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Mindfulness before Awakening?

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Hi. Do you guys know if it´s usual that people who get Enlightened, usually "beforehand" they go through a time of living in intense mindfulness?

Or the basic consensus is that it comes with a "boom" so strong and clear that you never go back to identification with mind/body/thoughts?


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I doubt it's the second one. The only way to be in permemnant nonduality state is to be in permenant meditation. One has to become the meditation itself, has to merge with his system that he follows. It has permiate every second, every breath of your life. Then it becomes permenant transformation.

Like mooji says, I'm not seperste from my teaching. I am the teaching, I and my teaching is the same thing.

Jesus sayed something similar, He sayed "I am the way and the truth and the life.'' Same thing like mooji.

Papaji was asked: "you always talk about being vigilent, but do you have to be vigilent?

Papaji: To my very last breath"

But there is a stage beyond effort. Where you don't have to try to be aware. You're just yourself always. But you don't reach this stage without going through the first one.


Edited by Salvijus

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Both is possible. But a lot of inquirie an self-reflection is needed in most cases

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4 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

Hi. Do you guys know if it´s usual that people who get Enlightened, usually "beforehand" they go through a time of living in intense mindfulness?

Or the basic consensus is that it comes with a "boom" so strong and clear that you never go back to identification with mind/body/thoughts?


Yes. It would not be unusual to awaken to mindfulness prior to self realization. Like a knowing of oneness...prior to the collapse of all the duality of mind. 



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