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I haven't smoked weed for about 2-3 months. My friends still do, but my experiences with it makes it impossible for me to be around people while high. I would like to hear if other mind bodies have had the same effects on weed, so I'll try to explain the unexplainable. 

A big opening happened for me about a year ago when I smoked weed alone outside on a bench. I had no experiences that where close to this one, which could explain the willingness I had to surrender to it. It basically shattered my ego, and I merged with let's call it god. We chilled for infinity and then I was gently but back into my body and the world materialized again. Good experience. 

Ever since this happened I have been unable to keep myself grounded in the 3D reality when smoking with my friends. I'll try to explain.

1. The door opens: Ever since the big opening my heart pounds so hard and fast everytime I smoke which immediately ungrounds me because of anxiety. Slowly my concepts begins to crumble. The music we're listening to reveals itself to be god, the room we are in reveals itself to be the infinite dressing up as the room, the understanding of what death and being infinitely alone presents itself.

2. The fight: at this point I'll often shut off from socializing and put on headphones and listen to spiritual teachers looking for guidance. There is of course nothing else to come for here. The music, the room, the intuition, the feelings are all saying the exact same thing, this is it, let go and be. This is it let go and be. This. This is it. You will not know what will happen when you let go, it is unknown. Let go. The fear of the void is too strong, the known is so comforting and safe, if I let go I'll have no control, if I let go I will die.

It is sometimes recognized here that you are unable to let go, that the whole act of trying to control what is happening is the thing that has ended you up in this place to begin with, in this loop of chasing your own tail. So what can you do? Nothing. You'll be chasing yourself forever. Until you face yourself. Until you let go. Until you are 100 percent willing to die. No worries though, because you can never be touched. You are beep bop dooby snoopy, bleep blop very funny. 

I often have an Idea about where I'm going with posts like these, but I often end up with small awakenings underway and I end up answering my own questions. It's a very good method for clearing up stufffff. I recommend it to nobody :( wah wah. I'll post it anyway, because, because, because, do you really need a cause? loosen up mate come on.. 


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Feeling a good vibe here. From nobody to nobody, sending ♥️

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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i think marijuana is very underrated in this community and by leo, who is quick to judge it because of its addictive properties. usually i find that people who get addicted to weed are not using it in  a spiritual manner, similar to the way most people use psychedelics. i believe that if used appropriately it can have incredible benefits for your spiritual growth with the right bio chemistry. 

Edited by coca

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46 minutes ago, coca said:

i think marijuana is very underrated in this community and by leo, who is quick to judge it because of its addictive properties. usually i find that people who get addicted to weed are not using it in  a spiritual manner, similar to the way most people use psychedelics. i believe that if used appropriately it can have incredible benefits for your spiritual growth with the right bio chemistry. 

This has been my experience as well

"Started from the bottom and I just realized I'm still there since the money and the fame is an illusion" -Drake doing self-inquiry

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@coca its kind of neat too because different strains brings me different spiritual experiences.  Some of the lighter hitting strains just makes me want to create art and I feel open and loving, and the heavier hitting strains I start channeling things out of nowhere. Marijuana is truly a gift.  It's up to the individual to control the addiction. 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

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Careful with regular use of grass, seriously decreases your quality of life. I smoked for 2 years every day and I was tortured with anxiety and paranoia. It was subtle suffering though I just thought there was something wrong with me and that smoking made me feel better...little did I know it was an addiction forming under my nose. Went to doctors and counsellors and all sorts trying to figure out what the fuck was wrong with me and when I stopped smoking I felt way better. Just a warning. It is still a drug like, and using a drug repetitively will effect you after a while

Edited by Aaron p

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@traveler Don't forget a backpack on your long and vast journeys! ^_^ Where would you stuff all the insights anyway?

Use it in the right manner and don't over-do it. That's the super-simplified tutorial. For me, that ends up sitting in nature alone or in my room. Also careful not to get too stuck in your thoughts on weed. My question though is, how high are your doses?  Had you experienced any drug before? 

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In other news, I had very interesting insights doing self-enquiry on CBD gummies. Like I could see and peal off layers of my own bull shit. On freaking CBD! It was similar to LSD microdosing. Anyone else with similar experiences? 

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