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Why do I see yellowish or greenish after meditation? (It lasts 1 min)

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After i meditate my eyes are very sensitive and i see little bit different for ~1min. Is it because it simply reduced blood pressure and heart rate? Have somebody ever been in this situation?

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@ShardMare When I open my eyes after a long meditation session I see a yellowish pattern (diamond shaped) over my entire visual spectrum. It's pretty freaky, but goes away after a few minutes. I haven't really thought anything of it or mentioned it to anyone but am now curious if someone knows what this is...?

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I get a feint greenish colour when I close my eyes, mostly noticeable in bed at night which moves around - I haven't noticed a link with meditation but I'll try and find out. I don't often have complete utter blackness when I'm in a dark room. I just assumed it was a background visual "white noise", like an optical tinnitus or what the Zen people call makyo. 

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