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Kundalini energy?

7 posts in this topic

Last week I was laying in bed after somewhat of a slow day. All of a sudden I felt the urge to shake. For a minute or two I started to shake quite heavily. At some point the shaking was more happening to me than from me, if that makes sense.

After the shaking I felt a burst of creative energy. I started drawing out models and insights like a mad man for the next hour and a half. After that the creativity faded and what I was left with a sense of unease, causing me to not sleep for a few hours.

Over the last half a year I have had around 5 of these type of experiences.

It’s not a major theme, but just curious whether its kundalini energy or something else.

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Yes, it would seem so. I would suggest reading Gopi Krishna on the exact symptoms of Kundalini Awakening, all of his books are available online, especially on subscription-based e-libraries, such as scribd. 

Look out for other signs of Kundalini, such as heat and pressure at the base of the spine or anywhere along the spinal column and the third eye region. You may also experience the spinning of the chakras, especially in the solar plexus and the wriggling of the serpent up along the spine. It is best to do you research and prepare for the upcoming challenges, there will be a lot to deal with and it is likely to disrupt your life in a major way. 

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@Dumuzzi Oke thank you!

Well, my life had been disrupted for a while ?

Ive felt third eye openings before and I remember an instance a few years ago where I felt my entire spine “lightning up”, as well as the top of my head.

and more such stuff.

A good idea indeed to read up, because Im mostly in the dark atm.

I see he has a lot of books, any recommendations for where to start?

Edited by Identity

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Two of his books I physically own are Kundalini: Empowering Human Evolution (that one has been edited by Gene Kieffer) and Higher Consciousness and Kundalini. But I guess any of them would be fine. You might also find the Biological Basis of Religion and Genius separately. He was big on Kundalini's effect on creativity and genius. 

BTW, I also experienced a bout of creativity, began writing poetry and even a novel, back in 2012, when my Kundalini Awakening happened. If you have any specific questions, I'm happy to answer them.

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Cool, thank you! Ill order the books and go from there. Otherwise I know where to find you ?

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