
My 30 day + Gratitude Journal

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   I'm going to do a practice of gratitude for 30 or more days to see if my happiness increases or I feel more positive. I might put my lists into categories or not.

1. I'm grateful for the home environment I'm in with my family, that our home is quiet.

2. I'm grateful that 20-30 years ago my parents decided to renovate this house by removing a wall and a small bedroom to increase more space.

3. I'm grateful for my bedroom, for having a double bed, having two shelves that hold my books, some clothes, and my boxes.

4. I'm grateful that I get to sleep in a bed mattress that's high quality, that used to belong to a hotel, that my parents decided to include in the shipping before we left Montreal.

5. I'm grateful for having a pillow for my head, another for hugging while sleeping, and a huge cover for my sleeping body.

6. I'm grateful that I still have a few big boxes for my older clothes that still fit me.

7. I'm grateful that the boiler still works to provide hot water for the shower, taps, and radiators in the house.

8. I'm grateful for the dinner table being the way it is, and the chairs are still good even though they're from another country.

9. I'm grateful that we still have plates to put our food in, that the kitchen has a working cooker and the pans allow me to cook my foods.

10. I'm grateful that we have a Christmas tree and some of the ornaments are from 20 + years ago.

11. I'm grateful for being alive.

12. I'm grateful for having a pet cat with me right now.

13. I'm grateful for having had a few pet goldfish and crickets decades ago.

14. I'm grateful for my parents who had a labrador that protected them and their old home in Indonesia when I was just a baby.

15.  I'm grateful for having small plastic bags and litter which makes it easier to clean up after the cat.

16. I'm grateful for some pet stores I've been to and for the bunnies being super cute.

17. I'm grateful that birds visit the garden now and again.

18.I'm grateful for my garden being so big and spacious enough that I could walk around it.

19. I'm grateful that most of the garden has flags and a Japanese style stone mini garden in the middle, mostly done by my parents.

20. I'm grateful that I used to do martial arts like Tae Kwon Do and further developed discipline. I had taken the chance to buy a martial arts book on Shaolin kung fu, learned a little bit of it and came across how they meditated. The next couple of years of meditating here and there gave me enough experience to be able to handle some of Leo's other meditation techniques years later.

21. I'm grateful that meditation helped reduce my stress and anger issues I had when I was a teen.

22. I'm grateful that I'm able to focus a little bit more on a subject thanks to meditation.

23. I'm grateful that I could relax more from meditating.

24. I'm grateful for developing more patience thanks to meditating.

25. I'm grateful for the education I received so far, from maths, science, languages, art, history, and mechanics from my high school.

26. I'm grateful for learning about numbers, algebra, geometry, and probabilities.

27. I'm grateful for learning about science, physics, and chemistry even though it's at a basic level.

28. I'm grateful that I'm mainly speaking the English language, Indonesian, French and Portuguese languages when I was growing up.

29. I'm grateful for having taken part in a mechanics course and practicing my drawing abilities to the point of nearly drawing a realistic object.

30. I'm grateful for being able to go with my parents when they traveled to Indonesia, the USA, Brazil, Canada, Quebec and finally to the UK.

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1. I'm grateful that I could type on the keyboard.

2. I'm grateful that I have three languages learned.

3. I'm grateful I could understand what I'm typing now.

4. I'm grateful that I woke up from sleep.

5. I'm grateful that I could take naps roughly in the middle of the day.

6. I'm grateful I could differentiate between night and day, and my eyes are healthy enough to see a bit more of the dark.

7. I'm grateful I haven't gone blind yet.

8. I'm grateful my body hasn't radically transformed yet.

9. I'm grateful that I have incredibly healthy teeth, haven't gotten any fillings or crowning yet, and 4 extra teeth more, and how weird my teeth are compared to people's teeth that are in a row, jutting and crocked.

10. I'm grateful I haven't gotten any dental/oral issues yet.

11. I'm grateful I could visualize anything/anybody in detail, almost close to being hyper-realistic, and that this ability is somewhat innate.

12. I'm grateful to have enough discipline to train my visualization abilities.

13. I'm grateful for being able to hear mental sounds clearly, and training this ability.

14. I'm grateful for being able to somewhat bring to mind feelings and physical sensations clearly in my mind.

15. I'm grateful for training my body's sensations through martial arts and fitness.

16. I'm grateful for discovering porn accidentally years ago, and explored most of what porn had to offer, and be amazed at what I thought was impossible to do during sex.

17. I'm grateful for having enough courage and willpower to try out Nofap and be sexually abstinent for a month and a half.

18. I'm grateful for being aware of how much more energy and presence I have during my state of Nofap, to the point I'm now suffering from insomnia, hyper aggression and hyper mood swings.

19. I'm grateful to discover that Nofap has limits, that Nofap alone won't help you grow, that the Nofap movement is limited to a degree that as a methodology it lacks any others methods than "just avoid porn" and has to borrow other methods from other methodologies like meditation from spiritual philosophies, exercise from fitness methodologies, cold showers from alternative medicine ideas.

20. I'm grateful for being able to remember smells and tastes from some of my favorite foods.

21. I'm grateful to realize I'm not that good with remembering smells and tastes to a hyper-realistic degree, and I'm grateful for looking forward to training these senses.

22. I'm grateful that I've experienced the paranormal in my childhood, and the spirit hadn't killed me.

23. I'm grateful that Leo's video on reproduction made me hyper-aware of my life purpose, that I'm currently re-evaluating my impact I want to have.

24. I'm grateful that I've caught myself agreeing to Leo's claim too much because I don't quite like the idea of having kids, family, a wife, and this I feel is the next challenge I might have to either overcome or accept.

25. I'm grateful that I wasn't born with severe schizophrenia, that I might have only a minor case of hearing some voices, and that I had come across imaginary beings, a few being my friends, and one is incredibly helpful, kind and patiently hears out all my bullshit.

26.  I'm grateful for having so much bullshit in myself, and my life that it makes it worthwhile to do personal development work.

27. I'm grateful that I've come across actualized.org in the youtube recommendations.

28. I'm grateful that this website is of high quality and that I was treated fairly, and I am grateful that a few here demonstrated patience and fairness that other people in my culture won't have, and having actualized.org videos in my subconscious mind.

29. I'm grateful for discovering NLP and being able to trigger enough curiosity in me to contemplate in greater detail and helping out a few users here with some of their problems.

30. I'm grateful that I can start some new year resolutions.

31. Happy new year, everybody!

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