
Alan Watt And Our True Self

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OK now this just blew my mind..

Alan suggested that the self we are all trying to madly tune into is no different to our superficial desire for salvation in things like chocolate and god and eternal life ect..

He made it sound like even if we where to find enlightenment, its just another crafty way of the ego creating some ficticious way of saying. hey look you can live forever as this self being.. hahahaha...

could this be true.. Is our true self just another promise of salvation ??


Alan did go on to say that trying to make life what you want if a fruitless activity and your no better off than just observing it and going for the ride... thoughts??

Which brings up another issue.. Acceptance and what to do next.. I get that we need to just accept we are a tiny nothing and the external world is much bigger than us, however we experience the outer world internally which we have complete control of...

Im not sure how it all fits togtether.. do we accept and give up.. theres no hope of making the world as we wish its all much bigger than us and outside influences are much larger than we can hope to control..?? Do we just sit and accept everything around us with as much awareness as possible and just enjoy it ?? Do we try and change things..??


Confused.. :)


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Alan Watts not Alan Watt. Alan Watt is different person :)


 Accept everything and change if you want. 

Edited by RafalA

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Will, I asked the same things as you (and I am still asking them, so this is just my point of view at this moment) , I think you know that.


Ok, this is my experience. If you let the things go, things will be done the way you really want them to be. But not "you" the identity. You, your real self.

We are not in connection with our real self, because of thoughts, experience, environment, influence of others, etc. So, we listen to the internal voice of our self, but we don't pay attention to it.

The ego will be always in the way, but don't see it as a bad thing. It is good in fact. Because that's the way that we can discover ourselves, who we really are. We are a much bigger thing that this ego. You said that we are a tiny nothing.

That's true if you see it from the ego point of view. You won't see it that way once you are identified with your true self, at least that's what I had for some insights and experiences, very short experiences but very rich.

I hope it helps.


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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@Will Watt did you say? Lol I'm jk 

i think it's about achieving a balance, knowing that we can be responsible for our lives means accepting reality and external circumstances but being in tune and working with the tide of our inner life 

I like his little analogy with how a dandelion puff uses the wind to move, it's about working with what exists to reach our goal at the same time

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No, when you become enlightened there is pure joy in being. There is no more ego claiming to be 'enlightened'. Sure, a person might say he is enlightened, but if he truly is enlightened he does not believe he is enlightened, because he knows there is no one there to be it.

You have no control over anything, you never had. Only the illusion of control exist, because you have confused the true self with the thoughts of a self. And as long you are identified with an ego you will suffer, suffer and suffer. Until you had enough suffering.

Your actions just arise, just like your thoughts. You are not choosing your thoughts, nor your actions. They just come and go. It only feels you have the control because you take your thoughts to be true. And as long you are identified with your thoughts you are basically a slave, worrying about what your mind will say and demand next. 

RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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@vizual Cheers i get this but I dont know how to translate that into what to do next..

 I think what your saying is that even though I think I am choosing to take action I am really not??

Boy .. it really feels like i am choosing stuff.. like really..


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@abrakamowse If nothing at all. I like your words they seem to get closer to something I am searching for.. weird. what is moving and where.. I am actually kinda enjoying being clueless.. Feels much more open than pretending to know what the hell I am doing

10 hours ago, abrakamowse said:

So, we listen to the internal voice of our self, but we don't pay attention to it.

Its technically not our internal voice that implies its us somehow.. its our mind. sending signals. i get that.. What is baking my noodle is what is doing the listening and how? does it/I have a seperate system of listening and observing??


Is it me i am watching?

Isnt that a bit like schizophrenia .

I guess it/I used some method to indirectly observe through the mind body ego senses..

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2 hours ago, Will said:

Is it me i am watching?

Isnt that a bit like schizophrenia .

I guess it/I used some method to indirectly observe through the mind body ego senses..

It is Will, aren't we you always arguing with our thoughts?


Who is the one who says "that's me"?
It is just a thought.  Right?

And then...

Who says? "no... this is not me, I am something more permanent"

Another thought, so we are just entertaining different thoughts...

We are all crazy hehehehe... the only difference is we keep certain logic. When you think and think without stop you can go crazy, for real.

That's how our mind works. So better not think so much, just feel comfortable with what you are. 


It's Ok if we just observe the thoughts, but then at some point we will need guidance, we have to learn how to differentiate which are just thoughts and which ones are our true self. And we will be our own masters. Otherwise we will just keep repeating what we have listen around there, we will just change our programming and that's all.

The voice will be low in the beginning, but then it will become more clear.


About free will, watch this. Very useful.


And about listening your inner voice:


And one last thing, don't believe me or any of those videos, just try to experience and understand by yourself, the idea is not create anymore beliefs and see reality "as is".


Edited by abrakamowse

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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@abrakamowse so its a feeling rather than a thought..

so we dont actually need to have any thioughts at all. ok.. I get that.. i mean I can actually feel that.. or sense it or something..

The thoughts come from my mind and my mind is only really rooted in the 4 dimensions.. Does our mind have access to other  information??

I guess there must be some other type of communication going on.. Just as our fingers are controlled by the nerves in our spine so to our mind is controlled by the brain.. But I have a feeling that every cell in our doy has access to something else. It could actually be several souces of information or influence.

its interesting how we can feel/sense it but it takes us ages to be able to articulate it.. kinda like  how a picture can have a 1000 words..

I watch allot of Teal, she does go quite deep.. I like it.. still its quite hard to put into words. like trying to logically understand art..

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It's like a feeling @Will but, be careful because sometimes feelings are like thoughts. The idea is not to "not have thoughts" .

It's not give power to thoughts, just observe them and let it go. They are not true, the only true thing is just being. The mind cannot understand that, when you are one with that "feeling" of just being, the true self begins to awake and he will do everything, you really have to do nothing.

Don't try to understand it, just be.

At least this is in my experience, be one with your experience. Use the mind to solve problems, but not to understand reality.



Edited by abrakamowse

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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I am caring less about understanding and more concentrating on stripping away the bullshit.. I am cautious thou because I dont want to rely on this real self for salvation.. I dont really want salvation . I guess i just want to  do the best i can and  be as in the moment as possible..

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27 minutes ago, Will said:


I am caring less about understanding and more concentrating on stripping away the bullshit.. I am cautious thou because I dont want to rely on this real self for salvation.. I dont really want salvation . I guess i just want to  do the best i can and  be as in the moment as possible..

Ok, and in want do you want to rely if it is not on your real self?

Edited by abrakamowse

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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On 6/9/2016 at 10:10 AM, Will said:

OK now this just blew my mind..

Alan suggested that the self we are all trying to madly tune into is no different to our superficial desire for salvation in things like chocolate and god and eternal life ect..

He made it sound like even if we where to find enlightenment, its just another crafty way of the ego creating some fictitious way of saying. hey look you can live forever as this self being.. hahahaha...

He didn't say another thing, that I am sure you will find in his saying when the time is correct. But, I feel you need to know.


There's no ego.

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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Well I dont know anything about the real self..

Kinda get the feeling that just being is better than looking for the true self..

To be , do we just need to strip everything away and then start from scratch consciously??Really cautious about listening to a devine or higher self.. I would just be happy If I could get back to nothingness and build on that.. whatever it is that is deeper than that .. well Ill deal with that when I get there..

Seems pretty evolutionary.. I imagine once I get there Ill know what to do.. I dont really want to get somewhere, I just want to go.. if that makes any sense??

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4 minutes ago, Will said:

@abrakamowse I would just be happy If I could get back to nothingness and build on that...

I learn something from every post I read... or better said, I unlearn everything that was programmed randomly in my idea of my self.

That what you are saying sounds correct to me... the thing is that I think (I didn't experience it yet) that once you arrive to that point (it is also true that there's no point to arrive) you won't need to build anything. You will find yourself. 

But that's my opinion, we have to experience it and to do it, we have to go to the nothingness you were talking about.


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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22 minutes ago, abrakamowse said:

He didn't say another thing, that I am sure you will find in his saying when the time is correct

?? I dont follow.. I reread several times.. could get :(

23 minutes ago, abrakamowse said:

There's no ego.

Oh yeah I get that.. Its a construct of our mind..is that what you mean??  Same as there is no maths That something we use to communicate patterns we observe..

So your point is??

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3 minutes ago, Will said:

?? I dont follow.. I reread several times.. could get :(

Sorry, that was me... English is my second language. I meant that you will find that question answered by him in some other videos. hehehe...

It was a typo... :D

3 minutes ago, Will said:

Oh yeah I get that.. Its a construct of our mind..is that what you mean??  Same as there is no maths That something we use to communicate patterns we observe..

So your point is??

That you don't need to change anything, the ego doesn't exist. Just search for what you really are without the conditioning of others, past experiences, mind games, false beliefs, fears, etc...


Edited by abrakamowse

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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2 minutes ago, abrakamowse said:

you won't need to build anything. You will find yourself

What I mean is that, when we where born we became a function of those close to us.. so we kinda need to get back to a clean slate and then build ourselves.. But this time we do it with a knowledge that we can do it our way?? I have a feeling that we should just accept that we are limited by this body and mind and live this experience consciously... and... thats it really.. no wrong or right.. just isness until we pass on.. No need to look for answers or perfection.. Just do what you can with as much consciousness as poss..

Most people these days just operate on pardigm other than a conscious one.. on autopilot.. I reckon our ultimate is just being as conscious as possible..


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2 minutes ago, Will said:

Most people these days just operate on pardigm other than a conscious one.. on autopilot.. I reckon our ultimate is just being as conscious as possible..

If you go that way, you will be good. Keep at it!


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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