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what is the postive relationship with collective ego?

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Introvert, Im not good at talk with stranger, schoomate group and party people.

and there is quite ego topic that I don't feel that I want to talk about it. 

plus I think they are not offensive and just make friends.

good or bad? I make an excuse that I don't want to talk about it becoz it's too ego, actually, that topic is for survival. 

so what is your way to face collective ego?

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I'm not sure if I understand you correctly. 

Are you saying the people you want to be friends with only talk about topics which you think are "low" or shallow or egotistical?  And you're wondering how to solve the balance between making friends versus not being around toxic people?  


"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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19 minutes ago, Matt23 said:

I'm not sure if I understand you correctly. 

Are you saying the people you want to be friends with only talk about topics which you think are "low" or shallow or egotistical?  And you're wondering how to solve the balance between making friends versus not being around toxic people?  



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I'm struggling with this at the moment as well.

I'd say it may depend on what's your priority?  If it's creating relationships, allow yourself to go out, explore, and make "mistakes".  Maybe after a while of socializing, you'll discover you'd rather do different things, or maybe that there are only a handful of people you like.  Or maybe you start to like socializing and explore it deeper.

In my opinion, a few good friends is better than many shallow friends, and we don't need many.  Even 1 or 2 close relationships can make a huge difference.  

Don't be afraid to express your true opinions and interests.  It's what let's people know who you are and what you stand for.  It also helps deter people who aren't your type.

Watch your judgements.  If you're judging too much it may be hard to create relationships.  Realize that many or most people won't be into spirituality.  You may need to find friends at meditation groups etc.

Listen to yourself.  If you mostly feel negative around a group, leave. 

Try to find people who inspire and excite you and who make you feel loved and appreciated.  


Good luck

"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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On 2019/12/26 at 2:32 AM, Matt23 said:

I'm struggling with this at the moment as well.

I have long time to not enter this forum to see what people reply to me, like you. Because I am afriad that my question is very kid. 

everytime I come back with brave and read the answers that I feel people are respect and truely to answer my question.  so I feel release. 

Coz I want to say Thank you. 


On 2019/12/26 at 2:32 AM, Matt23 said:

1. I'd say it may depend on what's your priority? 

2. A few good friends is better than many shallow friends.

3. Don't be afraid to express your true opinions and interests. 

4. Watch your judgements. 

5. Listen to yourself. 

6. Try to find right people.

Helping others with same problems that I also have, is the best way to help myself.

This is what I find from you. you have lots ideas and many aspects to answer my problem. 

The difference is, you have many ideas that I never think about, like, 1, 4, 6. and other opinions are what I afriad to think of. 

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