
"You are already whole and complete" - Is that really true?

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Recognize the multi dimensional aptitudes. Your hunch is correct in the value of Being and Becoming. Becoming happens to be the hurdle of our time. Becoming hinders Being in ways that Being does not.  Because Being is prior to Becoming, Being creates Becoming in ways that Becoming does not create Being. Being is more fundamental and Becoming is more significant however, Becoming must be significant TO Being because it's prior.  Being offers you direct experience to Nothing with a capital N, and becoming is not conscious of it.  Being ultimately rules out the need for Becoming beyond survival. 

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1 hour ago, whoareyou said:

@Leo Gura  Do you believe that the experience of reproducing and raising children could help people raise their consciousness?

It COULD, but you could also spawn the next Hitler.

Breeding by itself is no guarantee of consciousness.

1 hour ago, whoareyou said:

What about the value of producing conscious children for the world?

Sure, there is relative value in that for some people. But there are a million other ways to raise the consciousness of children other than breeding them.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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As one who ricochets between feeling more whole, feeling a lack/ various lacks, and even feeling utter emptiness on occasion.... I've noticed a phenomenon which seems contradictory at first, but upon contemplation, makes sense: when I am most whole it's closest to nothing, and when I am most empty... well, the visions of things to put in the "basket case" are most numerous... 


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On 28.12.2019 at 1:13 AM, Bill W said:

I think I'm trying to say that the more shit you let go, the more whole you feel. It's there! The sense of wholeness. It's just buried beneath all the crap. Crap habits. Crap thinking. Crap behaving. It's beneath the self centred part of us. 

Remove the clouds and the sun will shine. 



🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation.


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On 28.12.2019 at 4:07 PM, mandyjw said:

Attraction itself is a beautiful thing, that can only exist if there is some level of incompleteness. You don't want the whole world handed to you on a silver platter at birth, you'd never appreciate it and you would ironically feel as if you had been robbed of something. You want to desire, you want to long for things. When you understand this, that you want to want, it almost cancels itself out just like a positive and negative magnet and the mechanism of attraction itself. There's the wholeness, within the wanting. 

Very cool !! 

🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation.


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On 12/28/2019 at 0:39 AM, Nivsch said:

Last month I heard couple of videos (of Leo and Aaron doughty) about how to be attractive.

I found these videos very helpful and it feels to me very right. The most attractive state is to transmit others that you are already whole and complete all by yourself, and you don't need anyone (but you just want, that this is ok).

But, my intuition tells me for a long time again and again, that this is not fully true. I feel that I really and clearly want, for example, romantic relationship.

Also I feel, that living always alone, won't make me fullfiled. Which means - I need other people to some degree.

So how it gets along with the "whole and complete" message, It feels to me there is a contradiction here.

How can I transmit to other people this attractive state, if I don't believe that this is fundamentally true?

There is some significant degree of truth in this attractive attitude, but its still limited and not completely true.

I dont know about what one feels when he becomes super developed, but it is far enough and not relevant to the near (and medium range?) future.

I guess the whole point of this is to actually let this run into your veins totally believe it and be it. Meaning that you'll have no hardships in your life, doing everything authentically and free of need. 

Practically it doesn't matter whether you are or not. With other ppl or alone. You know? The whole idea is to feel perfect by yourself. 

That my pov. 

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On 28.12.2019 at 1:12 AM, Commodent said:

What is it that you truly want from a romantic relationship? What does it look like viscerally? Try reliving that experience again and again, until it becomes ingrained in your daily experience. Until you no longer need another person to meet that need for you.

The best relationships do not arise from a place of dependency, but rather, from a place of abundance.

Maybe after some relationships it can be possible. not sure if self work alone is enough. 

I agree with you about the abundance.

Seems like a developed person. Subscribed. thanks!

🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation.


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On 28.12.2019 at 2:54 AM, Leo Gura said:

The contradiction comes from you not being fully conscious of what you are. If you were fully conscious of what you are, you'd realize you are whole and complete. But an ego cannot ever be whole and complete by definition. So you're stuck in an existential bind until such time as you awaken and realize your true nature. But in your current state of conscious you believe you are a limited human self, so of course you will also act in a needy way which will repel others. The less conscious you are, the more needy you are, the more people don't like being around you because your selfishness is repulsive.

Detachment cannot be faked. You must actually become detached.

I understand what you say. makes sense. I feel that in my case the desire for relationships comes not from a stressed position but from higher source intuition, also when I am fully relaxed.

Maybe for most people (at least for myself) to really reach this place one have to go through relationships, and the higher-self intuition wants me to take this road.

🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation.


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On 12/28/2019 at 11:52 AM, Arcangelo said:

Oh really? How do you know this? Because I am never ever getting married and i am never ever having kids, (I am smart you know).


"You are already whole and complete" - Is that really true? > YES, Absolutely. Gotta have an awakening experience to confirm it though.





Lol listen kid no offense but you are assuming something based off or what people have told you and what you have experienced do to false memory syndrome.  I used to say I would never have kids too but one day you will grow up hopefully it will be before your to old .


And remember just because your parents didn't become awakened by having you and raising you as well as you not enjoying your childhood and creating a complex towards your parents because they didn't love you enough

and not ever being exposed to the proper representation of how someone should raise a kid doesn't mean that it doesn't exist because lots of things exist that you've never seen . Best of luck to you out there have a good day.

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Just some thoughts on this - recently I've been really trying to accept all my thoughts and everything about me fully. I have quite an anxious mind so not always easy, but I have 2 paths one is continually trying to improve myself in the hope that 'i' no longer feel anxious or the second is that I just accept that the anxiety is there and realise that I am whole with or without it. 

If you think of someone you love, do you live them less because let's say they are anxious sometimes or do you accept and give them love regardless, maybe even more love if they need it? So just because the thoughts occur in my head and there's some sort of ownership of them why should there be no love, acceptance or understanding given to oneself?

Truth is you are complete and whole what stops you from seeing this is unrealistic expectations of what that means, unrealistic meaning that you need to be something other than you currently are. The journey to becoming whole is a realisation and acceptance, so anything you do physically or whatever to achieve wholeness would mean you don't realise you're whole and you don't accept yourself as is, this is what leads to a feeling of not being whole. It's a complete mental maze that you need to opt out of 

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On 29.12.2019 at 10:29 PM, Nivsch said:

I feel that in my case the desire for relationships comes not from a stressed position but from higher source intuition, also when I am fully relaxed.

Then what more is there to say? Go out there, and meet more girls! You know yourself what is the best for you :)

I am myself, heaven and hell.

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If you want to fly a kite, but you can’t until you’re whole, and you won’t be whole unless you fly a kite -  you must change how you’re looking at the situation. If you pick up a hot coal, is any corrective action needed at all - other than dropping the coal?  The ’coal’ is perspectives. They come & go. You don’t. Let them come & go. Let new one’s come which feel better than the old ones. Don’t marry any perspectives. If you do, you’ll believe they define you, and that you are partial. But you’re not the content or implication of a thought, you’re awareness, of thoughts, coming & going. Never, ever, has there been the experience of, no-awareness. Likewise, never, ever, has a single perspective lasted. They all come & go, let em go, you’ll love the ones that come....for a bit. Then they go too. And you’ll love the ones that come....for bit. Then let them go too. A point will come when it viscerally occurs to you - I’m not coming and going. 



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8 hours ago, Consept said:

Just some thoughts on this - recently I've been really trying to accept all my thoughts and everything about me fully. I have quite an anxious mind so not always easy, but I have 2 paths one is continually trying to improve myself in the hope that 'i' no longer feel anxious or the second is that I just accept that the anxiety is there and realise that I am whole with or without it. 

If you think of someone you love, do you live them less because let's say they are anxious sometimes or do you accept and give them love regardless, maybe even more love if they need it? So just because the thoughts occur in my head and there's some sort of ownership of them why should there be no love, acceptance or understanding given to oneself?

Truth is you are complete and whole what stops you from seeing this is unrealistic expectations of what that means, unrealistic meaning that you need to be something other than you currently are. The journey to becoming whole is a realisation and acceptance, so anything you do physically or whatever to achieve wholeness would mean you don't realise you're whole and you don't accept yourself as is, this is what leads to a feeling of not being whole. It's a complete mental maze that you need to opt out of 

You are here to grow therefore you are not complete and whole.

Even if you were the simply act of "not knowing it" would make you not complete and whole. And there's nothing wrong with not being ether one because no one alive today is complete and whole. 

That is why everything grows and changes 


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