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Beginner Mind

Living in Awe of the Mystery

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Lately I've been struck with the realization that existence is quite amazing and mysterious.  An obvious conclusion for most people here, I'm sure.  But not so obvious for me, as I have tended to be absorbed in the drama of life, focusing on my unsatisfied desires and sense of lack and the negative feelings that accompany that.  I find that snapping myself out of this funk by reconnecting with the sense of awe, brings me some peace.

I used to think I knew so much: "Life is predetermined, there is no free will, everything is Consciousness."  Various spiritual concepts I've picked up along the way.  I'm beginning to think I may be better off discarding them all, and simply resting with the sense of "I don't know".

Is this a viable way to live... Not knowing and simply living in awe of the mystery?  Or is it inevitable that we accumulate concepts and formulate beliefs?

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30 minutes ago, Beginner Mind said:

I used to think I knew so much: "Life is predetermined, there is no free will, everything is Consciousness."  Various spiritual concepts I've picked up along the way.  I'm beginning to think I may be better off discarding them all, and simply resting with the sense of "I don't know".

They don't hold any value when blindly believing them, they are just pointers along the way. Like road signs, you don't pick them up and bring them with you.

They show the way to existence itself.

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37 minutes ago, WelcometoReality said:

They don't hold any value when blindly believing them, they are just pointers along the way. Like road signs, you don't pick them up and bring them with you.

They show the way to existence itself.

Where do these concepts lead you to?  Is there an ultimate Understanding that is beyond concepts?

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16 minutes ago, Beginner Mind said:

Where do these concepts lead you to?  Is there an ultimate Understanding that is beyond concepts?

They lead you to right where you are, in awe of existence itself. The ultimate understanding is that you are everything. Not a separate person experiencing it but existence experiencing itself.

Edited by WelcometoReality

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