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The Spiritual Miracle - Taken from direct experience

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And if the human existence wasn't enough of a miracle.

I take myself back to the old days. The glorious supernatural spiritual realm. The things which I experienced. Impossible. Illogical. Yet it all happened. Having my head spinned around. Seeing energy everywhere and in everything. How I became the energy itself. How I could take in energy from everything. How I could give out energy to everything.

The birds, oh the birds. How they would communicate directly with me. The sun and moon. How they would mysticaly communicate with me. The earth, how I could experience it moving around in this glorious universe.

The out of body experiences. How my soul and spirit disconnected and left my body. How I could, as the soul made out of pure light, look at my body, myself asleep. While I, awareness, was fully awake. Just looking at my body sleep.

The Astral projection. I remember, dreaming extremely vividly. I saw this baby cat. Just looking at it. Then her mother came and she went with her, leaving with them pure love which penetrated my very soul.

When I meet God Himself. How He came to me with all His Might and Godhood. So Supreme, I couldn’t look. So Supreme, I had to have my face turned away. How He breated His Divine Love into me. And how I just cried instantly, how I cried instantly...

And much much more...

And I say, if the human existence wasn't enough of a miracle.

The materialist, atheist scientific minded paradigm... Annihilated. Burned away from me by the Divine light of reality.





And I say, if the human existence wasn't enough of a miracle.

Edited by Highest

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