
What points of your self actualization journey stand out to you as most significant?

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Just curious on the different people's journey's here, what moments stood out that you feel were game changers and really took you to the next level in things..

For me, as I bet alot of people do that get into personal development, one book opened the doors to other topics, things I realized I could improve on and understand, and I did this for a good couple of years. But for me looking back, it was over the top and I was being neurotic and a perfectionist, at times had the feeling of I would never get to the point of being where I needed/wanted to be.  Too much to work on, heal, etc. Eventually came across and read "Subtle Art of not Giving a f**k" and it actually really helped me get over my perfectionism, really helped change my perspective in that area. There were alot of good points in that book but the concept of "you are only doing the best you can do at your current level of awareness" was something I really needed to hear and at that moment changed everything for me. Very much my outlook and ability to love myself for where I am. ? 

Also, just these past couple months I cannot even believe how much anxiety has reduced in my life just by taking time to fully feel my emotions and be able to let go of them.  That has seriously been a life changer, it feels like so much weight has been lifted off me and I am able to live so much more in the present, enjoy spending time with people more, more confident,  comfortable etc. It's a huge difference from before I started doing that. 

Also, discovering actualized.org of course ? biggest game changer of them all.


Edited by aklacor727

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Hands down, Leo's Life Purpose Course. There are many books I've read and courses I have been to that have shifted my perspective and helped me grow on this path, but the Life Purpose course showed me how to find my values. This has given me a base from which the rest of my personal development has flowed. Before, I was all over the place and things didn't really click for me when it came to having a direction. I knew I had a life purpose but had no idea how to discover it, and that was causing me a lot of suffering. I still suffer a lot now, haha, but things are different now, I have a track that I am on. 

I’m a trauma-informed spiritual mentor. Follow me on Instagram.


I also have a meditation available that teaches you how to connect to your heart:



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@Flowerfaeiry really? I've wanted to take that but haven't because I do already have a career I'm satisfied in so I'm not sure if it'd be overkill for me, but it seems like it would be very helpful for personal purpose and direction as well? 

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For me it is the below which is Step 3 of my 12 Step recovery programme.

Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.

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2 hours ago, aklacor727 said:

It seems like it would be very helpful for personal purpose and direction as well? 

Yes! 100%

I’m a trauma-informed spiritual mentor. Follow me on Instagram.


I also have a meditation available that teaches you how to connect to your heart:



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@aklacor727 Got depressed about 3-4 years ago, I was 19, and after a year I finally got sick of it and it took action and completely transformed my life. Took my about 2 weeks to feel better than i had ever felt, and I thought i was done with personal development because i felt so amazing.

Fast forward 6 months from that point, I reverted back to many pre-depression behaviors and life kinda went back to being dull. Started watching Leo's videos and started a meditation habit about 2.5 years ago. 

Now, i'm about 4 months into using this forum religiously and I feel like i'm close to a breakthrough like I was when i overcame depression.

The key for me, and maybe for others too, is going to into your deep inner pain. Most of us are running from something within ourselves. If you feel restless or irritable just sitting down and being then you likely have something within you are not facing.

Go into the pain and accept without judgement, practice unconditional presence, and I think on the other side is love.

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49 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

The key for me, and maybe for others too, is going to into your deep inner pain. Most of us are running from something within ourselves. If you feel restless or irritable just sitting down and being then you likely have something within you are not facing.

@Raptorsin7 I 100% agree. If I could only give one piece of advice to anyone for how to live a happy life it would honestly be this. 

For me, only after being in a toxic back and forth friendship for 5 years, (what actually brought me to personal development in the first place) did I realize that I was in that cycle  and those dynamics because of what was unresolved and healed in myself.   So thankful for being able to rise above that, and like you, get out of my depression and move on to a happier more conscious path


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@aklacor727 My first mystical experience. The first experience of not being the "I". This changed everything for me- career, sexuality, who I was, what I was on this earth for. 

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The realisation that I'm all in in this life and I would rather die trying to make it awesome than just live the average life.


Also I'm realising more and more how subjective everything is and how hard it is to find out what is the most true in any circumstance. 


And the realisation that I need to follow my heart more than my mind. That I need to guide myself and not do what others or I for that matter think is right.



All those are slow processes though and not single aha moments

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3 hours ago, Shroomdoctor said:

The realisation that I'm all in in this life and I would rather die trying to make it awesome than just live the average life.

@Surfingthewave definitely a recipe for a good life ?

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Having sex for the first time with a guy, and seeing how afraid I was/am to open up to love.  

Also, coming home for Christmas this year and seeing how much more resilient and quick I am at overcoming previously very difficult emotions.  Took about 2ish years since first seeing Leo's video to get here, but noticing the growth in that short period is motivating me to continue to meditate and do self-inquiry.

"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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To me meditation has increased my level of consciousness a lot and lately I see the big changes that appeared after having years of plateau's. 

Meditations has learned me to reflect more consciously, discover thinking traps, beliefs, reactions, etc. 

Combined with spiritual teachings this created a sense of understanding about how we function as human beings in reaction to ourselves and our environment.

All of this makes me feel at peace now that I live alone and it feels very good.


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When I was 20 years old after 1st year poli-sci uni, I took a trip to Spain and Morocco and read various books (On the road by Jack Kerouac was one) and decided not to go back to Uni when I returned to Canada, to focus on my IT Support business.  That was a big step.  My family was opposed to the idea (now that I'm a successful global entrepreneur with a growing company, they get it)

Between 20 and 25, I kept on coming back to Europe whenever I could.  I ended up falling in love with Serbia, so at 25 I moved here from Canada for the first time to be a musician and follow my cultural-artistic dreams and date eastern european women.  My family again did not approve, but now since they saw that moving here was how i developed my global vision for my company, now they get it.

You need to follow your own heart and path and calling, despite what others say, and for those of us stubborn enough to do it, the rewards are great.

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Take pieces from diff sources. Think for yourself. For me, I started out in a interesting place. I don't know how else to put it. There's a lot of loss. I have seen darkness. I am not shocked when I see chaos. There's nothing but an alternative thereafter. There's a push from self actualization that helps transcend the darkness. I have lost so many loved ones from family and friends. I ask, what's the alternative?

The process has transcended my dating life, social circle, poverty, fitness, and lifestyle. Its always a struggle. Its never easy. PURPOSE is the driving force.

I can't take possessions or resources with me. I have learned that value of life experience and leaving no stone unturned. We're all afraid. There's death looming at every corner. We're burdened by loss or risk of failure. I keep asking, what's the alternative?

I know my true north. I am searching for something. What would make this life worth the price of admission?

Bruce Lee once said, immortality is in living a life worth remembering.
Start here!

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