
Last Resort

21 posts in this topic

  On 6/12/2016 at 0:25 PM, charlie2dogs said:

stop worrying about the tobacco, its just a habit, and addiction, you have many such addictions and you dont realize it.  if you want it, if you need it do it until you no longer desire it, stop fighting with yourself.  dont quit for others it will end in failure, dont quit because its bad for you , it will mean nothing.   you need to explore your own being on a deeper level  and when you do that things will change on their own, it wont be a struggle, addictions and habits will begin to flow away from you.  you will not feel empty, you wont need love, you wont need a support system, and you wont feel lonely.  take the time to get to know the real you inside of that body, it is limitless, boundless, all powerful, all knowing, and it is love when fully realized.  take your eyes off your body and your addictions and put them on the life source that is possessing your body and giving it life, and everything will change.  liberation from these things is not on the outside it comes from within,  trying to deal with the symptoms of anything is no cure, it only delays things and often the problem gets bigger because it isnt being addressed in the right place.

I just can't hold in how much this resonates in me. No one is perfect or almighty or controlling everything.  Even God would find it boring if he could control everything.

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