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If Life has No Meaning, Why Repetetive Numbers?

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  I am always seeing repetitve numbers, every day. Numbers such: 111. 222. 333. 444. 555. 777. 888. 999. 

  Apparently, all of them have a meaning. These are universe's signs and communications. 

  If life is meaningless, why am I seeing this numbers?

- Am I misunderstanding something? What does this actually mean?

Digital Minimalism: A philosophy of technology use in which you focus your online time on a small number of carefully selected and optimized activities that strongly support things you value, and then happily miss out on everything else.” - Cal Newport

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6 minutes ago, Rasheed said:

  I am always seeing repetitve numbers, every day. Numbers such: 111. 222. 333. 444. 555. 777. 888. 999. 

  Apparently, all of them have a meaning. These are universe's signs and communications. 

  If life is meaningless, why am I seeing this numbers?

- Am I misunderstanding something? What does this actually mean?

if you will pay attention to what numbers you see, you will see that you see what you want to see. 

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You make the meaning. This is not a dismissal of the meaning, it's quite the opposite. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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34 minutes ago, Rasheed said:

 Apparently, all of them have a meaning. 

  If life is meaningless, why am I seeing these numbers?

You are assigning meaning and then asking how it can be meaningless within a thought loop. 

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30 minutes ago, purerogue said:

if you will pay attention to what numbers you see, you will see that you see what you want to see. 

I do not agree with that. Repetetive numbers means: Universe is sending  signs and guiding individual.

18 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

You make the meaning. This is not a dismissal of the meaning, it's quite the opposite. 

How am I making the meaning? I did not even know what repetitive numbers meant, when I first started seeing them. I researched it and I found out, what it actually meant.

After finding out the meanings, everything fitted perfectly. 

Digital Minimalism: A philosophy of technology use in which you focus your online time on a small number of carefully selected and optimized activities that strongly support things you value, and then happily miss out on everything else.” - Cal Newport

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4 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

You are assigning meaning and then asking how it can be meaningless within a thought loop. 

As I said above, I can't agree with that.

I researched it. I did not know what it they meant at first (0 meaning). After the research and study. I found the answers. (Meaning) 

Therefore I am asking: Why is universe communicating 1111 for example while spiritual awakening, if life is meaningless?

Digital Minimalism: A philosophy of technology use in which you focus your online time on a small number of carefully selected and optimized activities that strongly support things you value, and then happily miss out on everything else.” - Cal Newport

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1 minute ago, Rasheed said:

I do not agree with that. Repetetive numbers means: Universe is sending  signs and guiding individual.

How am I making the meaning? I did not even know what repetitive numbers meant, when I first started seeing them. I researched it and I found out, what it actually meant.

After finding out the meanings, everything fitted perfectly. 

If you honestly will say that you did not look for meaning, then there could be interesting conversation, but only in case if you really did not look for there to be meaning in life, I do not mean specifically numbers, just desire for there to be meaning. 

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5 minutes ago, purerogue said:

If you honestly will say that you did not look for meaning, then there could be interesting conversation, but only in case if you really did not look for there to be meaning in life, I do not mean specifically numbers, just desire for there to be meaning. 

I think you are misunderstanding me or I am not making a clear point...I did not look for meaning. I did the research and the meaning found me, so to speak. 

You can look up videos where people are explaining, the meanings behind these numbers. Books are written about this stuff...

Digital Minimalism: A philosophy of technology use in which you focus your online time on a small number of carefully selected and optimized activities that strongly support things you value, and then happily miss out on everything else.” - Cal Newport

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its 30 min long but this video discusses this I believe

i like to think of the phenomenon as the divine connecting with the self, letting you know a change/shift is in the happening (3D-5D baby), allow yourself to accept and be present ? 

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6 minutes ago, DrewNows said:

i like to think of the phenomenon as the divine connecting with the self, letting you know a change/shift is in the happening (3D-5D baby), allow yourself to accept and be present ? 

I think of this as letting go of attachments, many aspects of the self unraveling and the choice in reality becomes apparent, separation or integration 

Edited by DrewNows

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2 minutes ago, DrewNows said:

I think of this as letting go of attachments, many aspects of the self unraveling and the choice in reality becomes apparent 

I will watch the video. Thanks. 

I researche it and what I got is that, it universe communicating. Depends on the sign. Every sign has different meaning. Generally, it means synchronicity, but it even goes deeper. 

When individual is doing positive things, certain numbers will come up. If vice versa, certain other numbers will show up.

I can verify this from my direct experience. 

This is not like, some religious preaching from the priest, two blocks away...:D

Digital Minimalism: A philosophy of technology use in which you focus your online time on a small number of carefully selected and optimized activities that strongly support things you value, and then happily miss out on everything else.” - Cal Newport

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31 minutes ago, Rasheed said:

I researched it. I did not know what it they meant at first (0 meaning). After the research and study. I found the answers. (Meaning) 

Therefore I am asking: Why is universe communicating 1111 for example while spiritual awakening, if life is meaningless?

The external research part is irrelevant. By accepting the meaning you read about, you are assigning meaning. Someone else could read the same thing and say it was meaningless.

If a person reads a book on numerology and accepts the meaning portrayed in the book, that person is assigning meaning. There is no external, objective, universal meaning. You are assigning the meaning. 

Someone could easily answer your question by saying the repeating numbers are meaningless and consistent with a meaningless life. A person needs to add in meaning to create an inconsistency. It doesn’t matter if the meaning created was read in a book or spontaneously arose in your mind.

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2 minutes ago, Rasheed said:

I think you are misunderstanding me or I am not making a clear point...I did not look for meaning. I did the research and the meaning found me, so to speak. 

You can look up videos where people are explaining, the meanings behind these numbers. Books are written about this stuff...

K I see, I do not want to make any claims of meaning , or no meaning, but there are mind tricks that could be at play, again , I am not making claims there to be.

But it is completely possible that you just had day where you saw thous combinations more often then usually, so your mind took notice of it and it started to notice these combinations more as it was where your attention was at.

I have fair share of such situations too and with different things each time, tricky thing,

What I would say is pay attention to numbers you see and check if thous combinations really accrue  so often, or you are just paying attention to them more often then other numbers. 

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9 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

The external research part is irrelevant. By accepting the meaning you read about, you are assigning meaning. Someone else could read the same thing and say it was meaningless.

If a person reads a book on numerology and accepts the meaning portrayed in the book, that person is assigning meaning. There is no external, objective, universal meaning. You are assigning the meaning. 

Someone could easily answer your question by saying the repeating numbers are meaningless and consistent with a meaningless life. A person needs to add in meaning to create an inconsistency. It doesn’t matter if the meaning created was read in a book or spontaneously arose in your mind.

What you say it makes sense...BUT this is actually real. This is not something like, earth is sitting on two elephants, turtles and monkeys. I can verify from the direct experience that this meanings are actually legit. I did not tried to give them meaning. Meanings was proved to me by my own direct experience. 

This is happening for over thousands of years. Ancient people had this phenomenon too.

10 minutes ago, purerogue said:

K I see, I do not want to make any claims of meaning , or no meaning, but there are mind tricks that could be at play, again , I am not making claims there to be.

But it is completely possible that you just had day where you saw thous combinations more often then usually, so your mind took notice of it and it started to notice these combinations more as it was where your attention was at.

I have fair share of such situations too and with different things each time, tricky thing,

What I would say is pay attention to numbers you see and check if thous combinations really accrue  so often, or you are just paying attention to them more often then other numbers. 

Cool. That can be the case, but from my experience,that's not. When I am aligned with my true self, doing positive things, raising my vibration, there are certain numbers which pop. If I do exact opposite, other numbers show up. So from my own experience, that's not the case. Can you understand what I am saying? This are like message, which are suppose to guide an individual...

Digital Minimalism: A philosophy of technology use in which you focus your online time on a small number of carefully selected and optimized activities that strongly support things you value, and then happily miss out on everything else.” - Cal Newport

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@Rasheed When you are in alignment, numbers align, stars align, it's all you. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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4 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

@Rasheed When you are in alignment, numbers align, stars align, it's all you. 

Yes. I agree. That's why numbers show up. They have a meaning. They are here to help. They are here to guide. Universe is communicating...

That is what 11:11 is about.

Edited by Rasheed

Digital Minimalism: A philosophy of technology use in which you focus your online time on a small number of carefully selected and optimized activities that strongly support things you value, and then happily miss out on everything else.” - Cal Newport

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@Rasheed Gifts and scavenger hunt notes from you to you. When I was little my sister and I used to love hiding little animals and toys in the sand for us to forget about and discover later. This is your/God's sandbox. If you can get a lot of time in nature it's the most amazing breeding ground for those sort of gifts or reminders. :) 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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19 minutes ago, Rasheed said:

What you say it makes sense...BUT this is actually real. This is not something like, earth is sitting on two elephants, turtles and monkeys. I can verify from the direct experience that this meanings are actually legit. I did not tried to give them meaning. Meanings was proved to me by my own direct experience. 

This is your relative meaning you are assigning. I’m not saying it isn’t true for you. It clearly is. You are resonating with something. The problem comes when a person conflates relative meaning as objective, universal meaning. 

As well, it is easy to conflate direct experience of eternal Now with a contextualized experience. Direct experience is occurring Now, what you are describing is contextualized experience from a construct of a “past”. People do this all the time, yet are unaware of what they are doing. Without this awareness, it is easy to get immersed into thinking the contextualized experience is the one true contextualization. This is part of the human experience. The lack of awareness can make it feel like the movie being created is real. This magic trick can be a lot of fun. It can also cause confusion and inner turmoil.

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16 minutes ago, Rasheed said:

What you say it makes sense...BUT this is actually real. This is not something like, earth is sitting on two elephants, turtles and monkeys. I can verify from the direct experience that this meanings are actually legit. I did not tried to give them meaning. Meanings was proved to me by my own direct experience. 

This is happening for over thousands of years. Ancient people had this phenomenon too.

Cool. That can be the case, but from my experience,that's not. When I am aligned with my true self, doing positive things, raising my vibration, there are certain numbers which pop. If I do exact opposite, other numbers show up. So from my own experience, that's not the case. Can you understand what I am saying? This are like message, which are suppose to guide an individual...

I understand what you mean, my personal advice would  be stay away from synchronicities.

Edited by purerogue

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This is confirmation bias. You believe repeating numbers have meaning, so when you see them you take that as proof that they are there for a reason and have some inherent meaning. When you see numbers that aren't repeating you just ignore them. You could check for yourself if this is actually happening or if it's in your mind. Every time you check the time throughout the day, write it down. There are 12 repeating times throughout the day : 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55, 11:11 AM and PM. There is 1440 different possible times. So if after checking the time 100 times you get repeating numbers once or twice it is probably random chance and you should try to understand that maybe you are seeing these numbers because you are looking for them. Not saying that there is no meaning in them, just that it may be you that is giving them meaning and not God or the universe.

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