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Book Recommendations on Society, Government, Environment, Politics

1 post in this topic

I'm including books here that aren't on Leo's booklist but I think many of you will still benefit from. For more details, you can find more elaborate book reviews and interviews with these credible authors online. If you'd like to share other books if you've read on politics, please share.

Listen, Liberal: or, Whatever Happened to the Party of the People? - Thomas Frank
If you have a liberal bias, this book is great for disillusioning that bias and help you see our politics more objectively. This nonfictional story describes how the Democratic Party detached itself from its average American constituency through increasingly favoring neoliberal policies.

American Exceptionalism and American Innocence - Roberto Sirvent and Danny Haiphong
Is the news you're hearing all fake? Sirvent and Haiphong expose how not only MSM, but mainstream pop culture and even schools have all participated in misinforming the public about the US being the white night heroes of the world throughout history.

The Management of Savagery - Max Blumenthal
If you're wondering about the rise of nationalism, Blumenthal reports on how the failures of US foreign policy in the Middle East led to the election of President Donald Trump.

Contending Economic Theories: Neoclassical, Keynesian, and Marxian - Richard D Wolff and Stephan A Raesnick
This book is great for understanding the differences of historically important economic theories and how they influenced countries.

FDR - Jean Edwards Smith
I recommend the biography of any president, but seeing how the current increasing divide between the poor and rich and low levels of corporate regulations are so similar to the roaring 20s giving rise to the Great Depression, it's essential to learn about the man that led a revolution that benefited the people. This book explores how Franklin D Roosevelt's relationships, battle with polio and other experiences shaped him to be a strong leader during big historical events like the passing of the New Deal and going into WWII.

The Deficit Myth: Modern Monetary Theory and the Birth of the People's Economy - Stephanie Kelton
A book on modern monetary theory. There's a very good chance that you, like many others including several politicians, do not understand how the economy actually works. Where does money come from? Why does our country collect taxes? The truth is that ever sense the 70s, our country gave up the gold standard and now money isn't really based on anything. The US Congress is the only money issuer and they can create money whenever it is asked upon them. However, it would be unwise to create more money than the actual labor and resource capacity. Taxes really only exist to control inflation and promote good behavior and punish bad behavior.

Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel - Max Blumenthal
What is the Israel-Palestine conflict all about? Blumenthal breaks down the disturbing history of the conflict and the disenfranchisement and maltreatment of the Palestinians in Israel.

The US Constitution
This is important for understanding your rights and the power and limitations of the US government.

Edited by Bno

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