpsons, and we all felt extreme love for one another, until...

my girlfriends mom walked in the room. she knew we were going to trip however there was still a feeling of disapproval from her, she told us earlier “i wish you guys would stop doing drugs”. i handled the small shock that she was there fairly well so did my friend, we just became a little anxious. however my girlfriend started acting weird. she would go from a loving state to saying hateful things. 

from there everything went to hell

she became violent and started punching me and her mom. her mom actually never was mean she was only thankfully comforting to us, but i think the shock set my girlfriend off. she became uncontrollable and went butt naked screaming “ DEATH RAPE TORTURE, CALL CPS” as well as other random sequences of sentences while vomiting everywhere. 

i was in pure shock and disbelief. least to say it was traumatic. we got the cops called on us and we barely got away with not getting arrested. we had to get my girlfriend in the car until she finally calmed down and fell asleep (she is fine now).

ironically i had many realizations during this. i realized i am immortal (i was punched and kicked while tripping). that showed my that pain is not ever something to fear, nor is death because consciousness is prior to those, also i am WAYYY stronger than i think. when things died down i also realized that my life is a lie. everything is one substance projecting a dreamlike “world” that appears from nothing into something and it is made from a raw brutal love. i learned to truly love myself for the first time. seeing my girlfriend almost die or get hurt changed me. i have empathy for all violence and suffering. BRUTAL LOVE is the nature of god. i also appreciate much more all of leo’s content, i understand it much deeper

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i also want to say i’ve seen things from that that are INDESCRIBABLE. seeing a person fall apart like that (especially when you love them and have known them for so long) fucks with you in an unimaginable way. it showed me something beautiful yet absolutely shocking about the human psyche. how fragile it is, how RAW it is, how powerful it is.

Edited by UNZARI

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