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Different point of view

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Hello everyone.

I just read this article and couldn't help but acknowledge my own "everything is as it is because of me" (true on a metaphysical level) and if I work harder I will have a better life.

"Just do the work" is something I read a lot on this forum.

Can't help but wonder if more work is what we need...

I would love to hear about your perspectives

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Hi @Codrina , I think this subject may be better placed in another area of the forum, but here goes. "Just do the work"  is a common phrase, (I don't know which article you read but the phrase is common anyway, I've used it myself). As we grow up and mature, get older etc, life throws us into many challenges whether we like it or not. This "work," whether you call it Personal or Spiritual Development or something else, is to help us find and grow into the truth of life. It doesn't have to be Leo's methods particularly, just what works for you. It's on a spectrum from practical things like helping with finding the right career or education path, helping in our relationships, all the way to deep mystical awareness. It may be a mixture of several dimensions. Just having the self-knowledge to know where to begin, what is the right stage and path for each of us to follow, is as important as doing the actual "work". 

Edited by silene

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I apologize. I didn't notice I didn't paste the link. This is the article.

 I understand very well what you are saying. I am working hard on improving myself, and everything else I do, except for my lazy days when I am too depressed to be bothered ( less days than they used to be, although more intense - everything is more intense now).

I was curious about opinions on his perspective : the social situation which creates the vicious circle of more hard work.

I can feel he's pointing to something.

What I appreciate most about self help work is that you actually get to know the self, and if you keep looking, maybe the Self as well. And that is something people are missing in their lives. 

And sometimes I feel they get lost in the hard work for transformation and end up rejecting self.

I have to agree that a lot of suffering people experience is a consequence of a poorly organized social system. At the same time, society is formed out of self and Self. How could you improve it if you don't understand your self, let alone the Self?

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