
The Other Spirituality

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Similar to the two truths, relative and absolute,...and the two Feminine's, the feminine of Form, and the Wave of a Particle,...so too there are two spiritualities,...one is associated with physical animation, what the 6 lower substance levels of Spiral Dynamics often identify as an individuals personal, inner truths, for the most part media-ted through religion, both collective and personal; while the Other Spirituality is synonymous with  the primal, yang/yin energy that manifests with the movement of perceived separation from the Still Fulcrum of Undivided Light, the Tao or Tathagata - that which does not Come and Go.

Spirit....from the Latin spiritus, the Indo-European root meaning "to breathe,"...relates to the in-breath (yang, masculine, contractive energy) and out-breath (yin, feminine, dispersive energy) of duality's phenomenal world,...that is,...how this illusory Dream reality breaths.  Contrary to the beliefs of the 6 lower substance levels of Spiral Dynamics, Spirit ONLY exists within the perception of separation.  Without separation, there is no Spirit,..no Energy, no Duality,...and thus no One.  Without the Past, Spirit does not exist.  There is no Spirit in the Present, just like there is no energy, mass, time in Undivided Light.  

The utmost definition of Spirit is the manifestation of energy (positive and negative, centripetal and centrifugal) initiated by the illusion of separation which seeks union with the Unfragmented,...which it can NEVER DO,...because the separation is simply a Dream (not real) and not part of the Absolute.   Spirituality is a recognition of universal Spirit as it is,...not something that can be known or perceived through the senses or comprehended through the intellect (the 6th sense), because the 6 senses can only perceive motion in one direction,...a masculine orientation that is obscured from the reverse flow of the feminine.

 "The senses do not grasp reality in any way" - Socrates

"Sensing is but an electric tension set up by the seeming division of one into many which "strain" to fulfill their desire for oneness" - Walter Russell

“He who thinks of mind in terms of One or Many casts away the light and enters delusion” - Saraha

There is a "Spirit of God,"...associated with the One Lever upon the Fulcrum,...and because God believes Himself to be light, and in Him no Dark (as the late 2nd Century  apology 1John says), this is not authentic Spirit (in-breath/out-breath), but a patrifocal simulation,...just as Adam and Eve are two aspects the Male (after creation was finished, in Genesis 2:18).

The original Feminine occurred in Genesis 1:26–27,...a freethought Skyflier, without original sin, who is the feminine polarity of nature (which the Sumerians called Lilith,...and the Jews made her a demon). Eve is a product of the male, subservient partner of Adam, made out of yang for yang,...a female gender of Form,...a simulated female without wings.    

The original movement of the One Lever (God), upon which Duality (Yang/Yin) effects its motion, occurred before the ego of God recognized Himself, and declared His Magnificence.  The Tao, Tathagata, Undivided Light, etc., are synonymous with the Fulcrum.   The authentic Spirit of Duality manifested as a consequence of the original movement.  

An interesting note for Theists and those seeking the illusion of Oneness,...the first phrase of the Bible is agreed to be "Berasith bara elohim,"....which most have been media-ted to believe translates to: "In the beginning God created..."

Scholars however, point out that Berasith translates to "In Wisdom."  The second word is "bara,"  which can be defined as "manifest."  The third word is "elohim,"  a  plural, meaning "gods."....thus "In wisdom was created the Gods..."     Or as Kabbalists (Hasidic Jews) say, "In Wisdom was manifested the Gods..."  The Kabbalah sees the Elohim as male and female, which were manifested through wisdom.  What wisdom?  Not that of the elohim, because they came afterwards.

What was manifested was Space-Time in its entirety,...the Dream,...of which this perceived moment is merely a slice,...however, that's a topic for Second-tier communication.

The word ELOHIM (plural for gods) appear 2570 times in the OT. The singular version El (appears 226 times) and Eloah (57 times, 41 of which in Job).  The first time a singular God is mentioned in the Bible is in Exo 2.

Those who profess knowledge of Non-Duality without understanding Duality (the nature of Spirit in Space/Time), like this often mentioned RASA book 1000 LOC,  are not Spiritual Beings,...but Sentient Beings.

In Ramaji and Ananda Devi's neo-Advaita propaganda book 1000 LOC, there is a list of 400 so-called Spiritual Teachers,...however, after reviewing this list, I notice less than a dozen Spiritual Beings (Turquoise or Coral),...over 95% were/are Sentient Beings,...Caterpillars teaching Caterpillars to be Butterflies.

Ramaji and Ananda Devi, as most on the list, appear to be at the Green (SD 6) stage.  That is implying their non-dual paradigm isn't satisfying for Long Pathers in the substance levels; but analogous to meditator's finding medication through sitting, like 12 Steppers finding solace in turning their minds over to God, or Christians that "feel more at ease with the myth of the meek inheriting the land. They turn aside and pretend"  RGH Siu (Craft of Power).   

Perhaps 15% of the LOC list were/are Yellow (SD 7), who, through self-actualization experiences, begin to inquire that life may be as a dream,...a prison of which the majority are unaware, and ponder on how to escape the sense limiting container,...what Gurdjieff called the activity of Man #3.

"As man unfolds from sensed man to spiritual man he gradually becomes aware of the two-way motion of all effect" - Walter Russell.

"The ego is a monkey catapulting through the jungle; totally fascinated by the realm of the senses....if anyone threaten it, it actually fears for its life. Let this monkey go. Let the senses go.  Recognize that everything you see and think is a falsehood, an illusion, a veil over the truth" - Lao-tzu, Huahujing
"The person who gathers knowledge through the six senses is categorized by the Buddha as a lunatic." Sabbe Putajjana Unmattaka.  

"The only thing I do know is that when you open your eyes and look out into the world, there's one thing you are not seeing, and that is Now." Hinze Hogendoorn


"The Feminine of Duality is not a gender of Form, but the Wave of a Particle" - V Panetta

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Have you ever read 'A Metaphysical Interpretation of the Bible'?  I think you would love it. 

Personally I think a true master would have one foot in both camps, but... What do I know ?‍♂️?‍♀️

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11 minutes ago, seeking_brilliance said:

Have you ever read 'A Metaphysical Interpretation of the Bible'?  I think you would love it. 

Personally I think a true master would have one foot in both camps, but... What do I know ?‍♂️?‍♀️

It is said a real Master is not a teacher: a real Master is an awakener,...their function is totally different from a teacher.

At 8 yrs old I began to realize that very few discern the holy books of our theo-belief systems critically, rather than deliberating on them solely for display and devotion. Devotional reading is not Bible study.

My focused interest arose after I was told I could not go Heaven,....Deuteronomy 23:2  “No bastard shall enter the assembly of the Lord, not even to the tenth generation.” (“Non ingredietur mamzer hoc est de scorto natus in ecclesiam Domini usque ad decimam generationem.”). The newer translated versions of this law, which penalizes children for their parents’ indiscretions, smooth out the wording; for example, the New American Bible now says: “No child of an incestuous union,” an expedient shift in meaning, considering that finding a nonbastard child today is somewhat like seeing someone who doesn’t have a tattoo.

So what does a little child do when they has been denied something, especially being included in the congregation of the Lord? Some pursue it! At least I did. Therefore, for the next two dozen years, I was a major consumer of religious material, looking for a backdoor into heaven. After all, I felt that I had no choice, for no one, not even God, was going to save a bastard child. I had to find a way to save myself, which is fundamentally contrary to Christian beliefs. Of course, the New-Age idea advanced by moderate and liberal Christians is that God the Father changed, and now we can be saved through Jesus, the Son. This idea merely fortified my quest for something more changeless, a more enduring truth.  (Note: New Ager’s don’t mention that Jesus did not come to change the law, but to fulfill it, Matt 5:17).


Edited by V-8

"The Feminine of Duality is not a gender of Form, but the Wave of a Particle" - V Panetta

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@V-8 haha either you read the book, wrote the book, or neither lol. I'm loving it so far. It's not a new age approach. I really think you'd like it. 


Edited by seeking_brilliance

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@Haumea2018 Check this out, I’ve never seen someone more obsessed with spiritual knowledge and concepts and models. 

@V-8 you never answered my question- are you happy? 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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5 hours ago, seeking_brilliance said:

@V-8 haha either you read the book, wrote the book, or neither lol. I'm loving it so far. It's not a new age approach. I really think you'd like it. 


Yes,...recently downloaded the book,...and reviewed much of it,...as some were bringing it up in dialogue, and wanted to see if it had any relevance for Conscious Awareness,...concluding that it doesn't.

Agree,... many love this neo-advaita stuff,...very Wow! stuff for those transitioning away from Western Absolutist beliefs,...and yet, neo-advaita is itself Absolutist.  As for myself, my background in books was in Mahamudra,...which did not contradict my own experiences,...that both duality and Oneness are illusory.   Thus it could be said that I'm non-dual and non-One.

“He who thinks of mind in terms of One or Many casts away the light and enters delusion” - Saraha

Oneness is as an old Aristotelian construct,...and along with the meme of monotheism was for centuries imprinted upon the Collective.   Look what they did to Hippasus for his blasphemy of the Greeks universal view by suggesting irrationals,...they killed him.  Pythagoreans killed anyone who discussed any numbers other than rational numbers, for their universe was governed by ratios that arise from One.

An absolute truth is,...if duality ceases its motion, the One Lever upon which it effects its motion also ceases.   This is why Lao-tzu and Buddha considered Advaita concepts as useless.

"The Tao gives birth to One. One gives birth to yin and yang. Yin and yang give birth to all things....The Tao gives rise to all form, yet it has no form of its own."  Lao-tzu

Oneness is akin to being stuck in a paradigm,...an energy Loop,...with the loss of individual Conscious Awareness after death. This is why Naropa taught that "By learning to recognize Clear Light during one's lifetime, an adept may return to it without difficulty when the shock of death threatens to disorient them.” - Naropa.

To retain one's Conscious Awareness after death.  The Advaitist cannot realize that,...because of their belief in Oneness.  The Great Juncture is uncover the Fulcrum, upon which the One Lever and Duality moves,...I call it Undivided Light.

Imagine joining me for a trip in an amazing LightCraft, a vehicle that can reach the speed of light. We are about to accelerate to so called light speed, that is 299,792 kilometers per second (186,282 mps).  If you are unfamiliar with Einstein’s theory of relativity, as we approach 299,792 kps, time slows to zero, space no longer exists, and mass cancels itself out.  You do not enter a new dimension, but a dimensionlessness within the Still Bliss of undivided light.

For those who have already ventured there, an immediate inner inquiry comes to our attention if we allow it: "How did we reach a velocity of 299,792 kilometers per second and arrive at stillness?"  You just stepped into light’s shoes, connecting with light’s own point of view, a view, to paraphrase Peter Russell, that light travels no distance in no time, and thus it has no need for speed.  In fact, undivided, clear light has not traveled a meter in all eternity.  Don’t worry if you don’t grasp this yet; it took Tilopa nearly three years to grasp the dakini secrets through grinding sesame seeds.  

Our duality reality of divided, projected, simulated light is 299,792 kilometers per second slower than the Stillness of what Mahamudra calls the Clear Light of Vajra (and Gabrielle Roth pointed to through the Silver Desert).  When you realize that, you begin to gnow Who you are because you directly understand When you are.  In duality, everything is in the past. All divided light, the whole electromagnetic field is in the past.  It makes no difference how fast energy equal mass square divided light (E=mc²) is moving, for even at 299,791 kilometers per second, undivided light is perceived as moving 299,792 kilometers per second faster.  That’s why Einstein called it relativity,...not Absolute.  Energy–mass is relative, conditional, and in the past (mc² < c).

Buddhism has stories of this,...for example,...Shakyamuni Buddha and Angulimala, the wearer of a garland of fingers.  Angulimala was a notorious bandit who cut off a finger from each of his victims and wore them all around his neck.  Although there are several variations of the story, the punch line is nearly the same.  One day, Buddha, the light of Asia, was walking calmly along a road in the Kingdom of Kosala, where Angulimala was seeking his next victim.  Seeing Buddha, Angulimala ran up to bash him from behind, yet he could not get close enough, and the faster he went, the Awakened One seemed to go that much faster.  Infuriated and bewildered at not being able to catch him, Angulimala shouted for Buddha to stop.  The light of Asia replied, “But I’m standing still.  If you desire to catch me, you too must be still.”  This is where oral traditions, especially Theravada ones, go off into different invented morals.  The true pearl in the tale is that no matter how fast you move to catch light, light will always be 299,792 kilometers per second faster.  Undivided light can only be caught through stillness,...it cannot be realized through non-duality.

And what does Oneness look like?

 There’s a story in the Kevatta Sutta of a talented monk who wanted to find out the answer to the question, “Where do the four elements cease without remainder?” Through meditation he reached the Heaven of the Four Great Kings, who did not know the answer. Next he went to the thirty three gods in a higher Desire Realm heaven, but none of these rulers knew either. He then asked King Sakka (Indra), the king of these gods, but Sakka did not know the answer. Up and up he went asking all sorts of gods at each and every higher level. Finally he came to Great Brahma, the Creator, the One Uncreated, Knower of All.

When the monk finally achieved an audience with Great Brahma, Brahma appeared in all his majesty and glory announcing, "I am Great Brahma, the Conqueror, the Unconquered, the All-Seeing, All-Powerful, the Lord, the Maker and Creator, the Ruler, Appointer and Orderer, Father of All That Have Been and Shall Be." The monk then humbly and respectfully asked his question, but all Great Brahma did was repeat, "I am Great Brahma, the Conqueror, the Unconquered, the All-Seeing, All-Powerful, the Lord, the Maker and Creator, the Ruler, Appointer and Orderer, Father of All That Have Been and Shall Be.

The monk eventually got frustrated and said, “I know you are "Great Brahma, the Conqueror, the Unconquered, the All-Seeing, All-Powerful, the Lord, the Maker and Creator, the Ruler, Appointer and Orderer, Father of All That Have Been and Shall Be," but I asked you a question about where the four elements cease without remainder. The Great Brahma replied, “Listen little monk, don’t embarrass me. All these other gods are listening and think I know everything. If you want to know the answer to a question like that, don’t ask me. I don’t know the answer. For a question like that, you have to go ask the Buddha.

Buddhists have a saying,..."Contradictions in perspective among those Seeing the profound do not occur" – Taranatha.

The differences between Prajnaparamita and neo-Advaita are irreconcilable.  Even Ramaji's kinesiological divination cannot bring them into harmony.

Edited by V-8

"The Feminine of Duality is not a gender of Form, but the Wave of a Particle" - V Panetta

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14 minutes ago, V-8 said:

When the monk finally achieved an audience with Great Brahma, Brahma appeared in all his majesty and glory announcing, "I am Great Brahma, the Conqueror, the Unconquered, the All-Seeing, All-Powerful, the Lord, the Maker and Creator, the Ruler, Appointer and Orderer, Father of All That Have Been and Shall Be." The monk then humbly and respectfully asked his question, but all Great Brahma did was repeat, "I am Great Brahma, the Conqueror, the Unconquered, the All-Seeing, All-Powerful, the Lord, the Maker and Creator, the Ruler, Appointer and Orderer, Father of All That Have Been and Shall Be.

The monk eventually got frustrated and said, “I know you are "Great Brahma, the Conqueror, the Unconquered, the All-Seeing, All-Powerful, the Lord, the Maker and Creator, the Ruler, Appointer and Orderer, Father of All That Have Been and Shall Be," but I asked you a question about where the four elements cease without remainder. The Great Brahma replied, “Listen little monk, don’t embarrass me. All these other gods are listening and think I know everything. If you want to know the answer to a question like that, don’t ask me. I don’t know the answer. For a question like that, you have to go ask the Buddha.

???. ?? ??? I loved that story. I don't know if I truly get it, but it's awesome. Just sounds like we're all making THIS up as it goes. 

16 minutes ago, V-8 said:




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Is it to say that if there is anything, there is nothing, and that this nothing is what has been named 'light'? (although we know that visible light is merely a portion of light and is due to having the right receptors) 

Light doesn't create, it bends itself. It bends, and 'creates' shadows, colors, hues, and the most important ingredient : memory recording. A conception of dreams. 

Edited by seeking_brilliance

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27 minutes ago, seeking_brilliance said:

Is it to say that if there is anything, there is nothing, and that this nothing is what has been named 'light'? 

Light doesn't create, it bends itself. It bends, and 'creates' shadows, colors, hues, and the most important ingredient : memory recording. A conception of dreams. 


Divided Light bends, manifests shadows, colors, hues,...not Undivided Light.

The closest contemporary literature I've seen on Light was by Walter Russell,...if not for his belief in theism, his Secret of Light would have been perfect. 

From pre-Islamic invasion points of view (before the Thirteenth Century), there was significant references to Clear Light,...such as Naropa saying, "By learning to recognize the Clear Light during one's lifetime, an adept may return to it without difficulty when the shock of death threatens to disorient them”

Vajrayana says that unless one realizes Clear (Undivided) Light before death, then at death one no longer retains their Conscious Awareness,...and get re-added to the soup within the Loop of rebirthing. 

As for Undivided Light creating,...NO it does not.   Divided Light creates, or perhaps better said, manifests.  God is a creator synonymous with Divided Light (as in the late 2nd Century New Testament apology 1John,...'God is light, and in Him is no darkness.' ).  Divided Light multiplies and divides from the One Lever upon which duality effects its simulation of motion.

"all matter is frozen or slowed down light"  David Bohm

"For the rest of my life I want to reflect on what light is". Albert Einstein

Matter is not made of matter. Hans-Peter Dürr

'All matter is just a mass of light.' Sri Aurobindo

"Light is not waves which travel at 186,000 miles per second, which science says it is, nor does light travel at all."  Walter Russell

"When stillness is ultimate, the light penetrates."   Manjushri Bodhisattva

"Some say if an object were ever to reach the speed of light its mass would become infinite. However, to move an infinite mass would take an infinite amount of energy–more energy than there is in the entire universe. Thus, it is argued that no mass can ever attain the speed of light." Peter Russell





"The Feminine of Duality is not a gender of Form, but the Wave of a Particle" - V Panetta

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Ok... understood. But how does the divided light arise/manifest? In the divided light, there is gratefulness for This dream.  Was the creator (divided light) created intentionally, or spawn out of complete impossibility? 

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

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I see where they are coming from, the other side is so out of this reality that it has nothing in common with this , or anything that is talked about in  duality or non-duality ,Oneness .So I understand why they say it is way of lunatic , but is it bad to be lunatic? :D 

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20 hours ago, seeking_brilliance said:

Ok... understood. But how does the divided light arise/manifest? In the divided light, there is gratefulness for This dream.  Was the creator (divided light) created intentionally, or spawn out of complete impossibility? 

I can explain HOW divided light arises/manifests,...how spectra condenses into Form,...but if your question is WHY,...at the ultimate level,...that's not in my purview,...LOL

I do understand why we are in this 3rd density,...because the Higher Selves of most are stuck in the 6th density, which is likely the worse place to be in the Dream.  Researcher Robert Monroe suggested this 6th density should be called Religious Terminus,...a place like Harry Nilsson’s fable of Oblio’s in  the Land of Point, where everyone was required by law to have a point, and everything had to have a point,...in the case of the 6th density,...everyone believes in Oneness,...the One Lever,...which only exists because of the motion of duality.  There is no One without the Many,...no Here without a There,...no Center without a Boundary.

“He who thinks of mind in terms of One or Many casts away the light and enters delusion” - Saraha 


"The Feminine of Duality is not a gender of Form, but the Wave of a Particle" - V Panetta

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If the higher selves are in religious terminus, where is 'God'? 

When we dream at night, we tend to think we are going deeper in, but perhaps the dreams take place in a higher density? 

How does divided light arise/manifest?

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

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What happened? Why is it whenever I start asking curious questions everyone shuts down like I broke the Zoltar machine? 


This whole time, brilliance sought me.

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